Ares WW3 Epic Plan For A Martian Manhunter Movie. Key Scenes and discussion Of The Character

Ares WW3 Epic Plan For A Martian Manhunter Movie. Key Scenes and discussion Of The Character

Could Martian Manhunter fit into the DC Cinematic Universe? I think he could. Here's why.

By aresww3 - Jun 30, 2013 01:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Martian Manhunter History


Martian Manhunter has always been a character that fascinated me, since I first saw him on Justice League The Animated Series. He was always in the background, but nonetheless, tragedy marred his whole existence, yet it was never fully explored. Of all The Justice League team he is the only true alien. After all Clark grew up as one of us, right? And all the other Justice League members at least look human, take Hawk Girl or Man depending on whether you go by comic or animated lore.

So lets look at both versions of the characters origin.

We have the comic-book origin.

On his home planet of Mars, J'onn J'onzz was a manhunter, the martian equivalent of a police force, though the role meant far more than that. A great planetary hero, he lived to be his race's last survivor, when all others died of a horrific telepathic plague. Brought to Earth by the scientist Dr Erdel, he adopted this planet as his home and did his best to walk among humans as one of them, taking on the personas of various people who had died before their time. Eventually, he went public as a hero and joined the fledgling Justice League of America, where his vast physical and mental abilities, including shape-shifting, flight, telepathy and much more, were much valued. A dependable member of the Justice League for many years, J'onn is one of the most trusted members of the heroic community, particularly in the Pacific countries, to which he tries to dedicate as much time as possible.

He has used many identities in the past, but after a series of experiences in which he felt that he had let his friends down, he has decided to stick to just one of these identities, Denver private detective John Jones. His only vulnerability is to fire, a great fear for all his race, but a fear which he is gradually learning to master. Wise and compassionate, he has known fear, betrayal, love and loss, and will continue to be revered for many centuries to come.

Justice League Origin

As we know in the Justice league animated show they skipped over the whole episode with Professor Saul Erdel and The Telepathic Plague and instead MMH was in a war on his home planet Mars due to an Invasion by the White Martians.

Now in this article I will share with you a few scenes from a story I was writing about Jónn J´onnz
as well as my thoughts on how it could work as an Earth One Comic.


Its the year 2016. Earth receives a radio signal from Mars, picked up by scientists at SETI. A patterned beacon. Governments around the world use their secret services to suppress all knowledge of this signal. Mean while, a tough minded Military Intelligence Officer Amanda Waller and head scientist at SETI Dr. Saul Erdel are put in charge of Mans first mission to mars. The space mission is to discover where this signal in mars is emanating from. The mission is successful, the astronauts discover an alien ship that has crash landed into Mars and is sending off a distress signal. They manage to enter the ship, and they discover their an alien who is in some kind of suspended animation machine. The machine and alien are brought back to Earth and secretly studied by Dr. Erdel and a team of scientists. But when Saul begins having nightmares from the aliens perspective, of his world being destroyed and his people victims of a wholesale holocaust, Saul finds himself suffering symptoms of post traumatic stress, like that of a victim of war. Troubled by these dreams, it occurs to him by study of the aliens cerebral structure, that these nightmares are the result of some kind of psychic link he´s having with the alien. Even worse, it occurs to him that this alien in stasis may well have valuable information about a vastly technologically advanced hostile alien race, who one day soon may well be paying a visit to Earth.

The following scene is Dr Saul Erdel´s First Conversation With Our Alien Visitor

Intro: Jónn has been released from Stasis. But up until now Jónn has not been able to communicate and has mostly been in a state of shock.

Cut to.

All photo real: We´re drifting in the outer space of the Milky Way, near Saturn. Schubert string Quintet in C11 Adagio plays in the background. Saturn´s rings shine and pulsate, little crystals of ice, dancing around rock and debris. Without warning an alien space craft soars at vast speeds past us, slamming into Saturn´s ring.

Space Craft P:O:V: The space craft on impact begins to maneuver at high speed through the rings of Saturn, struggling to avoid the large clumps of dust, ice and debris that form them. In time it escapes the hazardous terrain, flying off again at an incredible speed.

Cut To:

Schubert still playing

Erdel comes in and Jónn is floating in the room, listening to Shubert, while, looking at an image of the Milky Way Galaxy. Surprised enough by this, he´s even more stunned when Jónn addresses him confidently.


