Iron Man 2 Interviews from SDCC: Scarlett Johansson

Iron Man 2 Interviews from SDCC: Scarlett Johansson

Brent Sprecher talks to the cast of Iron Man 2 at the San Diego Comic-Con 2009! In this installment: Scarlett Johansson!

By bsprecher - Jul 28, 2009 02:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Iron Man 2

Following the debut of the first official Iron Man 2 teaser footage, I had the opportunity to sit down with actress Scarlett Johansson to discuss the role of Natasha Romanoff, AKA the Black Widow and some of the rumors surrounding this much-anticipated sequel.

Johansson said that she was nervous when she first contemplated wearing a skin-tight superhero costume:

"I had a bit of a freak-out moment. Well, it was more seeing the--'cause the costume took a while to build it, obviously, but I saw some of the sketches and I knew what to expect because I had obviously seen the kind of later incarnation of the character. I knew that it was going to be some kind of cat suit of some kind. So, I had a freak-out moment, but that only lasted about, you know, half-a-day and I was like, 'Suck it up, you gotta just do it,' so I never turned back after that. I just went, like, full force."

In addition to fears over how she would look in the costume, Johansson admitted that she was afraid the costume would impede her ability to perform:

"But, as far as the action sequences go, and how the costume relates to that--one thing that's obviously important to my character is that the costume moves, the character is, you know, an expert of hand-to-hand combat, she's a mixed martial artist, she comes from a dance background, there's some gymnastics thrown in--it's kind of like everything all thrown into one big, sort of, fighting machine. So, a big part of me was like, "Can I move in this, can I run in it?"

Johansson was hesitant to reveal too much about the Black Widow and her relationships with the other characters in the movie, but she said:

"There are sort of two sides to my character, she's a bit of a shape-shifter, I suppose. There's a side of the character that's kind of demur and sort of covert, and, um, kind of…I wouldn't say that she's submissive, but she's kind of blending into sort of Stark Industries of some kind. And, then the other part of the character, which is a really aggressive and badass character that is sure of herself and is going to kick the shit out of you if you get in her way. That's about as much as I can tell you."

I asked Scarlett about the recent rumors that there was tension between her and actress Gwyneth Paltrow--who reprised the role of Tony's assistant, Pepper Potts—over the attention that Johansson was receiving and she said:

"No, nothing could be further from the truth. I have nothing but wonderful things to say about working with Gwyneth. She's totally out of the loop. She's very much out of the loop. You know, she's got a wonderful family she spends a lot of time with, so for her, she's like, 'What's going on? What?' And, of course, (director Jon Favreau) who's like on his Twittering thing--he's so crazy about any kind of news about anything--is like, 'You haven't heard? You haven't heard?' He comes on set and I'm like, 'Oh, God,' you know. Every time I would say—I would say to Gwyneth--you know she would say, 'Oh, yeah, that was on the seventh,' and I would say, 'Are you sure that wasn't on the sixth?' And, (Jon) would go, 'Another cat fight! It's breaking out!'"

Johansson also said that there was no truth to the rumor that Paltrow snubbed Comic-Con:

"Believe me, she's worthy of plenty of attention and I know that the fans love her. And, they're going to love to see her in this movie because her character really is able to, kind of, comes into her own. And, I know that she would love to be here, as well, but she's with her family."

Johansson deflected questions about the Black Widow's origins in the film and how connected the character might be to her comic book origins as a Communist spy:

"Well, I mean, like I said, the character remains quite mysterious in this film. All we kind of—you know, she's definitely—I mean, this movie is not about, like, revealing the Black Widow identity. Hopefully, if the character continues on, whether that be through Avengers or something like that we'll be able to explore more of her past. Obviously, you know, the film is present day, so to bring in that whole Communist aspect of the character might be a little bit dated."

Johansson said that signing a multi-picture deal was not daunting and was actually enticing to her, as an actor:

"We have a vested interest in our characters, as well. I mean, I didn't go into this going, 'Oh, this is the last I ever want to see of this character.' I want—I would love to see the character come back and, sort of, as I was saying, kind of reveal more about herself. I loved making the film. I loved working with Jon (Favreau). I loved working with Robert (Downey Jr.). And, so, you know, for me, as an actor, we kind of have a beginning, middle and end, and a one-and-a-half or two-hour segment or whatever, and we're done with it. So, for me to be able to bring something like this back and kind of develop the character is exciting and something we don't normally get to do as actors."

