Sequel to the Critically Slammed Remake A Nightmare on Elm Street in the Works!

Sequel to the Critically Slammed Remake A Nightmare on Elm Street in the Works!

Yes, a sequel does seem like its going to happen and not only that but its going to be on the 3D bandwagon too! Read more right here...

By LEEE777 - May 04, 2010 11:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Horror
Source: Dark Horizons

Well the critics totally hated A Nightmare on Elm Street, practically ripping it a new butt hole! In fact, the movie was received so badly that it currently comes in on the Tomatometer at Rotten Tomatoes at only sixteen percent.

However, the movie was box office champ on the April 30 weekend, with a domestic gross of an estimated $33 million which may explain why the sequel project has been green lit. The production cost of the remake cost $27 million.

Platinum Dunes producer Brad Fuller, was spotted by the guys at Dark Horizons. When asked by a fan about a sequel, the producer replied that one is "already in the works".

Remember though, Friday the 13th had a $19 million-budget and the remake opened at $40 million but the following weekend fell fast down to 80, it didn't know what hit it. There was a sequel already in the works the day after the movie was released, but now it is officially dead.

LEEE777 - So chances are we will get a sequel, but then again fingers crossed we don't. Not being nasty or anything but I'm still waiting for that Freddy vs Jason vs Ash crossover movie Hollywood! Who wouldn't sell a body part or two to see that baby? Comments below!!!
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LEEE777 - 5/4/2010, 11:32 AM
Come on =

No competition!!!

; )
superdog - 5/4/2010, 12:12 PM
wont happen lee777. sorry. you should do a fan fic about it though :)
LEEE777 - 5/4/2010, 12:16 PM
DOG @ : D
InstigatorGIRL - 5/4/2010, 12:33 PM
Lame... This movie was a FAIL.
GoGoGadgetsBruh - 5/4/2010, 12:39 PM
ok movie
has it's plot holes but was way better the the Friday the 13th remake xD
even thought his movie isn't actually a remake but a reboot :P
Oh and I liked it more than Clash of The Titans xP

the only people who will complain about it will probably be the ones who loved the originals (some may not though)
they'll find any excuse to say it's a terrible movie
nope not the best movie ever but it was enjoyable

the Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash thing can't happen :/
Aaron Yoo was in both the new Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday The 13th movies as two different characters

check out my review if you haven't
just click da pic!

GotBatman Reviews A Nightmare On Elm Street

ElBicho - 5/4/2010, 12:42 PM
As much as I'd love to see it, the F v J v A will never happen...

And critics hate all horror movies.
InstigatorGIRL - 5/4/2010, 1:00 PM
I don't understand how people can sit there and say this movie was better than the Friday remake? The Friday the 13th remake was way better than this flick IMHO. I enjoyed it 10 times more.
LEEE777 - 5/4/2010, 2:32 PM
I actually liked JASON X!!! : p

And cheers @ GOTBATMAN! : D

INSTIGATOR @ I can see you really hate this new reboot!

Its a shame HOLLYWOOD has to [frick] everything up!
ngu13 - 5/4/2010, 2:43 PM
i watched this film last nite its crap ...fred dont look like fred any more ... dont like the look .. didnt like the film ...never gana get that time back
thatiscrazy - 5/4/2010, 2:53 PM
LOL nice post
ngu13 - 5/4/2010, 3:11 PM
the old 1 was the best ..but all the 80s horror films are good and scarey
MarkCassidy - 5/4/2010, 3:27 PM
I wonder what will happen in the sequel?? Awful film. [frick] remakes of classics and [frick] non horrifying horror movies..oh and [frick] Routhbout for Tea:).. even though I want one!
SalC - 5/4/2010, 3:39 PM
Wow, I can't believe everyone hates this movie so much. I watched it last night, I thought it was pretty good; yes there were plot holes, but way less than anyother version of the series and believe me I know. I own everyone of them and watched them more times than I can count. The acting wasn't oscar worthy but again, name one that did. I have to agree the eye thing bugged me a little but was over it in like two minutes.
I think the majority of people who do not like it, don't like it because when they watched the originals, they were young enough that it scared them beyond anything that could at their age now. It's like Transformers, if you watched it as a kid, no matter how well the movie or cartoon is done, it will never compare to what it was like for you when you were young. The reason is that you just didn't watch the movie, your imagination played a big part in what you saw and it was scarier to you then what was really on film. In this case nothing will be as good as what you remember. If you don't believe me watch the two back to back, and look at it objectively, you will see that you may preffer one to the other, but the differences between the two are not that far off.
Ok, done with my rant.
LEEE777 - 5/4/2010, 3:57 PM
KEV @ Luvs destroyer d!ck. : P

