Should a Lobo movie have an "R" rating?

Should a Lobo movie have an "R" rating?

A character known for his sinister jokes and gory fights deserves a proper arrival. One of his iconic images is a blood covered metal hook attached to end of a chain. Can this be translated through a "PG-13" movie?

Editorial Opinion
By Dropforce - Oct 27, 2009 03:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Lobo

Lobo, A man of many words, few of them for the light-hearted. He has been to heaven and hell and back. During which he becomes a trannie, destroying modern concepts of right and wrong, all the while dismembering any person or thing standing in his way. Intergalactic bar-hopping on his skull-faced space motorcycle. This cigar-smoking drunk biker who seems to take any job for the right price, and still manages to upkeep a torn set of values. Lobo is constructed for adult readers and consists of humor and graphics for an older audience.

Can this lovable character really be done justice in any sense through a "PG-13" film? If so, how?



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InTylerWeTrust - 10/27/2009, 3:57 PM
It definitely SHOULD be R-rated, it simply allows the filmmakers to produce the most faithful adaptation of Lobo possible, since, well, Lobo is a mature character.

With that said, a PG-13 film could be done on Lobo, it's certainly possible. It's just that the R-rating gives it so much more freedom to be as faithful to Lobo as possible.
ecksmanfan - 10/27/2009, 4:06 PM
I think that this is one of those characters that needs to be R-Rated, much like Blade was. All too often they dumb down stories and characters to gain the ever precious under 13 crowd, thus deviating from the true story and character. It sucks.
georgia49th - 10/27/2009, 4:07 PM
Mature? Your talking about Lobo, The guy who wise cracks and nuked everybody on his planet over something stupid and shows no remorse Lobo?
unless your talking readership of the subject matter Lobo is in no way mature.
Crazy yes, Insane Yes, Mature... No way....
LEEE777 - 10/27/2009, 4:13 PM
Yo DAN!! We know a R-RATED LOBO would be the best LOBO movie ever!!!

Lets just hope WB/DC change their [frick]ing minds lol.
Betty - 10/27/2009, 4:40 PM
georgia-- Mature in the "adult content" sense of the word.

It is a no-brainer that Lobo should be rated R. Otherwise we'll be getting the diet coke of Lobo, and I hate diet coke! Lobo-lite, Lobo with Splenda, Lobo Castrato.
BubastisTheLynx - 10/27/2009, 6:07 PM
Hell yes it should be Rated R! Why would they even consider making it in Pg-13?
InTylerWeTrust - 10/27/2009, 6:22 PM
Bubastis: To make more money, greedy bastards.
Wadey09 - 10/27/2009, 7:09 PM
lobo can be executed faithfully with a pg-13 rating.
filmakers have been pushing the rating system over the last few years that the line between pg-13 and r is no longer clear.
the line has become blurred and in that blur, mature content has made it's way into pg-13 movies.

i dont condone this "evolution" of the rating system but to answer COnelly's question:
although an r rating would give the movie freedoms that any other rating doesn't have.
but the studios want money, and they can push the ratings pg-13 and r closer together.

we may not see as much gore but i can guarantee you that it will be implied.
Dropforce - 10/27/2009, 10:15 PM
"we may not see as much gore but i can guarantee you that it will be implied." What da' Frag?!?

The gory imagery in the Lobo graphic(no pun) novels is cetainly not implied. Some of the best and most popular artwork to come from the Lobo series involves direct in ur-face, blood dripping, flesh ripping, smiley faced, cigar smoking, smashing, ripping, muscle pumping, bone crushing, brain bashing action.

The studios are wimps

Betty - 10/27/2009, 11:57 PM
I HATE implied violence. I want to openly kill implied violence. It's like the first AVP. The worst implied violence I've ever seen. Well, the camera is panning left, away from a Predator standing on top of a minor character. I guess his death is implied.

This makes me sound like an old man but what about the doctor shows on tv, Dr. 90210 and such. That shit freaks me out! It's horrible! I seriously can't watch them. That's a real person's face they're slicing off. If shows like that can be on cable where any little kid can turn to, we should be able to get our comic book fantasy violence without pulling implied teeth.

What they will probably do with Lobo is make all the blood that spurts, green blood. Show one side-boob and say [frick] one time and call it a day. It's like eating ice cream with a shot of novacaine.
Shaman - 10/28/2009, 6:22 AM
But here's the kicker!!! DOES "Alien Blood" of any other color than red, count???? If not, a PG-13 rating is the best way to cash in!!! It could be gory as hell and still get butts in the seats!!!


thunderforce - 10/28/2009, 7:44 AM
i think yes to rated r and i think james preston rogers would be a good lobo.
Shaman - 10/28/2009, 9:10 AM
I think James Preston Rogers is wrong for any role that has lines.
loganoneil - 10/28/2009, 10:14 AM
HELL YES, the Lobo movie NEEDS an 'R' rating!!!!

-'nuff said, except...

Shaman - 10/28/2009, 10:34 AM
I was just saying that for a first film, if it's mostly in space, you could get as much gore as you want without an R rating. THEN, having a sequel take place on earth or closer to, the R rating could come in. By that time, the franchise will be an anticipated one and butts will be in the seats ;)
Betty - 10/28/2009, 12:24 PM
Yeah alien blood dosen't count. You can have green blood spraying everywhere as long as it's not red.
Dropforce - 10/28/2009, 4:08 PM
Thats a fragin'cool sketch Shaman! I love the blood coming off hook onto the hand. Its a little too light-hearted for Lobo, he deserves a more dark gruesome look, more monsterous. His hair is usually more wiry as well. I looked at pictures of the suggested actor you have drawn and I do see the potential for his role. If movies like T2, Die Hard, Rambo, Saw all have a "R" rating I dont see how Lobo could not. All these movies also turned into multi picture projects, generating a nice chunk of money and fame.
Shaman - 10/29/2009, 7:52 AM
Yes but all the movies you mentionned have big names attached to them. They can afford the R. The only way i see Lobo succeeding with an R rating is if Mickey Rourke was cast. That's it. If they go with anyone else, they'll need as much money as they can get to make it fly. Which unfortunitelly means PG13.

Oh and thanks for the comment, i went with this look to showcase JDM's charm instead of dirtying him up too much cause it wouldn't look anything like him. And i went with the greasy slick hair that Lobo has in the Hitman crossover. I feel it would look better on screen ;) Just click on it for my editorial!
Dropforce - 10/30/2009, 2:43 PM
The only man who can pull this fragn' movie off and keep the original monstrous look of Lobo is, Guillermo del Toro.
He has the special effect talent to create monsters and not look corny. He is a large enough name to pull in the funds without casting a large named actor which he normally does anyway.
Shaman - 11/2/2009, 9:20 AM
Great Point, Dan! I think Del Toro would have been an awesome choice ;)
lobo666 - 2/20/2010, 3:27 AM
of course the rating for lobo should be "R". the gore the language, etc.
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