If you were to tell people that Arthur Curry was the king of Atlantis, a man capable of matching Superman or Wonder Woman in strength, and can use sharks to attack his enemies he doesn't sound so bad. However, the second you say "Aquaman" there are two responses(typically). Either people haven't heard of him(because they never watched TV as a child...ever) or they remember him from the two things he was in. Super-Friends and his own show, both running back in the 60's and 70's-80's respectively.
So why is this a problem? Well because just about all Aquaman was there for was to ride on Dolphins and appeal to children's innate interest for the ocean and fish. People grew up and eventually he became a laughing-stock. Said to have the same powers as Spongebob and to be useless unless there was a crime in the ocean he became, very probably, the most ridiculed superhero of all time.
So even though through the years Aquaman has been given some "cool" boosts by writers including the famous hook-hand and through Geoff Johns' masterful run with the character the truth is simple. Half the people that saw super-friends, and frankly the general populace who only laugh at him because everyone else does, don't read the comics and have no idea that the version they saw was a dumbed-down, family-friendly version.
So by that logic shouldn't Batman not have as big a fan following as he does now? The fact here is that is following has been gained through all of his TV series, movies, and video games(given some of them have been pretty campy, the rest have made up for it and allowed us to forget about the campy). So if Batman can recover from the campiness of his Adam West years and the Batman and Robin movie and become nearly everyone's favorite vigilante can't Aquaman do the same? DC doesn't seem to think so.
^Not such a pushover huh?
Dc has announced plans(finally) that the king of the sea shall finally be getting his own animated movie. It is actually the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time. So why is an Aquaman fan-boy calling this an incredibly stupid move? They said that Aquaman will not be in Justice League: War because of this movie. Aquaman will NOT be in Justice LEague war because he is getting his own film.
Soooooo they're saying he can't be in more than that solo film? Is Aquaman like an actor on contract? Can you only use him in so many films before his contract is up? Last I checked DC didn't have limits on characters, and especially ones that have appeared as little as Aquaman. If you don't think it sounds ridiculous imagine replacing his name with Green Lantern, Superman, or anyone from the movie. It is a weird and ridiculous reason that doesn't justify anything. Also, if you say it's ok they replaced him because he was a "Lower-tier" league member may I remind you that no one on the Justice League is "Lower-Tier". They're all there for a reason and most of us got pretty upset with the Martian Manhunter swap. If they like to switch out "minor" leaguers then the Flash and Green Lantern fans should watch out, because they're next on the list, if we're ranking by popularity.
Now some would say, "They're giving Shazam a chance to shine! they're going to try to get his name out there!". Even if this is true, several things.
1) Shazam does not have a bad rep. If you say Shazam(or Captain Marvel) is your favorite hero you may get a "Huh?" but no one will judge you for it. He is a great hero, a favorite of mine as well. Aquaman, however, I truly believe needs this more. Just ask Conan O'Brien what his opinion of Aquaman is.
2)The count is Shazam appearing in 5 animated films(including his own short-film featuring him and Superman vs Black Adam). Aquaman has only been in 3...4 if you include the upcoming solo adventure.
3)Aquaman's already been replaced before...actually just outright excluded from a movie. Justice League: Doom was based on Tower of Babal which, do your homework, featured Aquaman as one of the members(plastic man was also cut, both were cut and cyborg came in instead). This was a very loose adaptation so I will give it the benefit of the doubt
It is my personal opinion that if anyone needs the exposure it is Aquaman
To get him out of the ridicule-filled state he's in now and into the limelight is what must happen. DC knows this and has said that the solo adventure will be part of a push to get him out there. There is just one huge, blaring flaw.
The flaw? If Aquaman isn't popular now what makes DC think that a solo film will A) Sell Well B) Appeal to ANYONE who isn't a die hard fan or rather young. A proper PUSH should be including Aquaman in titles that many people would buy. A title like what? How about a Justice League flick? Preferably one that featured him in the comic story as well and would be incredibly easy to adapt. If only there was one of those around, que rolling eyes.(I know what you're thinking, and the answer is NO. There should be no Throne of Atlantis movie now. Aquaman must be a member of the JL beforehand, or else it won't work, long story, another editorial maybe.)
So I am rather upset about DC's decision here and after watching the trailer my worst fears are confirmed. The idiocy of DC here and illogical way this decision was explained have been nothing but frustrating to a fan like myself who see this as a failed attempt. I want everything DC does to do well, I hope JL: War sells well, as well as Aquaman's stand-alone, but I can't help but feeling that DC is not treating it's characters with the respect they deserve. JL: War is nothing but a wasted opportunity and the Aquaman movie does not have high prospects as things currently are. I don't want the Aquaman movie to end up like the Wonder Woman flick several years back and not sell well. Aquaman is in no position for his own movie yet and, given DC's track record, I'm surprised they're willing to give someone other than Superman or Batman another solo movie. I should also mention it has nearly killed my interest in JL: War. Every time I see the trailer or any pics or descriptions I just get frustrated. They were even flying OVER THE WATER for Christ's sake! Just imagine what we are now no longer getting!

^Yeah that...that's now no longer happening...
Aquaman's had enough $#*+ over the years...why must DC give it to him as well?
Here is a link to what was said at NYCC on JL: War and the Aquaman Solo movie.