Miles Teller Knows FANTASTIC FOUR Fans Hate Him For 'Mr. Fantastic' And 'Ruining the Franchise'
The latest from Miles Teller on The Fantastic Four has the 'Reed Richards' actor discuss the preconceived hate towards him and the rebooted Fox/Marvel franchise's "mature" direction. Check it out!

During a recent interview with the Huffington Post, Miles Teller discussed his Whiplash movie as well as his role as Reed Richards, aka Mr. Fantastic, in the forthcoming Fantastic Four reboot. When asked if he is bothered by the mostly-negative response to his casting and seemingly Josh Trank's overall direction, Teller vented that, "there are a million blogs and websites talking about the casting and they hear one little thing, like, oh, there was rumor it was a found-footage movie, so then there were a million comments on that." He continued, "If we’re going to be up for everybody’s public disposal of it, I try not to get too caught up with anything on the Internet. Out of sight is out of mind for me a lot of the time. I already know that people hate me for the fact that I’m playing Reed Richards and that we’re ruining their franchise. It’s tough because when you’re taking on a franchise that’s already been established, you do kind of owe something to the characters and to the creator. At the same time, you want to bring it to a fresh audience. My dad grew up with the "Fantastic Four" comic book and not a lot of kids did, so you also want to make a movie that they can enjoy. I will say that this film that we made is not really for little kids, I don’t think. We do take a more mature approach."
Directed by Josh Trank, The Fantastic Four stars Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, and Jamie Bell with Reg E. Cathey, and the film is scheduled for release on August 7, 2015.