SAL @ Lol, i looked at it all ways, its crappola! : D


An TEA @ Lol! Yeah [frick] a FREDDY [frick]ing remake reboot [frick]ed sequel!!! : D
SalC - 5/4/2010, 4:01 PM
@ Lee Just remember one man's sh!t is another man's...well you get the picture ;-p
LEEE777 - 5/4/2010, 4:43 PM
Hey i feel ya, my sh1T was GI JOE lol! : P

Though only because i saw SNAKE EYES and STORM SHADOW fight it out on the big screen which i never thought i'd ever see!!! : D

Yeah most of the rest though wasn't too good! : P

Dude i feel ya, but i sooo wanted that FREDDY VS JASON sequel lol!
BillyBlack - 5/4/2010, 4:50 PM
LEEE's shit is my soft serve ice cream.
Joe6Pack74 - 5/4/2010, 7:25 PM
Why don't they just give up on Nightmare. They ought to do a sequel to Event Horizon.
HOWLER16 - 5/4/2010, 8:13 PM
i actually Enjoy This Movie!!!
PHUCK THE CRITICS RottenTomato sucks B@LLS! who cares what they have to say
i never listen to the critics yeah sure the old one is the best but damm dude no way in hell was Friday the 13th better than this.! It wasn't Bad at all
Friday was Terrible!!! it was stupid teenage bullsh1t that rely on damm sex scenes!
sometimes i swear being a movie critic is a BS JOB!
PHUCK ROGER EBERT! he can go suck Robert(what ever his name is) up!(excuse my language btw)!
I would pay to see a sequel so what?!
b4tm4n_10 - 5/4/2010, 8:31 PM
Film critics have to realize that this movie wasnt made for the fans of the older ones...if you go into this movie with any thought in your head about the originals then your going to be disapointed. This was not a remake other than some dream sequences and the fact its freddy krueger this is an entirely new take on the story. obviously with the way it made out in the box office its bringin in a whole new group of fans. just like the new Star Trek movie did. so before Critics try to slam on the remakes the way they do look at what hollywood is doin they are simply trying to bring a new generation of poeple to what we grew up on.
Newbe - 5/4/2010, 10:49 PM

