Superman: Man Of Steel 2 script treatment by Jerel Damon

Superman: Man Of Steel 2 script treatment by Jerel Damon

The main influences for this treatment were: Peace On Earth, Superman: Four All Seasons, and Red Son.
It picks up months later from MOS and Luthor runs for President.

Thank you for reading.

By JerelKrypton - Apr 04, 2018 08:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Man Of Steel 2 Script Treatment: Superman - Written By Jerel Damon


2013, months after General Zod’s invasion Lex Luthor, leading scientist/billionaire is in his secret underground base, the location unknown. It’s the equivalent of a NASA command station, sifting through the rumble/debris looking for fragments of Kryptonian technology.  He picks out some scraps of battle armor worn by Zod’s, he is reconstructing the armor into a new suit.  He runs an electrical current through the suit and it reassembles in a glass chamber, a breakthrough. A signal blips on his radar monitor of the stars and it originates from the dark-side of the moon. Luthor prepares for take off, gearing up in a his own constructed astronaut suit and enhanced drone craft. He flies to the moon soaring from his launch pad, undetected by any satellites to investigate the signal.

He discovers many ancient alien architectures and towers. He narrows down the signal in a domed structure and activates a radio response. He’s then visited by an alien named Bertron from another dimension. His race is technologically more advanced but is small in physicality. He demands to know what is important to the people of earth. Luthor responds with "power and land", which intrigues Bertron. Not just the natural resources, the livestock as well.

Bertron wishes to conquer our planet but it needs to be completely brainwashed by their leader whom is betraying them. Luthor claims to be the smartest human being on earth. Intelligent enough to make contact with them and demands to be amongst the Gods. Bertron tells him he is still, not going to be the strongest man of the world. Luthor knows whom he is referring to, “Superman”. Bertron replies “The Kryptonian”.  Luthor seizes the opportunity to solve their common problem.

In exchange for alien technology, he will hand the earth over to Bertron, with Superman exiled or defeated in 4 years time by becoming their leader, The President of the United States. Bertron agrees and a deal is made. A device appears before them out of nowhere. Bertron tells Luthor it is a time travelling stargate, a glass monolith. He turns it on and sees flashes of multiple universes. Luthor is amazed beyond belief. 

Luthor promises Bertron that earth will be in his control and gets in his ship and heads back to his underground base, planning his greatest chess move ever. Luthor’s life mission is to defeat Superman and betray earth as a stepping stone to dominating the universe.

ACT 1:

4 years later,

The Fortress of Solitude, Superman sits on his white crystal throne, a king deep in thought. He has thousands of books on every subject known to man stacked behind him, a personal library. Superman has been educating himself over the years to better understand the human race. Superman uses his eidetic memory combined with his super-speed to learn and comprehend vast amounts of knowledge. He has the equivalent of a doctor’s/engineer degree and knows every language.

Superman is frustrated at some of the humans that resist or deny his grace. Jor-El appears “Offer help, don’t force it, Kal-El. They have to learn to elevate to a hire species. Trust through action, my son.” Superman wonders if earth will ever truly accept him and what he is trying to accomplish. He feels he has done all he can to help the world to his fullest capabilities. Jor-El reminds Superman that the humans will become dependent on him and to avoid this by showing them the path to “accomplishing wonders.” Superman’s “Peace Tour” was mostly a success and feels it’s time to retire back to Metropolis to be Clark Kent but not before pledging his allegiance to his home country, USA.   

Somalia, a firefight in the streets is raging on between UN troops and a War Lord’s personal army. Superman crashes into the War Lord’s mansion with Lois Lane in his arms. He disarms all the bodyguards and gives Lois the privacy to interview the War Lord. Superman joins the battle in the streets and subdues it in a matter of minutes. Lois asks him intimidating questions about being a mass murder and what’s his final statement before he goes to prison for life. As the UN troops walk into arrest him he coldly says “It’s too bad not every country gets the power of God” sarcastically referring to Superman and the USA.

Superman confides in Lois that he is going to focus on the US after he proposes a nuclear weapons plan to the government. Lois is on an airplane headed back to Metropolis. She is typing away on her laptop about the latest article on Superman and all the “miracles he has accomplished” over the seasons. Lois makes sure to focus on the good he has done throughout the years spent on his “Peace Tour”.

MONTAGE: A starving and impoverished village in West Africa is getting freighters containing food supplies and medicine. Kids rush him with hugs and cheers, showing Superman a drawing of him on a school building, punching alien ships. He later wrestles a lion for entertainment. He rescues sea animals from an oil spill. He waters miles of crops using freighters filled with ocean water dangling by thick anchor chains. Superman is seen walking with The Pope in Rome, a crowd of thousands has gathered, lighting the night with candles. Superman is in Chernobyl helping contain the radioactive waste that still exist. A submarine in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan fires torpedoes at Superman and he misses it without fail but sees he is unwelcome. Superman stops a warzone between two armies in the Middle East, the general’s meet in the battlefield, shaking hands, seize fire.

