First off Superman Returns was a very good movie but not perfect and this is how I think a Superman movie should be made.
The opening scene starts off with a pre apocolyptic Krypton where Krypton's head scientist Jor El discovers that the planet they live on is about to end and everyone on it will die. Jor El informs the people in the Kryptonian govern ment about his discovery and that they need to think of a way to continue the Kryptonian race. Jor El leaves to his home where his wife Laura and his infant son Kal El are and Jor El tells his wife the news about his discovery. After a long digussion he looks over at his son and he remembers a small high tech space ship that he built as a science project and realizes that he would pt his infant son in the space ship and send him to a peaceful planet billions of miles away.
The next scene has a middle aged couple named Jonathan and Martha Kent who hear a loud rumbling sound outside of their house. Jonathan and Martha go out to see what it was and they find a crater with what looks like a space ship and they look inside and find a young boy inside. Jonathan and Martha report their find to the police and decide to adopt the boy as their own son since they have no children and name this boy Clark.
Skip ahead about 13 years and Clark is starting to feel funny and has exerted superhuman strength and speed he wants to know why this is happening so Jonathan takes him to the barn where there is a secret hatch in the ground and inside this hatch is a space ship and Jonathan tells Clark that he is from another world. Jonathan then gives Clark a crystal that was in Clarks hand when they found him.
Clark is observing this crystal and then a bright flash of light occurs and he is now in the Arctic and the crystal is on the ground. The crystal starts to shine and Clark hears a rumbling and suddenly a huge ice fortress pops out of the ground. Inside this fortress Clark hears a loud voice that tells him about his origin , where he is from, and what happened to the world he is from. After this conversation the voice introduces its self and tells Clark tht he is his father Jor El.
You next find Clark years later he is an adult and he finds this cloth that was in his space ship and he then gets his mom to sew together an indestructible suit just in case he needed it to help people. Clark starts to look for a job and he ends up at the local newspaper company the Daily Planet where he meets the bossy editor Perry White and the timid young photographer Jimmy Olsen. At the planet he gets the job and meets a young reporter named Lois Lane and he soon falls in love with her but she barely knows he exists.While reporting Clark meets a younger businessman named Lex Luthor who is the Chairman of a tech company called LexCorp. Lex and Clark get along well but Clark knows that there is something very wrong with Lex.
Days later Clark is sent to a crime ridden part of town to report and Clark rescues a woman who is being mugged but then leaves so that she cant see him.
Clark feels great about what he has done and puts on the suit that his mom made and goes out to fight crime. Meanwhile in another part of the world a portal tears open and a mysterious man with powers that resemble Clarks then he starts to destroy everything in his path.
The Daily Planet is in a buzz because of this new crime fighter tht they call Superman.That night Superman is on patrol and he spots Lois on the in an alley and there is a gang stalking her so Clark swoops down and defeats the thugs and Lois thanks him and then he allows her to interview him and he tells her about his story. Meanwhile Lex Luthor is in his office and is frustrated by this new crime fighter that is taking his power over the town he feels that the people don't need him anymore so he then begins to hate this Superman.
In the next town this mysterious man begins to destroy anyone who doesn't do what he says which is bow down and worship him he eventually levels the whole town and finds a newspaper that has a picture of Superman and the article says OUR SAVIOR so this man heads to Metropolis to find this so called Superman.
Soon aferwards this mysterman arrives at the local television broadcast company and tells them to put him on TV and he goes on and tells Superman to show himself so he can fight him and destroy all hope for this planet. Clark sees this and goes goes to meet this man and Lois follows Superman to where the fight is going to happen. When Superman arrives this man tells Clark that he read the interview about Superman's story and reveals his identity. This man tells Clark that his name is Zod an army General from the same planet that Clark is from then he tells Clark that a man named Jor El sent him into a prison for the universe's worst criminals. Superman and Zod then engage in climactic battle.
While Zod and Superman are fighting Lex Luthor watches as this new savior is being beaten by this threat hoping that Superman will die while destroying this threat and Lex could then rescue the city from anarchy and total destruction.
Zod gets the upper hand in the fight beating Superman to a pulp and then Lois shows up and gets Zod's attention Zod sees that Superman cares for this woman and Zod plans to kill her in front of him and then kill Superman after a little bit of torture of course. Zod grabs Lois then suddenly Superman uses his speed to break both of Zod's legs and then grabs Zod around the waist and flies to the ice fortress in the Arctic that Clark calls the Fortress of Solitude.
Superman throws Zod into the fortress and beats him a little more and then a to the prison that Zod came from opens up and Clark pushes him into the portal.
Superman goes back to Metropolis to inform the public what he did to Zod and tells them that Zod will never return to this city or anywhere else. Superman goes to console Lois and tells her to stay safe and then flies away. Lois and the rest of the city fall in love with their new hero. You see Superman flying over Metropolis as everyone watches him fly into the sky.
The End
After the credits you see a large space ship approaching Earth and a mysterious entity says I have found you Kal El the Last son of Krypton(it is Brainiac).
Brandon Routh-Superman/Clark Kent

I am a big supporter of a Routhboot I thought he was a great Superman just look at him he looks like Supes.
Lois Lane-Rachel McAdams
I think she is a very good choice for Lois I think she pull off the role with ease.
Lex Luthor-Garret Hedlund
If you have ever seen the movie Death Sentence yo know that Hedlund plays a great villain and he is a classy actor.
Perry White-Dustin Hoffman
Hoffman is a veteran actor and I think he would pull of role very nicely and be sort of a comic relief at times.
Jimmy Olson-Anton Yelchin
Yelchin is a great youbg actor and would pull off a good timid, and sort of spunky character.
General Zod-Tom Hardy
Hardy just has an evil look about him and is a very good villain acctor I think he would be a great Zod and it would be cool to see him and Routh in fight scenes.
Jonathan Kent-Stephen Collins
Collins is good at being a good father like he was on 7th Heaven yes I did watch that show when it was on.
Martha Kent-Meryl Streep
Like Collins she is a good parent except on Mama Mia on that she wasn't a very good parent but still she would do a great job.
Jor El-Jim Caviezel
Caviezel would have been a great Superman when he was young but I think he would pull off a great Jor el he even looks a little like Routh.
Laura El- Jullianna Margulies
Margulies is a solid actress and would be a great Laura.
Brainiac-Hugo Weaving
Weaving is one of my favorite actors and is a very good villain but he would only be in part of this movie and be the main villain in the sequel.