Kick Ass = Batman and Robin

Kick Ass = Batman and Robin

Well me and a buddy finally went to see Kick Ass last night. (I know... I know... But we both have kids and it's tough to get away to feed our fanboy urges) I must say that this was possibly the worst CBM since the debacle of "Batman and Robin".

Review Opinion
By Woodinator - May 28, 2010 07:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Kick-Ass
Source: Woodinator

Well me and a buddy finally went to see Kick Ass last night. (I know... I know... But we both have kids and it's tough to get away to feed our fanboy urges) I must say that this was possibly the worst CBM since the debacle of "Batman and Robin".

Let me open by saying that I am NOT a Book to film purest. I think that when a book goes to film there are necessary changes to be made to fit the venue. However...

Points of protest

1) Big Daddy: I went into this film cautious due to the radial costume redesign on Big daddy. Not since Schwarzenegger's Mr. Freeze has there been such a horrid revisualization of an iconic character. But I gave it a chance...

2) Big Daddy's voice: OMG! To quote my friend: "It sounded like someone doing a bad impersonation of Nicholas Cage doing a bad impression of Adam West." I wanted to rip my ears off every time this character spoke on screen. As if the costume wasn't bad enough! How is it that a character who was more closely related to Frank Castle becomes the Campy 80's Batman in the film. I half expected a flashy graphic that said "POW!" to appear when he began fighting.

3) Big Daddy's back story: The biggest surprise in the source material was when you find out that Big daddy was a fanboy accountant who kidnapped his daughter and sold back issues of comics to fund his war on crime. Which BTW made him fit in sooo well into a book full of eccentric fanboys. Instead the film stayed with his "cover story" of a cop that got screwed.

4) Kick Ass: He's not supposed to get better at what he does! That's the point! And more than anything he's NOT supposed to get the girl!!!! (All you guys who rave over this movie; did you even read the book?!)

5) Red Mist: He’s supposed to be the cool character, not a sniveling dork. His role is to be the envy of Kick Ass.

6) Red Mist’s Identity: (Minor gripe) And why is it that when they make CBMs they feel that they have to take away the suspense and surprise element? They did the same thing with The Comedian’s murder in Watchmen. In Watchmen you aren’t supposed to know that it was one person who killed the comedian until near the end… it added to the mystery. The same can be said for Red Mist and how it was a surprise when he stabbed Kick Ass in the back revealing his true identity.

7) Hit Girl: Due to the raping of Bid daddy’s storyline Hit Girl’s endgame was ruined. She was supposed to be returned to her mother to live a real childhood. But let’s face it; they had to leave her character open to do a crappy sequel.

And my final and possibly most horrifying gripe…

8) A *&$^^%$ Jet Pack!?: Did Disney buy out Millar too? This was the most horrifying thing in the entire debacle. In a story so rooted in reality… A Jet Pack?! This was almost a nauseating as Ice skates popping out of Batman and Robin’s boots.

I know I will get blasted in the comments of this review but I just can’t believe all of the positive comments I have heard since the release of this film. Again, I’m ok with source material changes… let’s face it Nolan’s Dark Knight was arguably the best CBM ever made and a reinvention of the entire Batman Mythos. But these changes should better round out the story… not rape it of its originality.

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v1p3rS - 5/28/2010, 7:43 AM
kick ass is awesome movie, but not for every one, may be not for you
Predator67 - 5/28/2010, 7:48 AM
What the [frick] is wrong with you , Kickass rocks

Can't wait for Kickass 2

Thats just your opinion
KEROSENE - 5/28/2010, 8:05 AM
credit where credit is due, you are right. In every aspect that you stated, you are right. I don't know if i'd compare it to batman and robin (that one hurt by the way), bet you do make a valid point. And v1p3rS is right, the movie might not be for everyone. that's just the way this site goes sometimes. I for one compare thomas jane's punisher to batman and robin as a travesty of comic book movie and for some reason a lot of people on here think it was fantastic. to each there own. Btw, I'm also a fan of Punisher: warzone, superman returns, and electra. Maybe not for how acurate they were, but for being good movies.
sagekilz - 5/28/2010, 9:24 AM
sorry buddy, the movie was amazing. your WAY too negative.
MrJosh - 5/28/2010, 9:32 AM
I guess sometimes it is better to watch the movie first because I enjoyed it thoroughly. You say that Big Daddy should be more like the Punisher, I say that would've taken something away from the movie because I loved the twisted Mr. Rogers style performance Nic Cage gave and I can't recall the last time I complimented that goofy looking bastard
Minotauro - 5/28/2010, 11:23 AM
It's about time someone told these Matthew Vaughn sack swigging fanboys, that the movie was overrated from start to finish.. ;D
superbatspiderman - 5/28/2010, 2:54 PM
I honestly don't think I would like this movie I haven't seen it and I am not to excited to see it.
supermarioworldE - 5/28/2010, 9:43 PM
What Bman said
mwkcope - 5/29/2010, 11:06 AM
When did Ebert register on here?
Woodinator - 5/30/2010, 6:32 AM
For those who bashed my "double standard" and claimed that I didn't make a valid point because I said "I'm ok with changes" but then quoted the source material. Let me highlight how I deal with what may seem like a contradiction to a 12 year old: "But these changes should better round out the story… not rape it of its originality."