Iraq, General Swanwick is stationed at a command center and Superman pays him a visit. Swanwick congratulates him on the “Peace Tour” and says he’s proven his trust to the world. Superman thanks him and now asks he vouch for him as he goes before Congress. He agrees but reminds Superman that the government has agendas and may “Force his hands on Superman” one day. Superman smiles and says “I trust you’ll do what’s best for your country.” He hands the fight for peace over to Swanwick, respectfully, and takes off. US congress, Superman is approaching the podium in the middle of a meeting; The President, VP, staff, etc are all in attendance. The reaction to his visit silences the floor, half hopeful, half wary of his presence. Superman asks for permission to speak and states he has been helping the entire world for some time and they are standing on their own.

He tells the President that he will offer his services to the US specifically because he is American, raised in Kansas. To show good faith, he will support whoever the next President is in the final elections months away. But he is not a weapon for the US but a mediator to other countries in the world. He only asks for one request in return, a plan he has to rid the world of nuclear bombs, starting with the US. Overtime, he has found every countries nuke storages with his x-ray vision. This is idea met with extreme skepticism and controversy.

At that moment, Luthor appears with his security guards, a man of power and politics. Luthor endorses Superman’s plan, saying, "He is a friend to Lex Luthor." Luthor thanks Superman for all the help he’s done for the planet. This is the first time they have met although they’re completely aware of each other’s existence and reputation in the world. The smartest man soon to be president and the strongest man looking to be a civil servant. Superman thanks him for cleaning up Metropolis and Luthor arrogantly starts naming off other accomplishments, mainly technological, trying to insult Superman with intelligence. Superman acts like a gentleman and excuses himself.

Metropolis, the sun is bright and shining, the city is almost rebuilt. Metropolis has been quiet and peaceful since the events of Zod’s invasion. Tourists from all over the world visit the city where “Aliens fought.” High-tech construction vehicles are moving fast to finish the few remaining buildings, LexCorp is the cleanup crew. The LexCorp building stands out as the tallest tower in the cityscape, Luthor planting his flag.

The Daily Planet, Lois hands in her latest story to Perry White about Superman stopping the genocide in West Africa, War Lord imprisoned. They talk about Lex running for President and his rebuilding Metropolis for free. He wants Lois to cover the story and she insists on writing about Superman, she will help Steve Lombard write up something amazing.

Lex Luthor’s secret underground base, he is shaving his head in the shower. He gets dressed and heads for a vaulted door, which opens on voice command. He is greeted by his computer systems voice, an Artificial Intelligence he designed called Brainiac. He enters and walks over to a fridge and grabs a bottled water, he is healthy, no alcohol or cigars. A large screen on the wall shows CNN covering his campaign and his chances are extremely good. He switches to a different news station and they are discussing the major progress in Superman’s plan to rid the world of nukes. Clips are shown of some countries refusing and others are offering their missiles. He then uses his heat vision with precision to disarm the nukes and then hurtles them into space like a spear. Luthor admires the footage, remarking how Superman is disarming the world for him.

Brainiac’s voice updates him on tracking the nukes floating trajectory. It then reads his vitals and reports he has not slept in three days. Luthor finishes the diagnostics run of his body with counting the exact hours, minutes, and milliseconds he has been awake. He then orders Brainiac to continue with the chess game they have not finished. As Luthor plays chess he walks over to a chamber containing General Zod’s battle armor, it hovers in place fully formed. He has almost figured out how to wear the battle armor without being exposed to the radiation. Brainiac tells him the primary component for it to be functional for a human is, lead. Luthor has recovered kryptonite from the alien wreckage years ago and is personally analyzing it. The substance is a green glowing liquid inside a smaller chamber. 

Luthor checkmates and compares the chess game to his planning for total domination. When LexCorp cleaned up Metropolis they also offered to recover and study the alien wreckage. Upon the discovery of the battle armor and liquid green kryptonite Luthor handed the debris over to the Army and said the tech was too advanced and useless. Luthor had stolen the battle armor and liquid kryptonite without the government never knowing it existed.

A news update, CNN is now covering Metropolis’s four-term mayor, Frank Berkowitz, non-supporter of the recently proposed “Kryptonian Bill” supported by Luthor, whom believes America owes a debt to Superman. Berkowitz had a deciding vote and chose against its passing. He is however a strong supporter of Superman, feels his services are free. Luthor knows Berkowitz is the last of the politicians that stand in his way of defeating Superman. Luthor stares unfazed by the mayor’s claims “it is going to be a long, hot summer."

Lois is invited to a society gala aboard Luthor's yacht and she brings Lombard as her date. She shows Lombard how to get a quote when Luthor greets her. He gives her an answer that leads into him questioning about her covering Superman’s worldwide miracles. He offers to help her with further information on Superman and takes her below the deck.

