Just to clear things up, 8 out of 10 of the time, your going to get "MY 2 cents" on things. This one happens to be about the Fantastic Four.
"After watching Justice League the New Frontier, I got to thinking. What if someone made a FF movie JUST LIKE THAT, animation and everything, IN that time period, since thats when the FF started anyway. Have some decent voice actors and a good plot that incompases alot of their foes, like after they get Cosmic zapped in space, have the Jungle they crash into be Wakanda, they meet Black Panther and and help him fight Klaw, after which in returning triumphantly to NY they're met with Moleman's monster and have that classic fight with him. They could even have verious camio's like Nick Fury. He shows up after thier fight and tells them of SHEILD and of Mole Man's former involvment in it, (Scientist that went wrong). He could show them a room full of Monitors that show Luke Cage Thor and Spiderman saving something, satalites Monitoring the Xmen, they can even pass by Hank and Janet Pym de-icing frozen Cap as they walk.
Eventually its determined that Doom is launching a satlite that will be a beacon to absorb more cosmic rays that are aproaching earth, and beam them down into what Fury believes are weapons of Mass destruction (Atom Bomb, something along that line). Reed, knowing Doom's personality better then that, and seeing some plans of his earlier on, discovers that Doom wants the cosmic rays beamed into HIM and be an omnipotent god. Then the final fight in which we think Doom dies. Think.....
It could end like New frontier ended to, with a commentary of Reed or someone of "Their NEW adventures that await" and show clips of them engaging the Sub Mariner, Puppet Master, Diablo, and finally the Surfer and Galactus.
At the end of the speech they show the fantastic four standing heroicly on the statue of LIberty as the sun sets, Johnny JUmps off and flies at the camera, end movie.
Voice Talent
Reed Richards: Jake Coleman
Sue Richards: Kerri Russel
Ben Grimm: Brad Garrett
Johnny Storm: Will Friedle
Victor Von Doom: Michael Wincott
T'Challa/Black Panther: Phill Lamarr
Mole Man: Tom Kenny
Nick Fury: Kiefer Sutherland