Iron Man 2 opens May 7, 2010.

Click HERE for an interview with Robert "Iron Man" Downey Jr.!

Click HERE for an interview with Sam "Justin Hammer" Rockwell!

Click HERE for an interview with Iron Man 2 director Jon Favreau

And, in Astro Boy news:

Click HERE for an interview with Freddie "Astro Boy" Highmore!

Click HERE for an interview with Kristen "Cora" Bell!
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answer - 7/28/2009, 2:10 PM
Nice interview Brent you lucky devil you!
bsprecher - 7/28/2009, 2:11 PM
@TheAnswer: Thanks, I appreciate that!

And, despite what some detractors on this site have said about her, she is very funny, intelligent and absolutely gorgeous in person!
answer - 7/28/2009, 2:29 PM
Stop rubbing it in!!

You're making me even more jealous!! ;)
Bamf7 - 7/28/2009, 2:34 PM
This is good. Really looking forward to this movie.
Gabe - 7/28/2009, 2:35 PM
It's good to hear there was no tension between those two. In regards to the article, I'm jealous =)
rockstar728 - 7/28/2009, 2:36 PM
Nice interview!
MarkCassidy - 7/28/2009, 2:43 PM
Cool! I dont spose you got her to sign anything Brent?
Hawksblueyes - 7/28/2009, 2:44 PM
It is like, good, in a like, not bad sorta way:) In all honesty she does seem down to earth for a drippin hot starlet like.
bsprecher - 7/28/2009, 2:45 PM
Thanks, gang! There's a funny bit that I didn't put in this article because I didn't think it mattered, but I'll share it with you here...

I asked Scarlett if she was planning on keeping her costume so that she could try it on in five years to see if it still fit, the way girls do with prom dresses, and she quipped, "Is that what you did with yours?"

Ohhhh! Busted on by the Johansson!

@Ror: No, unfortunately, I got nothing signed. We were under strict orders to 1) Not take any pictures or videos, 2) Keep the focus on Iron Man 2, and 3) Not ask for anything personal, like autographs. I waited until the whole thing was over and then approached Rockwell while he was just chilling, which is how I got him to sign the Stark Industries card.

@Hawk: Some writers edit out those little "ums" and "ohs" that we all use when we speak, but I think it helps you to "hear" the person in your head when you're reading it to keep that stuff in. We all do it. I must have said, "You, um, sort of..." a dozen times.
GUNSMITH - 7/28/2009, 2:54 PM
Hawksblueyes - 7/28/2009, 2:55 PM
Oh most definately, just comes across sometimes as a little like, funny.By all means keep em in there.
JoshWilding - 7/28/2009, 2:57 PM
Great interview Brent! What other interviews can we expect after this and your Sam Rockwell one?
bsprecher - 7/28/2009, 3:07 PM
Thanks again! I totally spaced on the Johansson-Reynolds, superhero family thing they've got going on...

I have interviews with Robert Downey Jr., Don Cheadle and Jon Favreau on the way, as well as more video from Freddie Highmore and Kristin Bell (smokin' hotty and very funny) talking about Astro Boy.

@Gunsmith: Dude, I was inches away from Ms. was hard to concentrate.
JoshWilding - 7/28/2009, 3:26 PM
Brent: great! i look forward to them, especially the three Iron Man 2 interviews!!
adamant877 - 7/28/2009, 3:49 PM
Brent, have fun down there in San Diego, and try not to burn! (You ridiculously lucky bastard, you!) lol
Osiris - 7/28/2009, 5:00 PM
Awesome article, I wanted to go to SDCC so bad this year, your lucky Brent
NataliaRomanov - 7/28/2009, 5:12 PM
As the true Black Widow...I approve of Scarlett playing me in a movie.
jallanr - 7/28/2009, 5:28 PM
nice interview

woo hoo!
CRITIC17 - 7/28/2009, 6:19 PM
Lucky, thats all I can say is lucky... I wonder when we will get to see the trailer you guys saw at SDCC.
skullboy - 7/28/2009, 7:00 PM
She's gonna ruin this character just as Topher Grace did with Venom.
DriemMachine - 7/28/2009, 7:57 PM
Skullboy- you're either joking or a flaming homosexual.
Judging by you're name you like to give skull, so I think we can guess which one.