They’re in a luxuriously decorated den when Luthor presses a button on his desk console and the room transforms into a holographic theater of the cosmos. Luthor describes many lucrative LexCorp inventions that were designed solely on his theories of possible space life. Now that Superman inhabits are planet the search is over. He then pulls up images of Superman and makes an official statement, Superman is not of this earth.

Luthor refers to Superman in the same depiction as an immigrant that has to earn his keep, work, pay taxes, etc. Lois calls him out on his hypocrisy, easy to say for a billionaire looking to be president of the land of the free. Superman is a shining example of freedom in America. He is saving the world out of compassion not because he is getting paid. All taxes and a job would do would further put Superman under the presidents control. Luthor smiles and they return to the social gala above.

Suddenly, masked gunmen seize the ship without warning, looting the rich socialites, forcing Superman to intervene, his first appearance in Metropolis for years. Luthor observes Superman in action, and once the gunmen are dispatched, hands the hero a personal check in an attempt at gratuity. Superman declines. Luthor insists, tries to persuade him that it is a charity offering for all his work. Superman tells Luthor to put his money away, he works for peace and freedom. Luthor and the socialites are impressed that he doesn’t want mans greatest power, money. Luthor crumples the check in his hand and points out that should he become president, he looks forward to working with him. Superman addresses the patrons to have a safe night and flies away smiling at Lois.

Later, below the deck, Luthor is watching the earth’s orbit through satellite to track Superman’s flight pattern, Brainiac reports he is too fast. Also Informing Luthor that Crime Boss Gazzo was paid in full and the masked gunmen bailed out. Luthor planned the attack to see if Superman values money and knows he is connected to Lois, she was bait. As he realizes that Superman is the only person he cannot buy off, threaten, or otherwise control, through his billions. The result of the experiment on Superman is summed up after a moment of silence. “Money won’t work.” He tosses the crumpled check into a fireplace.

The Presidential Debates, the nation is applauding Luthor who is the primary attraction. He is weaving a beautiful future for the voters, and they are hooked on his rebuttals. The moderator asks a question about all the “Miracles.” Superman has accomplished and Luthor sees his opportunity to manipulate the viewers. He makes a 9/11 comparison to Superman/Zod fight destroying Metropolis. He uses this as an arguing point for his campaign and the “Kryptonian Bill.” He details the level of death and destruction by pointing out the 129,000 lives that perished and the 750 million dollar damage cost. Luthor reveals he is a native of Metropolis, born and raised in “Suicide Slum” and that it’s his personal responsibility to resurrect his home. If Superman wishes to be part of the human race he needs to be realistic like one.

When Superman arrived on our planet the universe got smaller. As long as Superman is here. There is always another chance at disaster. As your president, I will respond appropriately should we face a threat from outer space do to us housing him. But I have good faith, that the “Man of Steel” will not allow his existence, to jeopardize ours.”

The moderator moves on to the other candidates as Luthor has planted the first seeds in the minds of Americans for having a legit reason for Superman to leave the planet.

Clark is back at the Daily Planet from a years long overseas journalist assignment covering world hunger. Luthor’s speech during the debate makes Clark wants to cover his campaign. A way of investigating his “vision of the future” to better help Superman. Upon reaching the bullpen, headed to Perry White’s office to turn in his world hunger story and to ask for the Luthor campaign assignment. Clark sees Perry, berating the current reporter on the Luthor campaign, Lombard, for addressing the wrong topics of interest. Lois defends Lombard for being an unseasoned journalist taking on his biggest story, does not have Lois’s clout or credentials.

Perry storms off, yelling he needs someone with passion to cover Luthor. He steps in his office and Clark is sitting there waiting for a one-on-one audition for Lombard’s job but it does not go well. Lois sees Clark in Perry’s office and acts surprised to see him back in town. She vouches for him covering Luthor’s campaign. Perry agrees and reassigns Lombard but expects a great article on Clark’s new assignment.

Clark and Lois catch up over lunch in her office. Lois starts running down what they have learned about Luthor over the years. Lois, “Alexander Joseph "Lex" Luthor. He possesses a genius level of intelligence. He has mastered seemingly every known form of science. Upon graduating from MIT, Luthor found his own business, LexCorp, which has grown to dominate much of Metropolis, technologically. Luthor was a brilliant scientist who invented some of mankind’s greatest technology leaps, becoming extremely wealthy fast, then later went into politics in post- Superman arrival leading up to his running for the presidency. His knowledge as a general scientist is apparently unmatched, astrobiology is his particular forte. Being the Chief and Commander is his passion.”

LexCorp was founded upon Luthor's technological achievements but had a department that study extraterrestrial life. Lois tells Clark she did some research on Luthor’s mysterious ET department that he was bragging about on his yacht. LexCorp was given the contracts to cleanup Metropolis with Luthor’s billions paying for the destruction after he was recruited by the government to analyze and study the debris of Zod’s crashed ship, information about the project is top secret and the trail goes cold.

