According to John Keller, who wrote the article, he was contacted by the Green Lantern crew to use the Magazine for the Ferris airbase. The magazine may be used to promote the airplanes and other airforce parts for Carol Ferris and her father.
John Keller:
"I know that Military & Aerospace Electronics is read by influential figures in and out of the aerospace and defense industry, but I never realized that our magazine also is the journal of choice for at least one superhero."
"It seems the Green Lantern, a test pilot who is granted a mystical green ring bestowing him with otherworldly powers, as well as membership in an intergalactic squadron tasked with keeping peace within the universe, also is among our subscribers."
"Military & Aerospace Electronics just might have a bit part in the movie."
"Production on the movie has begun, and set designers contacted me the other day asking for issues of the magazine. It's possible -- based on how the final movie is edited -- that issues of Military & Aerospace Electronics will be part of airport scenes in the Green Lantern movie."
Looks like Hal Jordan has been doing some reading. Filming should commence in a few days as March begins tomorrow!
Here is the cover of their magazine: