Whether you are looking forward to Man of Steel 2 or not, I think everyone can agree that there have been controversial castings with everyone added to this movie, Batman, Wonder Woman, or now the reveal of Lex Luthor. But there is one more important character that i believe needs to be added to this movie, Commissioner Gordan, and i also believe that Bryan Cranston is the right man for the job.
5. He looks like Gordan.
It's always nice to work with characters from comic books, but its a bonus if you cast someone who actually looks like they came right from the book. The best part about Cranston's look is that you can go with any type of Gordon you, the mustache, the beard, or even clean shaven and we know Bryan can pull it off. This will add familiarity to viewers and seeing him as Gordon will make comic book readers believe this Gordon belongs in this world.
4. This won't make Cranston feel like he is being type cast.
As much as we wanted Cranston to play Lex Luther, and we know he would have been perfect, it might not have been the thing he would wan to do. He has already played the evil bald genius for 5 years and he might. Actors have fear over being type cast and he might hesitate fearing that if he keeps taking jobs to play the bad baldy, that's all he will ever be offered. But being cast as the the good cop, allows him to play a different character and let him be more creative, and also giving the audience a fresh look at Cranston as an actor.
3. He has already played Gordon.
For those of you who are unaware, Bryan Cranston actually voiced Gordon in the animated movie "Batman: Year One." It was a great animated film and I recommend it for any Batman fan. But a lot of the story focuses on Gordon and Cranston delivers a very well done performance. What is good about this is that he is somewhat familiar with the character's back story and will allow him to use this in whatever interpretation Zack Snyder wants for this film.
2. Cranston cam live up to Gary Oldman's Gordon

Gary Oldman is without a doubt pne of the greatest actors of our time possibly ever, and his take on Gordon will forever be remembered as legendary in TDK trilogy, and not a lot of actors can follow Oldman playing a role, but i believe Cranston can. Bryan Cranston has become something of a legend himself in recent history, his performances have been amazing to watch and all people do is praise him for his ability and i think this can win people over into saying "I love this Gordon". I'm not saying he can or cannot do better than Oldman, but I think will Cranston's acting ability and overall talent, that he is the right choice to play Gordon and stand toe to toe with Gary Oldman. Cranston has a certain presence about him when he is in a scene that makes everyone in the scene with him better, he can be as tough or weak as you want the character to be, and that's what makes it interesting and believable that he isn't just Superman and Batman's bitch, but rather the man who can come along, he's not afraid to tell the heroes how it is and put them in their place, letting them know that he is in charge and not them and have them actually listen.
1. Cranston will help the entire DCCU.
With the popularity gained "Breaking Bad" and now staring in the new "Godzilla" movie, Bryan Cranston is only getting more and more popular. To Studios, he sells tickets, people love him. Also with questionable castings in this movie, the random show "Gotham" that is coming out and has nothing to do with DDCU, along with "Arrow" not certain to be included in the DCCU, and the direction that the DCCU seems to be going in, fans do not have a lot of hope of it's future, and some people have already been asking for reboots and to cancel this movie and start over again. Casting an actor with Cranston's popularity combined with a role that could be considered perfect casting with if it were him, is a shiny glimpse of hope to the fans early on that maybe, just maybe they know what they are doing. People will want to go see Cranston in the middle of Superman and Batman's conflict. He will fit within this universe easily and look like he actually belongs to be in the same picture as the Heroes. And with that and all of the reasons stated previously I think there is no more of an obvious choice than to cast Bryan Cranston as Jim Gordon. Thank You and please feel free to share your thoughts.