P.S. - Sorry this wasn't under "Reviews". I'm new to the site and it's my first posting... I shall do better in the future!
TrollHunter - 5/30/2010, 10:49 PM
Wow this guys a dumb ass. Kick Ass = [frick]ING AMAZING! This movie was sooooooo much better than the comic. Big Daddys back story in the comic was so lame. Red Mist's charcter in the comic could be considered a cameo. Thats how little hes in it. The movie totally gives him a MUCH bigger role. You actually feel for the character. Hit Girls fight scene at the end of the movie was SO much better than the comics super quick one. Is this article a joke? It has to be a joke. The ONLY part i will agree on is the jet pack. It was gay.
Gigacrusher45 - 5/31/2010, 2:17 PM
I mean I didn't read the book but still.....none of these thoughts entered my head while watching the movie.

Again I didn't read the book but the costume looked fine, the only thing he changed about his voice was the pattern he spoke in. It's not like he completely changed it like the Batman voice.

I didn't think Kick-Ass got better at all.

I would have to read it to have an opinion about the other stuff.
Woodinator - 6/1/2010, 4:19 PM
Gigacrusher45: Ummm his voice totally changed into Batman. Nicholas Cage was even quoted as saying: "I modeled the entire Big Daddy Character from the old Adam west Batman character. Everything from the way I carry the character to the voice pattern I use can be attributed to the legacy that is Adam West."

So... maybe you are too young to remember Adam West. I suggest Youtubing Adam West's Batman.

Trollhunter: I'm glad you see the ignorance of the jet-pack. On the other issues we will simply have to agree to disagree.

P.S. - The point of a review is for someone to express their OPINION about a film. To jump on someone's review and disagree is one thing but to call them names (dumb ass) is just juvenile... grow up.

darthstern - 6/1/2010, 10:00 PM
dude you just used you tube as a verb
themovie and the book are two different animals
both were great in their own ways the movie was fun in a popcorn knda way and the book was just a great read due to the plot twists and all around good story
its win win!! i was able to seperate the movie from the book maybe thats why you did not like the flick you just liked the book to much
CorndogBurglar - 6/2/2010, 4:29 AM
why is it so hard for people to understand that there really are jetpacks in real life? This is a jetpack that is going to be sold commercially. so its not hard to believe that someone could get their hands on a jetpack.

and to compare this movie to Batman and Robin is lunacy.
Woodinator - 6/2/2010, 6:14 AM
Corn dog, I fail to see the Gatling guns on your picture and I'm pretty sure that the guy flying it isn't a teenager who read the manual in like ten minutes and then flew it up to the penthouse and shot the crap out of a bunch of mafia guys.

Some of my complaints are open to the "agree to disagree" moniker... but trying to justify the jet pack?! Come on Corndog. Even people who say they loved Kick Ass say that the Jet Pack was stupid.
Woodinator - 6/2/2010, 6:21 AM
Darthstern: Maybe you're right. But the love of a comic is what births these films isn't it? If it betrays the heart of the comic (A gritty/ funny/ based in REALITY story/ that shed light on the eccentric nature of fan boys) then how is it even "Kick Ass" anymore.

I feel the same way about this film as I did about Fast and the Furious III. It was an "ok" car movie that they slapped a big name on to sell tickets. Kick Ass was an "ok" LOOSELY based superhero comedic action movie that they slapped a big name on to sell tickets.

P.S. - I thought You Tube was a verb. lol
McLovin - 6/5/2010, 12:17 AM
@Woodinator - I'm glad it wasn't exactly like the book. I'm not saying it was better. I'm happy it had it's own take while staying true to the source material. I love Sin City as much as the next guy, but didn't knowing everything that was going to happen take away a bit of the "thrill" of not being 100% sure of what would happen next?

As far as the jet pack, I don't see why you're so upset about it. If you go into every CBM and walk out going "that could never happen in real life" I'm gong to save you and your family a ton of money by telling you to STOP WATCHING THEM!!! Can't you just sit back and enjoy the escapism that is the movie experience. I'm sorry the movie didn't cut it for you, but I'm curious now. What CBMs do you consider to be great and why?
Woodinator - 6/5/2010, 5:46 AM

Batman Begins
Dark Knight
Blade Trilogy
Hellboy 1+2
I am Legend
Xmen 2+3
FF 2
Iron Man 1+2
Incredible Hulk
The Crow
Spiderman 2
V for Vendetta

Spiderman 1
Xmen 1
FF 1
Ghostrider (could have been great without Nic Cage)
Wolverine origins (Fun watch but Baraka, er I mean Deadpool drug it down from Greatness)

Guilty Pleasures__________
Howard The Duck
Tank Girl
The Spirit

As I hope you can see from my list, it's not that I want a word for word panel for panel translation (Even though Sin City was that and was AWESOME!). I don't want a remake of the same exact story. I just want the heart of what grabbed me about the characters and the comic intact in the retelling.

My biggest gripe with Kick Ass was Big Daddy. He was nothing like the character in the book at all and since he is a huge part of the story that kind of ruined it for me.

As far as the Jetpack... It was just silly. The story is supposed to take place in the real world. This wasn't an "escapism" from reality it was escapism from the very movie that it was in. Even within this (in my oppinion) Crappy retelling of the story the Jetpack just seemed out of place.
PopeBadass - 6/7/2010, 8:56 AM
I really enjoyed both movie and comic. The only real comment I have to make is that Vaughn sold the rights to Kick Ass before he finished the comic. He quite literally didn't know the ending for the comic when the script was written, therefore the comic is a divergence from the movie, not the other way around. Perhaps this can help you see the movie for what it was instead of a raping of the book. Tehnically the movie came first (the comic was started not finished at this time)
Woodinator - 6/8/2010, 6:46 AM
@PopeBadass... Very good point. You get the award for making me scratch my head and go "hmmmm?"! With this as the Basis I can celebrate that Millar took a Half @#$% movie and made an awesome book!

Thanks dude.
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