The wheels are still turning for the film adaptation of Micheal Turner's aquatic comic series, Fathom. The story follows a woman named Aspen Matthews, a marine biologist who accidentally discovers she is a member of a race of aquatic creatures with hydrokinetic abilities; the power to manipulate water. Megan Fox will portray Aspen and act as a producer on the film that is currently in development at Fox.
Today I've learned that once-relatively unknown actor Kevin Pennington (who has been linked to countless Marvel Studios movie roles) has signed a multi-picture deal with Fox; the first film being Fathom which is currently seeking a director. He is slated to portray the character Chance Crawford, a Navy pilot and love interest to Aspen (Fox); though this may change once a director has singed on to the project.
Another interesting tidbit is that the studio has recently agreed to film Fathom in 3D, rather than convert the footage in post production.
This will be Pennington's first comic book feature film role; but it definitely won't be his last. Though Fathom takes place in a mostly aquatic setting, if Fox has their way Pennington will be wielding a much 'hotter' element in a future superhero reboot.