This week, I will be writing my fifth article on Comic Book Movie, and it will be about the MCU Fantastic Four film series. Now that Fox is currently being purchased by Disney, my friend decided to persuade me to create an MCU Fantastic Four article based on the success of my attempt on Iron Man 4, Captain America: Secret Empire and Thor: The Ballard of Beta Ray Bill.
I know we have a long time to wait before the actual series is released, but my draft version will amaze you and my casting choices were helped by my friend. Since the 2015 Fantastic Four reboot was criticised for its darker and humorless tone, I've decided to take the series in a more Modern Family Sitcom tone since it's known for its comedy despite the horror and science fiction elements.
Story Introduction:
Fantastic Four will focus on the Thing(Seth Rogen) because he and Mole Man(Danny McBride) have unsighty visage. Unlike the Thing, Mole Man has an attitude as hideous as his appearance. Alicia Masters(Christina Ricci) will help the Thing to deal with the angst resulting from his monstrous form, because no matter how he looks, she think the Thing is a very loving man. Her father Puppet Master(Matt Dillion) will be the antagonist of the Thing's specific storyline, since he is a man who uses his powers in petty and irresponsible ways, like a family-friendly version of Killgrave. The film will start with a flashback of a young Ben protecting his nerdy friend Reed Richards from being bullied by some thuggish jocks while saying his catchphrase "It's clobberin' time!". In the present day, Ben will help Reed(John Kransinski) with his marriage proposal to Sue Storm(Mandy Moore), whom she will glady accept in the end.
Fantastic Four: Coming of Galactus will focus on Mr. Fantastic because he and Dr. Doom(Riccardo Scamarcio) are the smartest humans on the planet. When Galactus(James Earl Jones) and his Heralds, Silver Surfer(James Franco), Terrax(Steven Williams), Firelord(Orlando Bloom), Stardust(Brenton Thwaites) and Air-Walker(Luke Evans) Dr. Doom wants the Power Cosmic to solve all the world's problems as a tyrannical God Emperor while Reed's compassion and love for his family inspired Silver Surfer to spare Earth and defy Galactus. Since Galactus' power will have global repercussions, Namor(Daniel Henney) will be a secondary antagoist. Obviously, a well-written Reed/Sue/Namor love triangle will ensue, just to show how strong in the love between Reed and Sue. The film will end with Reed and Sue wedding and Frankie Reye(Hayden Panettiere) becomes Galactus's new Herald.
Fantastic Four: Annihilation will focus on the Human Torch(Ross Lynch). His father Franklin Storm(Jay Underwood) will perish as one of the many victims of Annihilus' massive rampage, but his mother Mary Storm (Rebecca Staab) will survice. As a result, his father's death prevents them from making amends. Both Storms convinced the Fantastic Four to productively use their powers for altruistic goals in Fantastic Four 1. The movie will explore Johnny Storm's recklessness as a coping mechanism and struggling to complete science projects because he feels as the "unfavourite" within his family. Sue will be pregnant and the TV series versions of the Inhumans will help the Fantastic Four against Annihilus(Jack Nicholson), with Medusa subbing for Sue, Crystal as Human Torch's love interest and Maximus the Mad as a secondary villain. Wynnona Wingfoot(Devery Jacobs) will prove herself much more useful than being just being Human Torch's love interest. She will assist the Fantastic Four in tracking down a "threat" to frightened citizens, whuch turned out to be the lost canine of the Inhumans, the teleporting Lockjaw. With the help of Johnny, she went on a quest to rescue the Inhumans from the Negative Zone. Also, Johnny Storm invented HERBIE(Ben Stiller), proving he is way smarter than he looks. In the end, Johnny will almost die during the battle against Annihilus, but he will survice in the nick of time. Sue will give birth to a healthy baby boy named Franklin Jonathan Richards deilvered by Ben's Uncle Jacob(Craig T. Nelson) and Aunt Petunia(Kat Green)
Fantastic Four: The Kang Dynasty will focus on Invisible Woman. She fared the worst in both previous Fantastic Four adaptations while in the comic books she is the most fantastic member of the team. Kang will come from an alternate timeline where the Fantastic Four disbanded after Human Torch was killed by Annihilus. An older Franklin Richards/Hyperstorm(Joel Edgerton) with energy powers similar to Ultimate Ben Grimm will come to aid the Fantastic Four to prevent the existance of a grim alternate future ruled by Kang. Throughout the film, Kang will wear clothes that disguise his true identity and be voiced by Tony Todd. At the very end, our heroes(and the audience) will see Charlize Theron as Kang's true face and learn that Kang is Sue and Terminatrix will start the film servicing Kang until she redeemed to help Hyperstorm and the Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four: The Frightful Four will feature HERBIE being upgraded from a team pet to a full-fledged member of the team. A scientist known as the Wizard(Ben Whishaw) forms a group known as the Frightful Four(consisting of Diablo(Rodrigo Santoro), Red Ghost(Lars Mikkelson) and Mad Thinker/Rhona Burchill(Jena Malone) to brainwash the Thing into serving them and killing the rest of his teammates. Alica Masters will show some engagment rings from Ben in order to break his brainwashing. Also, Wyatt(Martin Semsmeier), Wynonna's brother will help his sister and the Fantastic Four fight the Frightful Four.