No statements have been returned from LexCorp about the ET department, strict confidentiality. Clark makes a personal note of Luthor studying Superman. Clark reports Luthor's top secret ET department to Perry, who orders he write it up. Perry insists, saying Luthor was the leading authority on this matter, which is proof enough.

Clark shows consideration at his desk when he tells Lois he is thankful she covers Superman and in good taste. Lois replies she wants to represent Superman as an idea to the world. Not to become dependent on him but have his actions inspire the world to continue the foundation he has laid for peace.

NASA Command Center, scientists are seen decoding a message from the skies “Gives us the Kryptonian or we will scorch the planet until he is dead. Hail Zod.” Two F-18 pilots’ miles away, confirm to General Swanwick that a triangular space craft is over the White House. He orders them not to engage.

An emergency broadcast on the bullpen’s TV shows the President panicking that a space craft in the sky wants Superman. He demands that Superman negotiate with the invaders a course of action. Superman must be responsible for resolving the problems that follow him to earth. Humans have learned their lesson; they’re no match for an advanced race of beings.

Luthor from his underground base has been watching enough fear spread over the emergency broadcast to the world and reinforces his point about Superman being “A harm to harbor”. He pushes a button. The triangular space craft deconstructs into 8 smaller triangular space craft’s and they head for Metropolis at mach 5 speeds. The President then announces the evacuation of Metropolis and for Superman’s protection.

Downtown Metropolis, The 8 space craft’s are criss-crossing the skies, scanning and searching for targets as the citizens run for shelter. Luthor monitors his 8 space craft’s which are weaponized versions of his drone craft, not man operated, robots. He pushes another button and an order to destroy anything designed in the “S” insignia is initiated. The space craft’s now programmed with their new target begin shooting lasers at billboards advertising the “S”, local shops supporting Superman, and fans wearing Superman t-shirts.
Citizens in Metropolis are unaware of newly built shelters made by LexCorp incase this disaster were to strike again. Policemen are moving as many people as they can into these shelters located throughout the city. Luthor’s goal is to put the city at danger again so that the citizens can see Superman will always bring death and destruction. Luthor providing shelter makes him their reliable savior in these times of crisis.

When no one is looking, Clark ducks out to change into his suit and flies off to repel the space craft’s but keeps in mind the rebuilt city. The debris from an attacked billboard is about to land on a little girl and Superman catches the debris and sets it down. The kid he saves introduces herself as Rebecca. Superman replies "folks call me Superman". He speeds away to confront the attacking space craft’s and gets their attention by screaming so loud all the cities windows rattle.

The 8 space craft’s hone in on the noise and focus their target crosshairs on the “S” on Superman’s chest. Like heat seeking missiles they storm after him with a barrage of lasers. Superman takes the fight away from Metropolis and into earths orbit for a battle. Over the atmosphere, he uses his super strength to make 4 space craft’s explode, punching and smashing.

Superman takes the last 4 space craft’s to the Pacific Ocean near Australia and fights them under the ocean destroying them with his heat vision. He recovers some of the wreckage and can tell from its engineering it is not of alien origin but manmade. He suspects its Luthor whom has succeeded in “staging” an alien invasion.

Luthor Campaign Headquarters, Luthor in his main office gets a call from his sectary, telling him a journalist is here for an interview about Superman. Luthor responds he does not wish to talk to Lois Lane, assuming. She says it’s Clark Kent. Luthor is intrigued at the opportunity to have a say on Superman and not have the journalist be bias. Clark steps into his office and takes a seat.

Clark gets to the point and tells Luthor he has word from inside sources that the space craft’s debris recovered was manmade. Does his ET Department have any connection? This information has not yet been determined or released to the public and Luthor knows it. Clark is trying to bluff him into revealing he was involved with the “staged” invasion. Luthor is amused at his attempts to incriminate him and gives no comment.

Luthor tells Clark as security walks in to end the interview that he is asking the wrong person questions. Why doesn’t Clark interview Superman and demand to know who designed the technology that allows him to fly? Maybe he will get a lead on who would be capable of making such crafts. Clark offers a handshake and Luthor dismisses it. Luthor gets the drift that Clark is investigating him and possibly for Superman.

The next day, the Daily Planet’s front page story is on Superman defending Metropolis and stating the alien invasion was staged and the space craft’s being manmade, therefore, was not Superman’s fault. When consulting leading scientists at LexCorp, they had no comment. The paper's circulation increases and Perry congratulates Clark on a great article but to focus on the Luthor Campaign, Lois covers Superman. Luthor sees all the media in Metropolis are praising Superman and Luthor’s approval ratings go down.

Clark is having a beer at a bar enjoying his victory, using his smarts instead of strength. He is confronted by a member of the Gazzo Crime Family attempting to corrupt Clark through bribery. Clark does not accept and the thug tells Clark to withdrawal his story or else accidents happen. As the thug walks away a special report comes on the news, Frank Berkowitz has been murdered. This cements Luthor’s position into the presidency and passing the “Kryptonian Bill”.