I think that it would be to dangerous to make Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash. People's heads would explode from the pure awesomeness.
hulkjesh - 5/5/2010, 1:03 AM
anyone who cant see that this is a great remake is fn stupid. In fact I'll go so far as to say the original was a great premise that was destroyed by the Jerry Lewis Freddy that Robert Englund was. The Friday 13th remake was garbage that took the worst parts of the series an stuck it in a crappy attempt to remake it. JEH actually looked like a burn victim not a bubbly Jimmy Durante that Robert Englund portrayed. He was creepy an there were many moments that while I recognized some redo's from the original series managed to creep me out again because of how JEH portrayed Freddy. I thought it was going to be crap because of the critics bitching but I actually think it's one of the best horror movies to come out in the last 20 years. Finally a movie that was taken seriously an not turned into a bunch of stupid 1 liners with a bunch of dumb teens that i wanted to die. This is the 1st horror movie thats come out in a long while where I'm happy the whole ast didn't die. The 1 thing I have against it is that they needed more gore an better useage of the claw glove. I'll put it this way would you rather have Freddy put his clawed fingers through the mom's eyes like a gory bowling ball or would you rather see a convertible with Freddys sweater an the mom being sucked in through the door. Please people wake up already. Its people like you that keep Wes Craven in business. Oh yeah Scream 4 is coming out that's probably got all you freddy originals stoked to see some big tited teens an stupid storylines come out. Grow Up an Let the Movie industry too or we will all be subjected to more cheesyt garbage like The Spirit.
hulkjesh - 5/5/2010, 1:08 AM
anyone who cant see that this is a great remake is fn stupid. In fact I'll go so far as to say the original was a great premise that was destroyed by the Jerry Lewis Freddy that Robert Englund was. The Friday 13th remake was garbage that took the worst parts of the series an stuck it in a crappy attempt to remake it. JEH actually looked like a burn victim not a bubbly Jimmy Durante that Robert Englund portrayed. He was creepy an there were many moments that while I recognized some redo's from the original series managed to creep me out again because of how JEH portrayed Freddy. I thought it was going to be crap because of the critics bitching but I actually think it's one of the best horror movies to come out in the last 20 years. Finally a movie that was taken seriously an not turned into a bunch of stupid 1 liners with a bunch of dumb teens that i wanted to die. This is the 1st horror movie thats come out in a long while where I'm happy the whole ast didn't die. The 1 thing I have against it is that they needed more gore an better useage of the claw glove. I'll put it this way would you rather have Freddy put his clawed fingers through the mom's eyes like a gory bowling ball or would you rather see a convertible with Freddys sweater an the mom being sucked in through the door. Please people wake up already. Its people like you that keep Wes Craven in business. Oh yeah Scream 4 is coming out that's probably got all you freddy originals stoked to see some big tited teens an stupid storylines come out. Grow Up an Let the Movie industry too or we will all be subjected to more cheesyt garbage like The Spirit.
MarkCassidy - 5/5/2010, 2:39 AM
Hulkjesh, it sucked. I don't know that movie you were watching because I heard lots of shitty one liners and the cast were annoying as [frick] too. I'm not talking about the original, [frick] those movies too, Freddy never did anything for me. The point is that aside from a few minor details and making Freddy look like a [frick]ing alien they did nothing different so whats the point? It was predictable and boring and had as much tension as an episode of Spongebob. Actually, less, I watched a very exiting one the other day...
MKGOD - 5/5/2010, 9:06 AM
Alright [frick] it, Ya'll need to wuite being a bunch of duchbags and finally see how good this movie actually was, I mean I don't get it what the [frick] are some you talkin about, of course he doesn't look like freddy, Derp It's a new actor, I don't know I guess the word reboot didn't cross some of you [frick]tards, I think this was a great interpetation of how freddy should've been, I myself being a hardcore fan of NOES I really hated the series after pt 3. The acting was actually better than most horror flicks but please quite acting like it's supposed to be oscar worthy people, it's a horror movie for God sake. People who say the film wasn't scary, Duh, It's supposed to be creepy and uncomfortable, and too me creepiness makes up for scaryness, but it does have it's jump scenes. Those who say "the new freddy looks stupid.' Shut the [frick] p and do your research, My father is a burn victim, or at least half of him, he does not have any skin graphs, you all know that cat lookin eye freddy has, my dad's eye looks the same exact way almost, it's caused when the fire pulls and melds the skin from the nose bridge to the eyebrow, that area just kind of flapped over his eye from the fire, ad the lips, well part of my dads lips are kinda smeared lookin, you can only see a shadowed appearence of his lips now. But I mean seriously though back to topic, some of you need to get Robert englunds balls out of your mouth, and quite trying to compare, even though they have similar death scenes, this movie is completly different than the original, now I'm not bashing everyone on this page let's get that straight, just the one'[s bashing the film for no reason, I think for once since TCM, they finally made a great re-imagining of a film series, to me JEH brought the fear back to Freddy, which we all know went away after the first film, and Freddy became more like a cast away from the three stooges than a horror icon, some of you act like this is the worst movie ever. No! the worst movies are those Shitty ass made for TV Scy-Fy movies, they suck soo bad, it's almost unbareable, but if you think you can do any better, write a script, get a movie studio, SFX studio, and a shitload of money, and you make your own version, then we'll compare, in the end, yeah some parts were predicitable, but it brought a very disturbing aspect to the series, that made me feel very uncomfortable, This film in remake or reboot terms is up there with Dawn of the Dead for me.
MKGOD - 5/5/2010, 9:15 AM
and for people bitching the film was boring, it's not boring it's telling a story, creates better build up for the fianle, and RorMachine, freddy's lines were not a buch of one liners there were a few, but he's actually saying lines, he's not pulling an arnold on us, you need to go back and re-evaluate his lines, even if it sounds like a one liner does not always mean it is, i can understand the way he says his lines sounds like one liners but they are not.
Aryakin - 5/5/2010, 10:15 AM
have to agree with sal, mkgod and hulkjesh here. I liked it (though i also liked the friday the 13th remake... he was a [frick]ing camp superstar!)a lot as a reboot. Several nods to the original, overall creepier feel and if you think about a lot of whats going on it can really hit you with some scary possibilities.