She is a dead on. She is black widow.
CaptainCanada - 7/28/2009, 8:07 PM can you even compaire thouse. Eddy brock was supposed to be a muscle bound jack ass with a symbiode that was as psyco as he was and we got the guy from That 70's show(where they constently made fun of him for being a twiggy bitch), Black Widow is a firey redhead, who is hot as balls, athletic and has a devious look about her, and we get Scarlett pretty sure one of these things is not like the other
StephenStrange - 7/28/2009, 9:14 PM
Topher Grace was poorly cast in the first place, and was dealing with a poorly represented character to boot. It's the writers and the director that ruined Venom, not Grace.

And if the Black Widow character turns out bad somehow (not a chance) it will probably be for the same reason.
OptimusPrimeTime - 7/28/2009, 9:40 PM
@ Skullboy

That is SUCH a Supermike thing to say.....

(In case your wondering....that isn't good)
Shadowelfz - 7/28/2009, 9:46 PM
Damn. She looks smoking, and she sounds pretty cool in the interview.
bsprecher - 7/28/2009, 10:33 PM
Hey, guys, say what you want about Scarlett, but I'll tell you this: she knew what she was talking about. I've talked to some pretty vapid actresses over the years, and at least Scarlett was interested in talking about Iron Man 2 and The Avengers and she sincerely wants to return to the role.

As she said, she has a "vested interest" in the role being good. Sure, it sounds like she's not going to be a Communist spy or the Winter Soldier's girlfriend, but you have to realize that things must change in order for it to work as a movie. Movie Tony's origin is not exactly the same as it was in the comics, but we're all okay with that, right?
Inohaku - 7/28/2009, 11:10 PM
Bravo Brent, awesome interview. And Scarlett is just AMAZING!
Scorpioxfactor - 7/29/2009, 4:10 AM
She is F I N E FINE!!
DriemMachine - 7/29/2009, 12:54 PM
Ok here it goes. Here comes my apology.
"I'm sorry I used the term flaming homosexual."
I see how that may offend people like "skullboy" and "teabag"
but I'm only sorry for using the word flaming before homosexual.
I hope the human torch and sunfire can forgive me;)

ps. teabag, apparenly your mom isn't a lesbian
DriemMachine - 7/29/2009, 12:55 PM
Check out the bottom left. I'm not sure if it's black widow or scarjo
BigHeadSarge - 7/29/2009, 1:44 PM
Brent, were you close enough to smell her? She looks like one of those girls that would smell really, rreeaallyy good.
skullboy - 7/29/2009, 2:09 PM
DriemMachine, you better shut your f--king mouth you prick. I said nothing to you and you're outta line. I don't like Scarlet, so what. There's other actesses I like who are way better than her. Insult me again and I'll give you all out hell you little bitch!!!!!
skullboy - 7/29/2009, 2:13 PM
Oh, and OptimusPrimeTime, I haven't been in these boards often enough to know about Supermike but I'm betting you mean it in an insulting way. You need to watch it too. You don't know me so don't start any crap with me.
SirJediFrank - 7/29/2009, 3:44 PM
skullboy_ wtf? calm down man.. you don´t like ScarJo? that´s fine by me.. but you´re taking the "insults" too seriously.. take them with humour man!!

like: Optimus: "skullboy you sound like Supermike, that ain´t any good!!"

skullboy: "Optimus and Driem: just because you both offered your ass to Supermike the other day, that doesn´t mean i want that too.. i could accept ScarJo´s ass for my exlusive physical pleasure, but not her acting for Black Widow"

you see? have fun man! :-]
NataliaRomanov - 7/29/2009, 6:41 PM
Why does everyone have to fight and call each other names? We all love comics and comic book movies or we wouldn't be here, so let's focus on that, shall we? Sheesh!
Bijous - 7/29/2009, 6:42 PM
@Natalia: I second that!
bsprecher - 7/29/2009, 7:48 PM
@BigHeadSarge: Um...that's a creepy question, but...yes, yes, I was.
BigHeadSarge - 7/30/2009, 12:47 PM
(getting creepier) and...? :)
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