On the LexCorp webpage Luthor is ready with a cover story. Pictures of LexCorp boats recovering the destroyed space craft’s, handed over by the Australian government being that LexCorp has the only tech support in the world to analyze the debris. A statement is made by LexCorp that while manmade, the only capable intelligence to engineer the crafts would be “Superman”. A model of the space craft is being produced for the Army to better combat such attacks, weapons for the real defenders of earth.

While sulking at the bar, Clark is thinking about Luthor’s counter story and Frank Berkowitz killed. In his apartment, Clark begins to feel lonely, he goes back home to visit with his mother. He needs time away from being Superman.

Smallville, Clark feels more comfortable at home but also guilty to see the damaged parts of the town. What is the rebuilding from the Zod/Faora fight he can “see” in the people that Smallville is different. They lock their doors at night from now on. Over dinner Ma Kent catches up on the past and points out that “Feeling out of place is all part of growing up.” After Clark does the dishes he puts Ma Kent to bed and shows her glasses he made that will refract light so no one will notice his startling blue eyes (which would otherwise give him away). Clark takes a moment to reflect when he watches the sunset over their huge cornfield.

FLASHBACK: Clark is twelve years old and he is preparing to launch a homemade rocket for science class in the front yard, testing. Jonathan Kent is painting the side of the house when Martha comes up to him laughing. She shows him a pair of broken scissors, she tried to cut Clark’s hair. They don't think Clark could hear them, but Clark can hear every laugh, he smiles too. Later, Jonathan and Clark are planting seeds in the empty cornfield the radiant Kansas sunset is in front of them. He is telling his son that he needs to be patient with the world as he grows up. He gives Clark the single most important advice ever, “Not every seed will make it but I want to give each one a chance to grow”.

Mount Rushmore, Superman is sitting on top of the American monument, he can hear cheers all the way from Metropolis. The votes are in, Lex Luthor is The President of the United States winning the election by a landslide on a platform of promoting technological progress his first action.

At the Luthor campaign headquarters, Luthor is taking the stage to address America for the first time as their leader. He promises the nation that in four years time he will make technological leaps that will truly change the world. He will invent free energy which he plans to unleash upon the world after draining oil wells dry.

He is convinced that he is "needed" to protect the world from extraterrestrials. He ends his speech with letting Superman live with the knowledge that after the 2nd invasion on Metropolis, under his leadership he will obey the “vision of the future”. He confirms the passing of the “Kryptonian Bill”, the nation will now pay taxes on Superman for his services.

Superman paces back and forth, asking the presidential forefathers for guidance. He knows Luthor occupying the oval office will make him the most powerful man amongst the human race. The new bill being put into action convinces Superman that this is a plan for Luthor to turn the world against him.

ACT 2:
Clark is back in Metropolis and is having coffee with Lois. Clark has not retracted his article about the events of the alien invasion being “staged”.  Lois asks why he didn’t let her cover the story? Luthor might suspect he and Superman are the same person, too risky. Clark can hear tires peeling down the street and a machine guns being cocked. He knows it is an assassination attempt from the Gazzo Crime Family. With blinding speed he covers Lois and the café is riddled with bullets. When the dust settles he asks Lois if she is okay then heads after the don of the family, Bobby Gazzo.

Enraged, Superman finds Gazzo in his high rise loft and he lets himself in, no flack from his bodyguards. Superman walks around Gazzo’s office and x-rays everything, showing money in a safe on the wall, guns hidden, and drugs stashed. He picks up a ledger and flips through it fast, memorizing. Superman threatens to have the cops arrest him if he doesn’t tell him who was behind the attempt on Clark’s life. Gazzo gives up Luthor and Superman says “I won’t forget about you Gazzo but I got bigger fish to fry in the world. I’ll be watching.” He flies away.

Chicago, a house in a middle-class neighborhood is on fire. A father and mother are trying to put out the flames until fire trucks arrive and Superman swoops in from the sky. He blows out the fire with his freezing breath and the father yells at him “This is your fault! I couldn’t keep my lights on because of your stupid Kryptonian Bill! I don’t want your help!” America’s response to the Kryptonian Bill has divided the nation about paying for Superman’s protection. The crime rate in the US rises across the nation, from state to state he is being boycotted. Superman is losing hope.

Lex is on a naval ship off the coast of Florida doing his presidential tour, meeting the troops, wearing fighter pilot gear, etc. Superman arrives and asks to have a private word with Luthor whom tells his secret service men to give them a minute. Superman tells him that Metropolis doesn't belong to him and to stop the “Kryptonian Bill”. "You don't own us." Lex objects, since Superman isn't from earth. Lex, “I don’t like foreigners.” Superman, “I don’t like traitors.

