Hi Guys,
OK so this is my first ever fan cast so be gentle ;-)
Basically, I wanted to get actors that are hands down the same ethnicity as all of the characters. I have based my decisions on that first off and then looks. Also, rather than choosing actors who are great martial artists (and don't get me wrong there are some), I figured that most of them would be able to be taught martial arts as it has been done before e.g. The Matrix, Kill Bill and most superhero movies such as Nolan's Batman series. Finally, I wanted to chose actors who haven't played a video game character before.
Anyway, have a look below and I hope you like/agree. If you have any better suggestions for the characters please feel free to comment as I think it's about time that the Street Fighter series was done some serious justice.
Also, one thing to note is that all of the actors chosen are around the age that I think each of the characters are. Again, feel free to comment if you disagree and have a better choice.
Thanks and Hope you enjoy!
Street Fighter II Series
From: Japan
Actor: Brian Tee
From: Japan

Reason: I wanted an actor that was first off Japanese and that had an athletic build. Also, I wanted them to look like a bit of a bad ass as that's how I see Ryu. You'll have seen him in Tokyo Drift.
From: USA
Actor: Mike Vogel
From: USA
Reason: Again, I wanted an American actor with that athletic look to him. Around the same age and height as Ryu's actor and here's who came to mind. Plus, he's got that comedy / cocky side to him which in my opinion is perfect for Ken. With some training, I think he would be great in the role. You'll have seen him Cloverfield.
From: USA
Actor: Jason Stathem
From: England
Reason: OK... so he's not American, but I was really reluctant to put John Cena in here. Stathem looks hard and he has the build for Guile. All he needs is that famous hair and a shave and I think we might be on to a winner. You'll have seen him in The Transporter.
Chun Li
From: China
Actor: Ziyi Zhang
From: China
Reason: I don't think I need one here to be honest. She's from China, she's hot, she could kick the sh*t out of you and she's a great actress. You'll have seen her in Crouching Tiger.
From: India
Actor: Sendhil Ramamurthy
From: USA
Reason: In my opinion he's a great actor of Indian descent. I also wasn't sure how old Dhalsim is, but I didn't want to cast an older actor... I wanted someone that would be able to handle themselves against the other characters so I haven't went for the typically skinny looking guy. You'll have seen him in Heroes.
From: Brazil
Actor: Andy Serkis & CGI
From: England
Reason: I don't think there is an actor out there who looks like Blanka... and I think that's safe to say. Because of how he moves i.e. crouched over, Andy Serkis came straight to mind. He's motion capture work as Gollum, King Kong and Ceasar in the new Planet of the Apes movie shows that he is more than capable of pulling this off and he can be really savage just like Blanka should be.
From: Russia
Actor: Conan Stevens
From: Australia
Reason: There aren't many 7 feet Russian actors out there so this is another one who isn't from the same country as their character. Stephen's is a stunt man, 7 feet and built like a brick sh*t house. He may not be the best actor in the world, but I see Zangief as being a dumb brut with not much dialogue, hence my choice here. You'll have seen him in Game of Thrones.
E. Honda
From: Japan
Actor: Akebono
From: Hawaii
Reason: Kind of the same reasoning as above. Not many Sumo sized actors out there so although I was reluctant to use wrestlers and real fighters I thought that Akebono would be able to do the job. I don't see him having much dialogue as Zangief so that's my reasoning... plus he's around 400lbs, the same as Honda.
From: Thailand
Actor: Shane Rangi
From: New Zealand
Reason: Sagat is over 7feet and from Thailand... that just doesn't happen. So, why not look for someone who has a look of Asian in them and is one big son of a bitch. Let me introduce you to Shane Rangi. He's worked on LOTR as an Uru Khai and on Chronicles of Narnia as a Minotaur. He's big, he can act (kind of) and he's not Nathan Jones.
From: Spain
Actor: Oscar Jaenada
From: Spain
Reason: I wanted a real Latin actor for this role, plus I wanted some one who was handsome and could act as vein as what Vega is. Jaenada came straight to mind. A little training in Ninjitsu and some make up work and a shave and I think we've found our Vega. You'll have seen him in The Losers.
From: USA
Actor: Bob Sapp
From: USA
Reason: I'm torn on this one. To me... Bob Sapp looks like Balrog should. Big as hell and think as pig sh*t. That's my only reason for casting him. You'll have seen him in Elecktra.
