With Disney planning to release "Tron Legacy" in December 2010, Marvel already owning the theaters in 2011 with the release of "Thor" and "Captain America" in 2012, other than "The Avengers" and Batman 3, what do we have? I'm not sure.
If anyone thought The Avengers would clearly run away with the year, we may be in for a surprise! Make way for "John Carter Of Mars." A science fiction movie about a civil war soldier who goes into a cave and comes out on the planet Mars. It's full of action and adventure, countless battles, alien life forms, and tons of creatures you've never seen. With Disney's money and eye for talent, a movie company should have no problem bringing this tale to life. Since is the movie completing it's filming, I'm already impressed with its director and cast. Starting with its lead man Taylor Kitsch, who I think should also play He-Man and The Crow, this Canadian born actor played Gambit in the "X-Men Origins." I didn't think they used him or the character enough, it is time for him to lead in a big motion picture.
Taylor Kitsch as John Carter.
William Dafoe a long time movie villain takes on a role of a 15 foot, four armed, green, alien warrior.
Willem Dafoe as Tars Tarkas.
Talented actor Mark Strong as Matai Shang.
The lovely Lynn Collins as the beautiful red princess Dejah Thoris.
Award winning Director Andrew Stanton.
Add that good cast of actors with a great story line, then top it with director Andrew Stanton from Pixar fame, the guy who single-handedly changed animated movies. I can't wait to see what he'll do with these strange beast in a live action movie. Given the fact it's a lesser gravity on Mars, John Carter is able to jump forty feet. Oh yeah, plus he's the greatest swordsman on the planet. Action scenes and special effects on the screen should be crazy! Its Avatar meets Conan in this movie. One things for sure with "Tron: Legacy" and "John Carter of Mars," Disney Films plans on making great action movies. Here is some movie concept art.