Luthor attempts to arrange a peace negotiation but Superman knows it is further deception and refuses. He warns him to stay away from Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Lex tells him he can’t save everyone. Superman gets in Luthor’s face “You think you’re stronger than me?” Luthor “No. Smarter.” Luthor cuts to the chase and tells Superman they can have a proper fight on the dark-side of the moon. He has the technology to arrive there tonight and if he loses he will resign as the president. Luthor further pushes Superman by asking if he is not too cowardly to fight a human. Superman laughing accepts the challenge and gets ready for takeoff when Luthor hands him a powerful satellite image of Krypton destroyed in space “Home Sweet Home.” Superman crumples it in his hand and flies away.

Dark-side of the Moon, the vast city of the ancient alien architectures is barley lit by the sun shining over the horizon. Superman arrives and lands on a road strip connecting all the towers, pyramids, and igloos. He yells Luthor’s name and yards away from him Luthor appears in the Lexorian supersuit. A heavily armored, flight-capable suit with a domed oxygen mask, Luthor reveals his suit is made out of lead material reengineered from Zod’s battle armor.

He explains that the magnetic field from the moon conducts through the lead suit using a special liquid found in the wreckage he calls “Kryptonite” allowing him to match Superman’s strength and gravity. On the dark-side there is no sunlight to fully power Superman. Now enabled with the suit, Luthor can have a fair fight with Superman, on a physical level. Superman attempts to x-ray the suit to see it’s wiring and cannot penetrate the material. Bertron appears with the time travel stargate. Superman demands to know who he is and Bertron informs him he is a distant alien here to collect on a deal made with the human (Luthor). Bertron is there to witness Superman’s defeat and make the trade for the planet on the spot.

Superman tells Bertron after he beats Luthor he will send him back to the universe he originated from. Luthor sees his customer is getting intimidated and his suit lights up green, providing visual. He leaps at Superman and an epic fist fight breaks out. Luthor and Superman take turns pummeling and throwing each other into the ancient towers and dome shaped structures. They are demolishing this hidden city to rumble.

News is breaking all over the world as humans step out their houses and point to the moon. A dusty glow can be seen coming from the dark-side. NASA is moderating the event and then alerts the president. Lex gets a call inside his suit from General Swanwick and he tells him to find Superman to investigate. Further establishing Superman can’t stop every problem in the world.

The fight comes to an end when Superman’s strength wins over Luthor’s tech. He damages the suit and it is punctured, liquid green kryptonite is floating away out of a valve. Do to the extremely cold atmosphere it crystallizes. Bertron sees Luthor is not capable of defeating Superman and the deal is off, he enters the stargate and vanishes. Luthor knows he has lost his chance to become a God.
Superman then orders Luthor to hold a press conference tomorrow and come clean about his evil scheme and manipulating the planet to hate Superman. If he does not, he will expose Luthor himself. Superman flies back to earth and we see Luthor grab a shard of a floating kryptonite crystal. It sizzles in his hand, smoke emits.

Underground Base, Luthor, bruised, is taking off his damaged suit and Brainiac alerts him of the “moon dust” sweeping the worlds new outlets. The joint chiefs of staff were looking for both him and Superman to handle the problem. Luthor tells Brainiac to release a statement that it was solar winds and Superman was nowhere to be reached.

He looks at his damaged suit and speaks to Brainiac that he had assumed in his arrogance that Superman would obey him simply because he was president. He realizes that money or strength won’t make him leave; the people of earth must make him. Luthor than admires the shard of kryptonite and Brainiac says the radiation levels are contained, non-threatening. He takes the shard to the suit and carves the “S” insignia in it, he muses the potential harms it can have on Superman.

Upon returning to the newsroom, which is in chaos, Perry yells at Clark for coming to the office without a story on Luthor passing the Kryptonian Bill and the rejection of Superman. Clark discreetly leaves a notice of resignation on his desk. He has come to the conclusion that he is better off being Superman full time. Living as Clark Kent endangers those he loves, being a journalist isn’t effective enough. When Lois catches him leaving, he confesses to her “Saving the world is a job for Superman.” she calls him a "spineless worm" and then storms off. She will expose Luthor herself.

Superman is on his way to the White House to take down Luthor when he can hear missile launches from all over the planet. He flies to the nearest country and stops the impact just in time. He sees it was one of the nukes he disarmed but has been reactivated. Luthor has accumulated all the nukes Superman threw into space and is striking attacks on countries that Superman forged peace treaties with, the seize fire is over.

This is a plan by Luthor to keep Superman busy until he can make his final move to defeat him. Breaking news covers the sudden wars around the world and questions if Superman is the reason they are happening. News clips of Superman show him flying to warzones all around the planet, some are being stopped others are spiraling out of control. Superman stops a nuclear missile from hitting Korea and sees that the village is starved and offers to the military general to bring back food over time. They decline and a battalion of soldiers form a firing squad behind the general. He says they don’t want Superman’s help, nor does the world. The crowd turns on the military, and Superman orders the crowd to stop, he will obey the request. As he turns walking away angered, his eyes burn red with heat vision and all the military’s assault rifles melt. Superman is now a fugitive to Korea.