Jónn: “Shubert and Vivaldi are my favorite. “

Erdel: “What?!”

Jónn now turns to look at Erdel.

Jónn: “Schubert and Vivaldi. You asked me yesterday, did you not?”


Eredel: “But … but … You… You…”

Jónn: “I am Jónn Jónnz of the planet Máaleca Andra. I mean your planet no harm. I know you and the people you serve are concerned.”

Eredel: “You speak.”

Jónn: “Yes, I now speak seven of your Earth languages. I´ve been telepathically acquiring your languages for sometime. Although, I do confuse them sometimes, there are so many... Your species, none of them have this ability?”

Erdel: “No, No we don´t. Have you been reading our minds?”

Jónn: “Reading our minds? You mean, practicing The Zancata. Listening to the hearts of others, is what we Ma´Andraian´s call it. Practicing Zancata without another’s permission is strictly prohibited. We consider it extremely rude, without ones permission, unless used to interrogate a criminal suspect ofcourse. But, given the circumstances, I accessed your memory to a limited extent, so I could communicate with your Earth-lings. I must say I am exhausted by my efforts.

He gracefully floats down. Landing till he sits down, crosslegged.

Jónn: “Please sit.”

Erdel: “I can´t believe it. I have so many questions.”

Jónn: “As do I Saul Buddy. But let us be tranquil a moment. I have been using much mental energy, some leisure time is necessary, or I shall expire from my exhaustion… Anyway, I wish to teach you something of my peoples culture.”

Erdel sits: “Please!...” Fascinated.

Jónn: “I am glad you are eager to learn. Do you mind?…”

Erdel knows he´s speaking about telepathically connecting with him.

Erdel: “No, of course not.”

Jónn´s eyes glow red then suddenly like a mirage of an oasis in the desert, appears before them, an elaborate game, it looks a lot like chess. But the board is glass, twice the size, and the pieces are all angular shapes. The game starts with pieces on the first three rows of either side; and there are gaps between the pieces.

Jónn: “It is a popular game on my planet, called Kental. Kind of like your game chess. I shall teach you.”

Cut To:

Amanda, is sitting at her desk, observing on a big screen, with other military personnel. They see as the Martian attempts to show him how to play the game, but they themselves can´t see the board and they notice some static interference on the screen.

Cut To:

Later on, Erdel and Jónn continue to play Kental. You can see the game has moved on quite a way. Erdel, moves a piece with his mind.

Erdel: “So now, are you practicing Zancata on me now? Is that how I´m seeing this game?”

J´onn: “There are several practices of Zancata. The psychic arts. Scholars, educators, leaders, mystics, artists, poets, divinely touched madmen, philosophers; all contributed, writing several volumes, spanning 3000 works. Dialogues, Ethical Use Of Seeing Into Our Neighbor’s Hearts, Medical Application, Psychic Psychology, The Laws, The Arts, Education And The Academy, The Gods, The Demons, Grace, The Two Suns, Foes And Enemies, and many many more. All dedicated to the form psychic knowledge and practice must take. What I show you now is simple, the mere practice of illusion making. I mastered this art on what you would call my 11th year. But, if you mean am I reading your mind, as you call it; no. It would defeat the purpose of the game.

Jónn Con´t: “You are a strong learner Saul, you´ve already showed some skill in setting up for the Kala. But, I believe I shall persevere due to my experience.

Jónn moves two pieces on his side with his mind.

Jónn Con´t: “Your turn. You have up to three moves to escape the Kala.

Erdel looks at the board perplexed. Still concentrating on the game, a single piece is moved.

Erdel: “So how does it work? Do all your people have your abilities?”

Jónn: “To varying degrees, some barely cultivate any at all... Others were so gifted, that they were at a time considered threats to the very social fabric and harmony of our society... You see, to me it is impossible to really explain how it feels to have what you call: my abilities. Suppose a blind man asked you how it felt to see, could you honestly give him an adequate answer? Or, a deaf person who wanted to know what hearing felt like; a mute person amazed by simple words; a man without emotion, passion, love, or, fear, longing for connection; even a dead man, after a while forgets what it once was to breath… My psychic powers are just a component of who I am; who I once was; who I´m destined to be… My people are not as remarkable, or, different, as you might think Saul…

They are quiet for a while.

