No Demon in a Bottle Storyline from Iron Man 2

No Demon in a Bottle Storyline from Iron Man 2

While delivering press for the Soloist, RDJ comments on the "Demon in a Bottle" scenario for Iron Man 2, which begins filming today.

By jman1977 - Apr 06, 2009 09:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Iron Man 2

When asked if the Demon in a Bottle story line is the one that is used in Iron Man 2, RDJ sts:

"Not really," Downey replied. "As a matter of fact, I think that’s probably best saved, because it’s such its own storyline. We're going for the interim space [between the origin and 'Demon']."

That's cool, I'm glad they are not jumping right into the whole Demon in a Bottle storyline just yet. The movie going audience loves Tony Stark and it does feel a bit soon to show the evil that comes along with alcohol addiction in such a main stream character. I think this is best saved for after The Avengers are made. Then Tony will have a reason to get plastered as the amount of stress builds while having The Avengers initiative to cater to as well as being Iron Man.

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Grizzly - 4/6/2009, 9:33 AM
Ya i think this is a smart move, you need to build a character up before you begin to bring out his flaws and show more of his human side. this will also give them a chance to develop rhodes/war machine more so that he can take more of a role in the story when stark falls victim to his addiction
verbicide - 4/6/2009, 10:18 AM
as long as the studio doesen't come in to make franchise friendly changes, ala spiderman 3, it will rock regardless of the storyline. w/ Fav at the wheel it can't go wrong
SupahPhreak - 4/6/2009, 10:34 AM
Yeah I just want more action. That was really the only flaw in Iron man IMO. But it was an origin story too and they don't usually have too much action. So yeah Iron Man IS PERFECT.
Betty - 4/6/2009, 10:45 AM
Wow, that is a good writting move. I cant believe it. However, i hope they dont go for too much action in the next one. Tech war is a good idea, i agree.
dogchasingcars - 4/6/2009, 10:47 AM
i agree i mean i like the demon in a bottle storyline but i think it would be to soon just like i think it would be cool if they did the extremis (the one where he gets the nano tech in his system that way he practically gets the power of a technopath lol) storyline
loganaspatch - 4/6/2009, 11:10 AM
yeah in other words hard to explain to kids that iron man is a alcholic and not get bad press bout it

im glad thats not in the movie that idea seems depressing and better to read as a book/graphic novel
LEEE777 - 4/6/2009, 1:19 PM
Awwwwww crap,,,, isn't this why ol WAR MACHINE dons the armor???? Well IRONMAN's armor first but you know what i mean! ; )
ThisFan - 4/6/2009, 1:44 PM
cant wait for this movie its gonna be amazingly good
stupify_me - 4/6/2009, 4:21 PM
They are not going to do it. I have been saying this from the moment they announced who is the director. Look he is an talented comedic writing and can pull off action , but Jon can't do drama and he clearly doesn't want to. Remember before the first was released he hinted at Tony's addiction making the film, but then said he cut it but promised that it would be a huge part of number 2. Now they are doing the same thing. This story will not happen it doesn't play to his strengths and it doesn't fit the tone of the films he has set. It should happen, but despite his great humor this guy can not write depth.
TheStranger - 4/6/2009, 4:33 PM
This is good news! I think they started showing flaws in Spiderman waaaay too soon in Spiderman 2. We only got to see who Spiderman really became for a few min movie time before we started seeing regret and selfishness. Which kinda spoiled about half the movie for me to be honest.
007440 - 4/6/2009, 8:18 PM
I couldn't agree more. I like funny Tony Stark.. I really don't like the comic one but the movie one was really funny. I might miss that if they do the demon in a bottle thing.. Maybe in IM 3 or 4 be better, when the public can bond a little bit more with the movie version Iron Man/stark.
MetalHead - 4/6/2009, 9:40 PM
Why is everyone acting like it would be the main storyline of whichever movie (if any) it ends up in? It could easily be done. He wouldn't need to be getting DUI's every day and beating Pepper Potts senseless for people to buy that he's an alcoholic.

The alcoholism could first come into the film in the same way that it does in the first film but about one third of the way through in a few small scenes we see Tony struggling with his thoughts while alone at home-- maybe he had a bad day, got rejected by a girl, is thinking about his father, whatever it is that billionaire playboys get depressed about, etc.-- and he gets wrecked in a scene where we wouldn't even need to actually watch him drink the whole bottle to know that he did. Maybe the next day he flies around in the armor hung over and we can tell that he's starting to realize that his drinking is a problem. Maybe Rhodey and or Pepper talks to him and he shrugs it off. Later in the film something happens-- maybe Rhodey is taken hostage and as a result of Tony being drunk he is unable to help him-- and the event causes Tony to realize that his drinking is hurting the ones close to him and he works towards getting help.

(Cheesy, yes, but it's supposed to be able for little kids to watch it. We can't have him taking body shots off strippers and driving around with a bottle of Vodka in the cup holder.)