Meanwhile, Lois sneaks back into the LexCorp building, which Luthor ordered abandoned from the White House to coincide with his next attack on Superman. She is investigating the ET department trying to find blue prints for the space craft’s to connect to Luthor. Lois is caught by his security team and they hold her captive till Luthor arrives from Washington, D.C. He now has leverage against Superman.

Superman traces the trajectory of the missiles all the way to the North Pole. He uses x-ray vision and finds Luthor’s underground base and smashes through the ceiling. Superman gets the sense that Luthor has been conducting his chaos from this high tech station.
The underground base plummets like an elevator shaft 4 miles deep into a vertical tunnel. Two geysers of lava from the earth’s core spew on top of the underground base. It begins to melt through the ceiling and heat builds, Superman is trapped.

The large screen on the wall turns on and Luthor’s face fills it via satellite from LexCorp. He is just about to give a special report on the wars Superman started and a new threat that is imminent. He first reveals to Superman the nukes he disarmed, were retrieved from space with his drone craft “It’s faster than a speeding bullet.” He shows Superman Lois and threatens to kill her if he doesn’t leave after the special report.

The screen switches over to the special report broadcasting from LexCorp but through Luthor’s advanced green screen tech, it looks like the Oval Office. Luthor addresses the nation about an asteroid hurtling toward earth, guaranteeing that the asteroid is being drawn to the planet by Superman. He cuts to a powerful telescope image of the gigantic asteroid, spewing gas and dust.

He tells the nation that this is the last straw and he is officially ordering Superman to leave earth and for the military to escort him. He has planned ahead for such an event and will destroy the asteroid before it reaches earth’s orbit with a powerful laser on top of LexCorp. “Superman will no longer hold me back from helping humanity!

ACT 3:
Superman avoids the lava dripping and pooling around him and charges through the underground bases steel wall, tunneling through the crust of the earth and shooting out the surface. He heads straight for the asteroid as F-18’s patrolling the skies fire missiles at him leaving the atmosphere. General Swanwick reluctantly confirms Superman’s exile to Luthor.

Superman discovers the asteroid is a holographic projection from a LexCorp satellite deep in space and tracks it down (Star Wars technology launched years ago). Grappling with the satellite, which is armed with laser tech, it begins shooting at Superman. He dodges them sluggishly, his distance from the sun’s rays has made him weak. After defeating the satellite he takes it with him as evidence to finally get Luthor out of the White House and clear his name.

Back at LexCorp, the special report is over and Luthor is in the ET department entering the coordinance for the laser on top of LexCorp, becoming a savior. When he sees a news report that the asteroid has vanished, his face goes red, Superman destroyed the projection before he could fire. Luthor grabs Lois' hands and screams that he could have aided the entire human race if not for Superman's interference, claiming that he gives humanity a goal that they could realistically strive to duplicate, slaves. While Superman makes them reach for the impossible, peace.

When Lois tells him everyone will know about his hoax, Luthor drags Lois to a wall, where he uses a remote control to open out to a balcony. He then shoves Lois off the skyscraper balcony. Superman entering earth’s orbit hears Lois screaming and speeds up, tossing the satellite at the ocean. As he maneuvers towards the scream, F-18’s engage fire on him. Moments before impact Superman sees he won’t make it and cuts a hole beneath her in the sidewalk with his heat vision to give her more room to fall. He catches her in the sewer system then floats up placing her on the curb.

Lois kisses Superman and tells him Luthor is in his office. He looks up and sees Luthor looking down when a mortar explodes next to them. Superman covers Lois and Army tanks are seen blocks down the street, fighter jets fly overhead. Lois tells Superman to go and she charges the tanks blocking their path, Tank Gunner into earpiece “She won’t move, General.” Superman flies up the side of the building to show down with Luthor.

Luthor barks at Superman that he is not enough to save everyone. Luthor than reaches in his desk and pulls out something, hiding it behind his back Superman thinks it’s a gun “Have you seen what bullets do to me?” Superman lets him land a punch and it knocks him down, cheek bleeding, nauseated. “Let’s see you fight like a human.” Luthor has made brass knuckles out of the crystallized kryptonite with an “S” engraving.

He then pulls out a remote control that activates the ancient alien architecture on the dark-side of the moon to move orbit and eclipse the sun. Superman becomes weak due to lack of sunlight and Luthor brutally beats him. Superman is bruised and bloody he barley crawls along the floor when Luthor kicks him over and kneels over him giving a quick “brains over brawn” lecture. He pulls out a shard of kryptonite to stab Superman in the chest when Superman inhales all the oxygen in the room, forcing Luthor passes out.

Superman crawls over to the remote and puts the moon back into orbit but the after effect due to the extreme gravitational pull on earth’s tides causes catastrophic natural disasters. The whole world breaks outs in massive tornados at sea near the shores, earthquakes on the surface, and flooding on every island. Superman can hear the world crying for help and with his power restored he acts fast to save as many lives as he can.