Fantastic Four: Fall of the Four will feature Dr. Doom, Mole Man, Kang, Puppet Master and Wizard joing forces to create group to create a group comprised of some of the greatest and most sinster minds of the Earth called The Intelligencia with Red Ghost, Diablo and Mad Thinker. Reed's father, Gary Richards(Joseph Culp) will make an appearance, where he's the owner of a sports article store rather than a blue collar worker. (Here, he won't be a overgrown jock with no redeeming qualtiies. Instead, he struggles raising a gifted child as a single, but loving father after his wife Valeria's death.) He will use a baseball bat to fend off some Doombots to provide a distraction to save his son's life.

Fantastic Four: The World Within Worlds technically will be a Psycho-Man film. The Fantastic Four will be caught in the middle and Psycho Man(Joaquin Phoenix) comes to our dimension to test his Control-Box that can induce a condition of fear capable of tiggering hallucinations and even trigger death due to heart strain. While celebrating with Alicia the anniversary of Ben's tranformation into the Thing, Psycho-Man(disguised as Reed) kills Jacob and Petunia Grimm and tricks Sue into coming with him to a situation. Malice's first act will be destroying HERBIE and play a sadistic game of "Kick the Can" with its inert robotic body. Also, he will use his Control-Box to turn Sue into Malice, the Mistress of Hate, forcing Reed, Johnny and Ben to make an alliance with Namor and Silver Surfer to save her from Psycho-Man's control. Once she is free from his machinations, she will make him pay dearly for brainwashing her by using his own fear ray on him.

Molecule Man(Daryl Sabara) will start "Fantastic Four: Molecular Reality" making very limited application of his powers and believing he is limited to inorganic matter and being a very meek and submissive who allows Titiana(Alexa Vega) calling all the shots. Sue will be pregnant again, so Alica Masters with her Thing Exoskeleton will be subbing for her. Willie Lumpkin(J.K Simmons)(who makes a cameo in each installment every in highly improbable situations, showcasing the fact he is way more badass than the average mailman, impressing our heroes(and the audience). Titania will feel pride take advantage of her after giving a massive beatdown to the Thing and Alicia Masters, mockingly calling the latter "She-Thing" and prepares to go after Sue thinking of her as a easy target due to her pregenancy. She was wrong, because Sue is quite good at using her forcefields offensively, leaving Titanta in a coma. Watching horrified Titania's inert body, Molecule Man realises that he is capable of affecting all matter on any scale he effortlessly dropped a mountain range on the Fantastic Four to avenge his friend Titania. One by one, each of the member of the Fantastic Four joined to help the Thing lift the mountain, with Sue being the last to join, and her brother Johnny said to Molecule Man that he could use his Molecule Wand to awaken Titania from her coma. Molecule Man succeeds in awakening Titania and thanked Johnny and the rest of the Fantastic Four for placing the mountain back on its place. He decides to quit being a upservillain to live a new and better life with Titania restoring desolate worlds by conjuring anything out of thin air with his Molecule Wand. In the very end of the film, when the Fantastic Four and the Impossible family are having some family fun, it is revealed that Impossible Man(John DiMaggio) was responsible for giving Molecule Man and Titania to entertain his wife Impossible Woman(Hynden Walch) and his children Impossible Tween(Olivia Olson) and Impossible Kid(Jeremy Shada) and Willie Lumpkin will reveal that there is more than meets the eye. He is actually Uatu The Watcher, the narrator of each Fantastic Four film and will show the Fantastic Four their true appearance to alear them that "a secret war is in the horizon".
Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has said that Marvel will not be planning Fantastic Four and X-Men films for a few years. Perhaps, if the Fox acquistion by Disney goes through, Marvel may announce the teams for Phase 4. Please comment below and voice your opinions on my article.