Following up on this breaking news, CBM has confirmed that a THIRD Hulk reboot is in the works--NOT a sequel, not a continuation, but a movie with an entirely NEW cast and crew which again starts somewhere at the beginning of the Hulk storyline!
When asked why, Marvel studios executive James Becile made this comment, "Why not? We've started (or re-started) something really big here. Non-sequels are all the rage now. We figure we should keep doing what works. There could be 3-4 redos per character."
This begs the question whether Marvel plans on rebooting any of their other big-screen characters besides the Hulk. Becile answers, "Hell yeah, Spider-Man is definitely up for one. Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Blade, we'll redo them all. We've started calling them Nega-sequels around the office. They're anti-sequels. Kinda like the negative zone. Get it?"
What about Marvel properties that haven't yet seen time on the big screen?
"Oh, we're thinking about maybe putting out crappy movies for those first, and THEN redoing them. It's all part of the master plan."
(Note: This is a joke people. Please, no incredulous emails.)