MONTAGE: A train in Metropolis is about to crash from a derailed track and Superman bridges the gap with his bare back. The city gets inflamed from underground gas main ruptures from the earthquakes and Superman welds the mains shut with heat vision. A helicopter nearly crashes and Superman saves it. Ships at sea are beginning to tip over due to massive waves caused by three anomalous whirling water tornados funneled over the ocean surface. Superman freezes all three with his breath and shatters them to glaciers. He flies to the eastern hemisphere of the earth and is seen rescuing multiply drowning people from many different islands at night, spotlights guiding the way. He rescues the world for 40 days and 40 nights.

After all the disasters zones have been contained Superman rendezvous with General Swanwick and tosses Luthor handcuffed before him and says contact Lois Lane for all the information on his evil plot. He points to the holographic satellite and the LexCorp logo covered in seaweed.

Superman's enhanced vision is capable of detecting x-rays as well as "seeing" the transmissions and detection of radio satellites. This is how he found Luthor’s satellite deep in space, he can see Wifi signals. Superman tells Swanwick about the dark-side of the moon but says it’s off limits to humans right now, but in time, they will explore it.

Swanwick notices Superman bleeding and bruised and asks if he is hurting. Superman replies “All in a day’s work” and flies away. He has the military call off the hunt for Superman.

Fortress of Solitude, Superman is talking about the “accomplished wonders” with Jor-El. Earth is the true home of Kal-El. Superman says that he thought he could but that he can't do anything on earth, Jor-El reminds him that humans are limited, not him. Earthlings have a problem with sharing. Help them realize there is enough “peace and hope” for everyone.

Superman convinces himself he made the right decision. Superman acknowledges that Luthor "could have been a mighty force for good in the world, yet he chose to direct his great scientific brain into criminal channels.

Courtroom, Washington D.C. Luthor is on trial and it is revealed he was the mastermind behind the staged alien invasion and asteroid threat. Every government agency realizes they have been used to his advantage to become the president under the pretense of handing power over to aliens. He is also convicted for treason as a traitor to his country for abusing his powers as a government official and cruelties to mankind. Luthor medals and awards he has consumed over the decades are stripped away. The plan was to show the people of Metropolis that Superman is indeed an alien menace, and only Luthor can save them from the Man of Steel. He is sentenced to life not death, requested by Superman, his final words, “You can imprison me but you can’t lock up my mind.”

Superman escorts Luthor on to the courthouse steps and an angry mob jeers at him. Superman flies Luthor to a one man prison created for Luthor by the U.S. government. His red hair is beginning to grow out. Luthor reflecting in prison, Superman is the only intellectual peer he has found to be a worthy match. He is outraged that Superman’s mission for peace was genuine, he has more human emotions than Luthor can fake to blend in, to manipulate. Luthor holds Superman responsible for losing his complete grip over the world and Metropolis. He begins a chess game playing against himself, the board has a picture of earth on it, Luthor plotting “In time…

Vice President Pete Ross assumes his place as President and has a PSA letting the world know “We need Superman. To remind us of who we are and where we are in the universe. Please forgive us for our actions.

LexCorp, finds that the acting CEO, has sold the entire company to Wayne Industries, following Luthor's bankruptcy. Bruce Wayne is seen closing the deal with a fountain pen in a boardroom meeting interested in the ET department.

Superman tells the UN that he is there to inspire and gives the “Teach a man to fish” speech. He will not be controlled by any government and country from now on. His protection of earth has no one agenda other than the safety of the planet he calls home.
Clark and Lois resolve their differences, with Lois revealing she intercepted Clark's resignation letter, knowing he shouldn’t quit. Lois makes a point that the rules that made her a newspaperwoman went out the window the day Superman appeared. She shares a kiss with Clark and says she wouldn’t change a single event that has happened since they met.

Weeks later, Lois walks into Perry’s office and slaps her next pulitzer prize winning story on his desk titled “Superman: Peace On Earth” and says she is taking a vacation. Perry says he hasn’t seen Superman around for awhile and asks if she knows where he is. She shrugs her shoulders coyly.

CNN news report, NASA satellites detected a massive record breaking solar flare from the sun. Superman flew into the sun’s core to reenergize for weeks and is returning to earth.

Lois looks out into the sunny skyline from her office window at Metropolis, giving epilogue about Superman “To not only protect us from the threat from another world but also from ourselves.” The sun’s rays are blocked out for a brief moment casting a shadow, she smiles, he’s back. Superman does a fly by over a Metropolis football stadium. The crowd cheers has the marching band forms the “S” insignia, he smiles followed by the F-18 Blue Angels.

Rising into the sky we see a bird fly by, a plane pass by, then, a red streak hurtling directly into the shot, Superman.

Title: Superman.  


The End.

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