Erdel: “ If I were to ask you to see into my heart right now. Could you?”

Jónn: “If I were to ask you to see a different shade of light, than the one you see right now, could you? … I can see without looking … for instance, even now I see you consider this moment, one of the most fateful moments of your life…

Al l the time, they continue playing the game.

Erdel: “Of course it is… It is not just profound for me, but for the whole human race. Since we first looked to the stars we´ve searched for it, for you. The proof that we´re not alone…”

Jónn: ”Ah but Saul, you are not alone. You do not even know what the word means. None of you do, and prey, to your Gods and mine, that you never discover Saul buddy… You say this moment trumps all others, but, nonetheless, I sense something far more precious exists in your tiny lifetime. Something you would sacrifice it all for. I´m not sure what it is, but I suspect it is waiting for you at home, eagerly anticipating your arrival.”

He makes a couple of moves on the board:

Erdel: “You are very talented in my humble opinion…

Erdel smiles.

Erdel Con´t: “I think I have you in Kala, my friend…

Jónn looks to the board and smiles also.

Jónn: “Perhaps you do Saul buddy... But I have 3 moves to escape…
Erdel: “ And you. Are you a family man? A wife? Children?

Jónns eyes turn black, sullen. He´s saddened by the question…

Jónn: “Yes… I think that’s Kala… Saul, perhaps I can be alone now. Some rest will be good for me, I believe …
Erdel nods… He gets up to leave.

Jónn attempts to give Erdel a hopeful smile, but fails: “I will see you tomorrow Saul... Buddy…”

Some thoughts on Martian Manhunter: Why I love his character and mythology
Oh the tragedy

A Couple Of Easter Egg Scenes


Dr Amanda Waller is paid an unexpected visit by a mysterious figure whose been closely observing strange happenings around New Mexico´s deserts.

Cut to:

We now see Amanda in a party, celebrating the successful space mission. Many dignitaries, elite and top military are there. She´s talking to The President who is walking with her, drinking champagne. They talk about Chinese contracts, for the technology gained on the mission.

Amanda´s phone rings. She looks at it and politely excuses herself telling the President that she has to get the call. She walks into the hallway and picks up the phone.
You only hear her side of the conversation.
Amanda “This better be important I was talking to The President… What?! (Shocked) … when did this happen? … and what is his status now… OK, OK. I want a full medical check up and report on my table tomorrow afternoon… I don´t care what Dr. Erdel says, you tell him its an order … do it now… and I mean everything. Get that? Every thing from blood tests to psych eval.”

She gets off the phone stressed.
She enters an executive office room and locks it behind her; it´s her private quarters, she seems like the whole weight of the world is resting on her shoulders. There is a large open terrace, parallel to the desk.

There are pictures of her family hung up on the wall. She looks at one with her and her children and smiles, they seem happy and carefree, and for the first time you see a soft side to this woman of steel.

She goes over to get a stiff drink from the minibar, with her back to the terrace balcony. A shadowy figure appears behind her. He steps out from the shadows, he´s wearing some kind of masked costume. He appears as a silhouette in the darkness of the night. She doesn´t even flinch as you realize that she knows someone behind her.

Amanda: “Hello, wasn´t expecting you here tonight. How did you get past security?”

She continues to calmly pour her drink. On the bar table there is a gun, the masked figure obviously can´t see it.

Amanda “You know what; doesn´t really matter. So… why you here?”

Shadowed figure “I tuned into your radio signal months ago. I know its not from this planet.” In a raspy voice.

Amanda “Quite the imagination you´ve got there.”

SF “Oh really? … Cause whatever you´ve got down there in the desert is emitting high levels of electromagnetic radiation. Your not covering your tracks well.”

Amanda: “What can I say? The labs canteen microwave is on the fritz.”

You see the mouth of the masked figure. He smiles.

Amanda: “You know, Cadmus could use good men like you.”
She takes a sip of the drink, puts it down and edges for the gun.

SF: “Cadmus could use good men full stop.”

Amanda: “I´m serious. Aren´t you fed-up of this mysterious vigilante shtick. Jumping around Gotham roof tops, after psychopaths, dressed as a flying rodent.”

