The film opens with young 6 year old Peter Parker as his parents leave him with Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Richard Parker explains that its to dangerous and that they'll hunt them down to have the formula (meaning Oscorp wanting them to manufacturer the Venom suits. Richard tells Mary they have to go the door shuts and Peter runs up to it. The setting around him changes to an air port the plane takes off and explodes. Peter screams in terror waking up from a nightmare. The screen zooms backward into a spider web saying "The Amazing Spider-Man" while a spider is crawling around it. Peter opens the door and walks down stairs he goes to the kitchen. His Aunt Many wiping off the pictures who is Spring cleaning says hi to peter.
"Oh wait let get your breakfast off the stove". Peter looks down at an old box of his parents things he finds his dad's old messenger bag. " That was your dad's, it's his old messenger bag he use to carry it everywhere" says Uncle Ben. Peter searches through the bag and finds a bunch of papers one with the formula for Venom on it. He finds his dad's old Oscorp badge
"Peter don't forget, your internship starts today,
"I won't forget Aunt May", says peter
Peter searches more into box and finds his dad's old glasses with a tiny crack in it. He wipes off the ash, takes his glasses off, and put his dad's glasses on. Aunt May and Uncle Ben stare. Peter looks at them and asks how he looks, Uncle Ben looks at him and says "Just like your father. Peter looks at his watch and says he has to go. Aunt May and Uncle Ben hold each other shoulder to shoulder smiling as he leaves. Outside is Gwen who is also at the bus stop who is the only person who doesn't think he is a weirdo a comfort he needed before he was going to enter the doors of High School.
This is Part 1 of how i think the movie is going to be like I think there will be at least 3 more parts left and then I'll do how I think the sequels are going to be like in the same format