"They say when the heart stops , the brain continues to work for seven minutes. That means we have six more minutes to play." - Fred Krueger

That line in itself can hold a lot of twisted possibilities.
lc - 5/5/2010, 10:42 AM
i knew you would do this lee lol,
but i have to say i [frick]ing hate it lol,
but honey you not the only one on here that has done
bad on one thing hell some off the ppl on here should
take a look at there bloody own!!
love you darling @ LEE xxxx.
satanors - 5/5/2010, 11:04 AM
Are you kidding me? No way they are going to make a sequel of this crap. atleat not with mr.unfunnyyouknowwho.
Hey. its that beautiful lc chick on top of me.
satanors - 5/5/2010, 11:05 AM
dude. if you had a broken tooth smile, i would totally marry you even though you are human
satanors - 5/5/2010, 11:16 AM
But really, i would not marry you if you were the last chick in the world, human.
hescian - 5/5/2010, 11:49 AM
The movie for what it was, really wasn't that bad. The problem is the same for most of the hollywood remake/reboots - the people who are remaking these movies have completely forgotten what made them popular in the first place.
In this particular case, the original Nightmare on Elm Street took the already familiar slasher horror formula and took it someplace new (killing people in their dreams) which made it refreshing and scary.
In 2010, because it's not a new concept, everyone is familiar with the idea, so it's not new and interesting and scary.
The original worked because of several different elements that happened to come together at the right time. That time is over.
They should never have even bothered with the remake.
LEEE777 - 5/5/2010, 12:23 PM
ROR @ Watch the SPONGE BOB movie HOFF's in it luv that one lol! : P

Lc @ Awwwwww luzz ya too xxx

NEWBE @ Hell yeah man!!! Heh heh.

GUYS @ FRIDAY THE 13TH reboot sucked smelly turds too lol! : D

Billy @ Lmao dude! ; D

HESCIAN @ Couldn't agree more!!
lc - 5/5/2010, 12:23 PM
satanors lol.what dude you on about human???
you want to marry and then you dont make yeah mind up lol and your to late human am all leees lol
JHowlett - 5/5/2010, 1:43 PM
I was a big fan of the origianls but I think this remake is the best thing to ever happen to the franchise. I thought it was a good movie I like the new look for Freddy, there wasn't much I didn't like about it actually I'm stoked that there's a sequel planned already I'll be there to watch it too.
flames809 - 5/5/2010, 1:47 PM
cooli like the the movie
PWhite - 5/5/2010, 8:03 PM
It was ok...No need for another one though. How bout a new horror flick all together!
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