SF: “I don´t know this shtick gets me more action than I´ve ever had. Pulling all kinds bad girls these days. They all have attitude problems, but on the flip side, they´re the kinky types, into whips, leather cat suits, skimpy green leotards.”

Amanda smiles retorting: “It’s the car right?! Chicks dig the car?”

SF: “Actually these days, they prefer the jet.” Smirking. As he says this we see her edging ever closer toward the gun.

SF Con´t: “…I´m watching you… when all this mess blows up in your face, I´ll be there to cleanup, and protect the people from you.”

Amanda spins round with the gun in hand, aiming for the figure. But he´s disappeared.

After a minute of looking around methodically (you can see her training by the way she searches the room) She goes back to the bar contemplates. Pours another stiff one, and drinks it down.

Amanda: “Still can´t figure out how he does that.”

She composes herself, then leaves the room. As she enters the hall to the Great Room, where the main body of the party is, a female excitable younger British colleague comes up to her. She says that she´s found the man, they´ve been looking for. “Oh he´s fascinating. You simply must meet him.”
She then finds the man, a well groomed bachelor in his twenties: The British lady introduces them: “Amanda Waller, meet, Bruce Wayne CEO of Wayne Enterprises.” Now the soft spoken Wayne shakes Wallers hand. Bruce: “Pleasure to meet you. You really are the hero of the day, overseeing this mission to Mars.” Amanda replies, “To be honest the real heroes are the brilliant scientists behind our team. They´ve been superb. I really wish you could have meet Professor Saul Erdel, but he´s not feeling well today… By the way this mission owes no small debt to Wayne Enterprises. We couldn´t have done this without your funding.”

Wayne: “Well, for all humanity has suffered for us stuffy, socially detached one per-centers, I feel my family owe them at least this much.”

East Egg 2:
Dr. Erdel, sets up a meeting with top ranking members of the US military and Homeland Security to convince them that they need to wake Jónn from his slumber in stasis. Saul is under the belief that he is somehow psychically connected to the alien and that the dreams he´s been having may be cause for concern and a matter for National Security. An unexpected visitor up props in the meeting.

Cut to conference room. Dr. Erdel is in front of a lectern, behind him is a white board, with an image of the aliens cranial structure projected on it. The room is split one side with an international panel of scientists and on the other American military personnel. Amanda sits on the side with the military, next to a stern looking gentlemen, in Generals attire. He looks skeptical and ready for a fight.

Erdel: “ I´ve brought you all here today, to explain why releasing our alien visitor from stasis has now become an urgent matter of National Security.”

A scientist: “You want to release the Martian! why?”

Erdel: “First of all I don´t believe our visitor is a Martian.”

Gen Wade Eiling, the angry General sitting next to Amanda, interrupts: “What the hell are you talking about? We found him on Mars didn´t we? What evidence do you have to support, he´s from somewhere else?”

Erdel: “I´ve been having dreams, well actually nightmares.”

Eiling: “Did you say dreams? Dreams? What kind of hack scientist are you?”

Erdel: “General Eiling, if you´ll let me explain. I believe our visitor has some kind of extrasensory gifts.”

Eiling slumps back in indignant disbelief.

Erdel points to the Cerebrum portion of the aliens brain: “As you can see in nearly all parts of his brain, there is similarity to the human brain. However, there is one important difference. Where as the human brain is split into two hemispheres, their brain seems to have four. Two on either side of, another two inner central hemispheres. On the Cerebrum section of the two outer hemispheres, everything is normal, seeming to regulate the same higher functions of the brain as human brains; perception, reasoning, memory, complex emotion. However these two inner hemispheres of the cerebrum, which arose in a more primitive stage of their evolution, seem to regulate some kind of extrasensory abilities. The levels of electromagnetic activity around this area is fascinating.”

Eiling: “What has this got to do with your dreams?”

Erdel “Our thoughts, express themselves as electromagnetic fields. If somehow his mind can manipulate those fields, or interpret them, he could literally see into our minds, our feelings, our moods. Its probably become so second nature to his species they don´t even think about it.”

Eiling “If this thing is psychic, as far as I´m concerned it makes him even more of a threat.”

Erdel: “I think he´s made an unconscious psychic link with me. We are sharing dreams. And, if any of what I see has some basis in fact, I´m deeply concerned. ”

Eiling: “OK, so what have you seen.”

