The mag asked who would Rourke be taking as his date to the Oscars, if he's signed onto Iron Man 2 yet and what happened with his appearance at Wrestlemania 25...
[So] who will accompany Rourke to the Kodak Theatre on Sunday? "Unfortunately, my agent," he told us in defeat.
But so what if ICM's David Unger doesn't look good in a dress — at least he's battling Marvel for a bigger paycheck for Rourke for his rumored role as a villain in Iron Man 2, right? "Right now, we're not doing Iron Man 2," Rourke told us grimly.
He did have some good news, though. Following the widespread disappointment over his canceled appearance at the upcoming WrestleMania 25, Rourke told us he'll still be there, just not in the ring: "We're gonna go in support. Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper, and Rick Flair have been such a part of the movie ... So whatever support I can give back to all those people from WWE, I'm gonna do that."
We only had time for one last question, so we asked who actually torpedoed Rourke's plans to actually wrestle at WrestleMania, him or his publicist? Since his flack answered for him ("We don't need to talk about that"), and then pulled him away, we're going to assume that it wasn't Rourke.