The point is that the scenes which would only be emphasising his alcoholism wouldn't consume more than 3-4 minutes of actual film time and could still get the point across without making him out to be one version of the Joker's father.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 4/7/2009, 2:21 AM
What I love best here is that you get a sense that RDJ really knows the source material and has read every Iron Man comic out there.

stupify_me - 4/7/2009, 7:16 AM
I thought RDJ did great, but I in no way got the sense that he knows the source material. RDJ is a great actor and Jon wrote some funny stuff for him to say. The Iron man in the movie is really only similar to the comic it's not an exact copy or even close.
comicb00kguy - 4/7/2009, 7:39 AM
MetalHead is on to a good idea here. We should see alcohol affecting Tony a little more, but it should be subtle. Maybe let it play a role in being a problem in the fight before the climactic fight, where being buzzed or hung over during a fight causes Tony to lose. He finds an excuse for why he loses, but he knows inside "I better be sober for the next fight". An alcoholic doesn't wreck everything overnight. He'll realize he needs to sober up for the next fight, and for a while, he'll do it. It takes this happening a few times before he'll decide "the alcohol isn't why I lost that fight. There were other factors that caused it." and he'll fight drunk or hung over again.

Turning Stark into an alcoholic wreck in the second film would kill the franchise. If it were up to me, I'd actually hold that storyline off for the fourth film. Let the third one be the long-teased battle with the Mandarin. by this time, the subtle influence of alcohol on Tony's judgment will have built up enough to where audiences won't be shocked to see Stark's life falling apart around him. He should hit bottom fairly early in the movie, allowing more of the story to be Tony's battle to overcome his addiction and redeem himself. That's the heart of the story, and shouldn't be rushed.
JoNathanPetrelli - 4/7/2009, 7:43 AM
Totally agree with metalhead and comicb00kguy!!!
JoNathanPetrelli - 4/7/2009, 7:49 AM
you make no sense. You said RDJ's Iron Man was similiar to the comics but then you say that it's not even close! Personally i agree with Howllet04 and i really got the sense that he read the source material. However, i don't feel that his depiction of Iron Man was similarly not even close to the comics... because i use my words correctly...
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 4/7/2009, 7:50 AM
I'm not saying the Iron Man in film was the same as in print. What I'm saying is RDJ clearly has a good understanding on the Iron man story. As an actor he has put his own spin on Tony Stark's character (along with some good writing) but he knows what he goes through, he knows the villains and knows about the marvel world Iron Man is a part of. And that is the encouraging part of all this.
MetalHead - 4/7/2009, 9:23 AM
Tony coming to realize that he has a problem with alcoholism would be very similar to when he realized while held hostage that he was wasting his life. Coming so close to losing his life he realized that he wasn't using his abilities for the greater good and that event opened his eyes to it. The whole alcoholism would/could be done in almost the exact same way and would also fit the character well because throughout the course of the films we'd be watching Tony Stark evolve into a mature adult.

It would be fitting since many rich people never have to grow up because of getting their money at a young age and never having to learn what it's like to put in a hard day's work (I'm more referring to rock stars, celebrities, SOME sports figures, etc.). The combination of all of these events would be showing us Tony Stark's evolution from the care-free playboy billionaire to a man who has come to realize his powers and abilities and is using them to help better the world in unselfish ways. You know, the old "with great power comes great responsiblity" theme that Marvel loves and would be very appropriate for the series.

Side note: another idea would be to have Tony conquering one of his problems in each film. The first was his direction in life. The alcoholism shouldn't be sooner than the 3rd. Maybe the 2nd could be his issues with women/relationships. The only reason I say this is that these types of things are what have always made us relate to the Marvel characters-- the human aspects to their lives; the fact that they aren't just superheroes, they're "real" people, too. And watching someone overcome their flaws in the face of adversity is what seperates them from the rest and what ultimately makes them a hero.
soup3161 - 4/7/2009, 9:52 AM
@ stupify_me

It looks like you've been stupified already. You're dumb as hell. First off, it's up to all of the writers to write in the "Demon in a bottle" storyline, not just Jon Favreau. Second, there was a shit ton of dramatic moments in Iron Man that were incredibly well done! You shouldn't stereotype Jon Favreau just because he's done some funny movies. He's actually a very talented, legitimate director.
stupify_me - 4/7/2009, 4:03 PM
joNathanPetrelli do you know how to read? I clearly said that it wasn't close to being an exact copy. Which is very different from not even close to being like the comics.

bobbyjones6969 wow you must love movies like transformers if you thought there was any depth or emotion in ironman. There was not one emotional or dramatic scene in the film. There was action and there was comedy. The most dramatic scene in the cave where the guy who helped him died wasn't even emotional it was so heavily focused on the action that it's easily forgettable. Also I thought I was fairly clear that I didnt think Jon sucked I find him talented despite disliking most of his work. Elf was a crap fest. Most directors stick with a certain type of film its very common. How many hilarious comedy's of you seen Spielberg do? When was the last time JJ Abrams did a Spoof movie ? I never said he sucks just that he knows what he is good at.
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