Erdel: “His world, wiped out, it was an extermination General. A highly advanced alien civilization, came to his world, murdering, enslaving, torturing, his people, without conscience, without remorse, without pity. They slaughtered men, women, children, killed his whole family. And by the looks of it, he escaped, by steeling one of their ships. Coming here. That means General, who ever did this to his world, they can get here too. We have to wake him and find out everything he knows about these aliens.”

Eiling: “And how do you know, what your seeing isn´t, in fact him reminiscing about the good old days, during his tour in “Venus” when he committed genocide over a whole civilization?” (Said sarcastically)

Erdel: “Because I´m psychcically connected to him. I can bet my professional career on the fact he isn´t responsible for it.”

Amanda: “And are you willing to bet the world on that too?”

Erdel: “If what I´ve seen of his mind is true, which I believe it is, I think we´d be betting against the world if we don´t wake him.”

Eilings eyes roll over with cynicism.

Erdel: “Look whatever it is in there is in a great deal of pain. He has witnessed the death of everything he loves. He has somehow reached out to me, and I´m feeling what he´s feeling. The symptoms I have are the same as the soldier returning from the Vietnam war.”

Eiling: “I don´t think it´s the little green man, I think its you whose cracked up doc. I think the pressure of the jobs getting to you.”

A young attractive blonde in a lab jacket gets up, making her way to the front. She says: “I think I can help my esteemed colleague explain this matter.”

Eiling: “Oh God, Professor Harleen Quinzel, yet another quack with an agenda.”

Erdel: “Yes this is Professor Harleen Quinzel, Professor of neurology and mental disorders.”

Harleen: “I´m also the leading expert in neurology, studying neurological factors that contribute to psychopathologies and specifically Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Professor Erdel has briefed me extensively on the matter, and it is clear, however much it may be difficult to comprehend, that our visitor clearly has abilities, that have allowed him to fuse his subconscious mind with Professor Erdel´s.

Harleen Cont´: “The symptoms I have observed in Saul´s behavior, and those that his wife has reported to me, are hallmark signs of coping with a trauma. Hyper vigilance, jumpiness, difficulty sleeping, loss of libido, flashbacks, nightmares; this kind of behavior does not surface over night, and there is nothing in Saul´s biography to explain this sudden shift of mood …. Added to that, the fact that Professor Erdel has reported to me sudden sensations of irrational paranoia, that this slumbering aliens tormentors, are somewhere close, they feel almost omnipresent. It is clear that whether these monsters are Saul´s demons, or in fact the aliens, the true sufferer of this trauma, is the victim. Those are symptoms suffered by the abused, not the abuser.”

Eiling: ” Let me ask you something Professor Quinnel, isn´t it true that you think every ones the victim? Every ones abused? Isn´t that why you testify under oath, that those crazed maniacs in Gotham, responsible for some of the most sadistic crimes of the century, are really the victims of abusive childhoods. You even testified that that psychopath, animal who killed 19 people, snuffed out six cops, actually suffered from multiple personality disorder, due to early childhood sexual abuse at the hands of his father. So really he was the victim, and not truly responsible for his actions. The clown was literally laughing all the way out of court.”

Harleen cooly replies.

“I don´t see how my work in Arkum has anything to do with this current affair.”

Eiling: “You´re not objective, and the science you pursue is a pseudoscience. Which is why you had that animal put away in your little asylum, rather than the electric chair, where he belongs.”

Amanda: “OK that´s enough General. We´ve heard your proposal and we´ll take it under advisement. Lets all get out, get some fresh air and lunch.”

Picture fades

Cut to,

My Approach To Martian Manhunter

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MrCBM56 - 6/30/2013, 2:18 PM
Very well written and thought out. Nice job!
Tainted87 - 6/30/2013, 2:33 PM
Gonna 'bookmark' this and catch up on it later. Sounds interesting from the first paragraph. I'll let you know.
tonytony - 6/30/2013, 2:41 PM
Nice. You have a talent buddy.
Tainted87 - 6/30/2013, 6:57 PM
Ares, I've finished your article and I have quite a few issues with it. I don't think anyone who fully read it would actually agree with the majority ideas, I'm sorry to say.

But before I get into that, here's what I liked.
You've been improving your dialogue, that's for sure. The exchanges with Erdel and J'onn, not to mention Waller and Bats - they were pretty natural and flowing. I could visualize the exchanges.