M. Bison
From: Unknown
Sly Stallone
From: USA
Reason: I see Bison as being a lot older than the other characters. He's big and menacing and has a jaw that looks like a tombstone, that's why Sly came to mind. Have a look, there is a slight comparison there don't you think? Plus, Bison's nationality is unknown so I think it's safe to go with a white actor for the role.
Super Street Fighter II Series
From: England
Actor: Rosamund Pike
From: England
Reason: She's beautiful, she's fit, she has a real English accent and I'm sure with some training she could make a great Cammy. You'll have seen her in Die Another Day.
Fei Long
From: Hong Kong
Actor: Danny Chan
From: Hong Kong
Reason: Fei Long is Bruce Lee. Danny Chan played Bruce Lee (several times). Ergo, Danny Chan is Fei Long! Plus he's from Hong Kong and is trained in Jeet Kun Do! You'll have seen him in Shaolin Soccer.
From: USA (Native)
Actor: Jason Momoa
From: Hawaii
Reason: Although he may not be Native, he's the closet thing to a 'decent' actor that I could find. He's also not more than 7 foot, but he's big and he's built, and I'm sure he could more than handle the fight training that he would get to get into the role. You'll have seen him in Conan The Barbarian.
Dee Jay
From: Jamaica
Actor: Rampage Jackson
From: USA
Reason: I really struggled on this one to be honest. I chose Jackson because of his ability in kick boxing and he has some acting under his belt. I think he has the look but that's it really. Any suggestions are welcome.
Alpha Series
From: Unknown (presumably Japan)
Actor: Ken Watanabe
From: Japan
Reason: Wanted a slightly older Japanese actor who can kick ass and look frightening and Watanabe came to mind. I didn't want him much older the Ryu and Ken, but I wanted him to look like he could hold himself against both of them when it came down to it.
You'll have seen him in The Last Samurai
From: Hong Kong
Actor: Stephen Chow
From: Hong Kong
Reason: Chow is hilarious, as is Dan in my opinion. He's a comedy actor, playing a comedy character and he is also from Hong Kong and could beat the shit out of you. He may not look much like Dan, but I think he could pull it off. You'll have seen him in Kung Fu Hustle.
From: Japan
Actor: Chiaki Kuruyama
From: Japan
Reason: Come on? Japanese school girl who can handle her own? Although she may have played a mentalist in Kill Bill, I can see how she would pull off the cute side that Sakura has. You'll have seen her in Kill Bill.
From: USA
Actor: Luke Hemsworth
From: Australia
Reason: I wanted an actor who could mirror Stathem, but look a little prettier (if that makes sense). To me Guile is tough and Charlie is like is softer counter part, although still clearly able to handle himself. I chose Luke Hemsworth as I think he looks the part and like his brother he will be able to build himself up. He hasn't done any big screen acting, but was nearly chosen to play Thor so I reckon this could be his chance.
From: Italy
Actor: Maria Grazia Cucinotta
From: Italy
Reason: I wanted a beautiful Italian actress for this role, who was also slightly older. Rose's fighting style is 'Soul Power' so I see her as more of a magician so I think Maria would be able to pull this off. She hasn't been in anything huge but she has been in a bond movie so she's been around action before. You'll have seen her in The World Is Not Enough.
From: USA
Actor: Cam Gigandet
From: USA
Reason: I wanted some slightly younger for this role and I think Gigandet fits the parts. He's ripped, he can fight (dirty), he's American and he's a decent actor. You'll have seen him in Never Back Down
From: USA
Actor: Sean Faris
From: USA
Reason: When I thought of Gigandet for Cody, I thought that his co-star from Never Back Down, Sean Faris would be perfect for Guy. Again, he's ripped, he can fight, he's American and he's a decent actor. Plus him and Gigandet would have a great chemistry on screen I think.
From: Thailand
Actor: Tony Jaa
From: Thailand
Reason: A Muay Thai champion from Thailand... need I really say more? You'll have seen him in Ong Bak
From: USA
Actor: Michael Fassbender
From: Ireland
Reason: I wanted someone who could pull off the role of an army gentleman who could pull your head off. Fassbender has shown that he can not only pull off the military role but also (Band of Brothers and Inglorious Basterds), he can handle his action as well. Plus, he's a great actor. You'll have seen him in X-Men: First Class.
And that's it guys... hope you like.