You also came up with a rather unique origin which was pretty inventive and creative, and I won't let that go unseen. You clearly gave it some thought, but I just wished you had thought in a different direction - as weird as that sounds.

Here's what I can't grab, and I'll be as honest as I can.
1) J'onn is the MARTIAN Manhunter. He is from Mars. He is OF Mars.
Now on that note, I understand the issue there of trying to or not wanting to try and figure out how to make Mars an inhabitable planet where aliens lived and thrived. How could we not have discovered life on Mars? It wouldn't fit into our universe - that's really what it might come down to.

I have my own ideas, but I'm not going to share them here, not yet.

2) J'onn's mother Shasheen was a Manhunter in the comics. She's 'killed' by Ma'alefa'ak after she suspects him as the one who mind-raped J'onn's wife M'yriah. J'onn has her body burned to liberate her soul, who speaks from the grave to tell of Ma'alefa'ak's trap for his brother. It's kind of loose and painfully casual writing, but that's what DC gave us to work from. She also had a precognitive ability and named Ma'alefa'ak because she thought it would be a warning to him and others of what MIGHT become. Kind of backfired.

3) Don't put Batman in the movie. I get that it's an easter egg, but it would be too much of a distraction. Our character is the Martian Manhunter, and there's already a bit too much in the human department for an origin story of an alien who DIDN'T grow up on Earth - we don't need someone like that coming and going.

4) As detailed as your exposition goes (and I love a good biological adaptation/evolutionary change - I incorporate it in my own MM treatment) an audience would get bored with it if it isn't made relevant. Is J'onn going to explain this like a Wikipedia entry?

5) Ma'alefa'ak is an extremely important character to J'onn. Not only is he his twin brother, but he's also the one responsible for the genocide of his people. When you cast him in a story, an origin story - he needs to be the one doing the dastardly deed. Motivation is required, and it needs to affect J'onn in more ways than "he lost his entire race". As his brother, as someone who promised him ever since they were children that he'd love him and look after him.... J'onn needs to be in great emotional pain after everything around him was torn apart - and his trust was so gravely betrayed. He needs to go through a crisis because of this. This genocide, this betrayal - it's the reason why he's so distant, why he feels his adopted homeworld needs to earn his trust and compassion.
aresww3 - 6/30/2013, 10:53 PM
@TAINTED87 - He´s actually the badguy in the film. A really tragic one. When you find out what happened to him. Its pretty distressing. His parents theories come back and he is pretty awesome. The last scene of my idea defo would make people cry.

By the way thanks for reading. I hoped you would cause I know your mad about the Martian like me. Anyway, the origin at the bottom is not some thing focused on, it was just something I needed to know, so I could reference it in my origin story. The only bit that is really focused on at all in the film is the bit about his family. How they survived. the rest is mentioned here and there if it is relevant.

Thanks everyone for your comments.
aresww3 - 6/30/2013, 11:20 PM
The Flash next.
aresww3 - 7/1/2013, 2:56 AM
MAC: Its pretty tragic, I´d like to see a bit of what you have. I´m not really working to much on my Manhunter story any more. More on my Wonder Woman, but once I´ve finished I want to go back. It was really quite good, and damn it was a tear jerker Maálefaák gets screwed, but we don´t find out what happens to him until the end. Its pretty nasty, but put it this way Jónn and he are connected spiritually, but are complete opposites and Maálefaák is not a straight up badguy at all.
Let me know when you pùt yours up, sounds like you´ve got a pretty cool story yourself.
MalteseFalcon - 7/1/2013, 10:10 AM
his origin story is to close to supermans with him being the last of his kind
Shadow11 - 7/2/2013, 6:48 AM
I know I would love a good Martian Manhunter origin film being put out and to explain his origin story carefully and correctly by giving it a really dark Nolan-type tone but also telling a really good story too and casting the right person in the role too
Shadow11 - 7/2/2013, 6:49 AM
And for the Easter egg scenes I really hope it ties into Justice League or it at the very least builds up to it
aresww3 - 7/2/2013, 8:50 AM
@shadow11 - Yes it would and actually a Batman story, that is nonorigin. My Wonder Woman is what i´m working at at the moment, but I intend to go back to this, finish it, cause I really love the story.
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