MCU Rumor Roundup: VISION QUEST Update, THE BLONDE PHANTOM Searching For Showrunner, SCARLET WITCH's Return

MCU Rumor Roundup: VISION QUEST Update, THE BLONDE PHANTOM Searching For Showrunner, SCARLET WITCH's Return

8 Worst Supervillain Redesigns To Ever Grace The Big Screen In Marvel And DC Movies
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8 Worst Supervillain Redesigns To Ever Grace The Big Screen In Marvel And DC Movies

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parkerray - 7/21/2019, 2:18 PM
Is Hercules still possibly a lead in Eternals??

My interest was really peaked at having at least one highly nostalgic character in that movie.
BoBiggHHB3 - 7/21/2019, 3:17 PM
@parkerray - another main character and main villain are still to be announced and I'm hoping it's Cavill as Hercules
parkerray - 7/21/2019, 3:31 PM
@BoBiggHHB3 - Oh Awesome! I would love that. He deserves it.

Chewtoy - 7/21/2019, 4:01 PM
@parkerray - I feel like they may have decided to go with Gilgamesh instead (and perhaps merge the characters somewhat) since Hercules is too often used by others.
parkerray - 7/21/2019, 4:17 PM
@Chewtoy - Ah you may be right, but damn that would be depressing. Gilgamesh was such a downer in the comics I had. And I really would like that visual link Hercules would provide to the stories I grew up with.
Chewtoy - 7/21/2019, 5:03 PM
@parkerray - I can’t imagine that movie Gilgamesh could be all that close to “The Forgotten One” in the comics who wore a cow head for a hat. At least I hope not. I suspect they’ll feel free to reinvent the characters however they choose, since most of them don’t have any kind of fan base to complain.

I love comics Herc, but it does seem like MCU Thor has drifted into his lane as a goofier god character.
parkerray - 7/21/2019, 7:38 PM
@Chewtoy - Haha, I actually forgot about the cow hat. His most visually interesting feature. His design was so wretched. I just remembered the bowl cut. Very true about MCU Thor.
FireandBlood - 7/21/2019, 2:19 PM
Spider-Man 3, and Black Panther and Captain Marvel 2 will be the first movies of Phase 5.

BigDriggs - 7/21/2019, 3:06 PM
@PlusUltra - or possibly just a second half to phase 4?
obarium - 7/21/2019, 4:21 PM
@BigDriggs - Yeah, Phase 1 spanned 5 years of films (2008-2012), Phase 2 spanned 3 years (2013-2015), and Phase 3 4 years (2016-2019) - Phase 4 could EASILY take up 4 years of films (2020-2023) we're just gunna get a WHOLE LOT more content in the same amount of time it took us to get from Iron Man to Avengers
BigDriggs - 7/21/2019, 5:28 PM
@obarium - endless possibilities right now. I'm psyched!
JDL - 7/21/2019, 6:07 PM
@obarium - I just listened to Feige saying Phase 4 is 2020 and 2021 only. Weird.
JDL - 7/21/2019, 6:09 PM
@PlusUltra - Spidey movies are announced by Sony first. Spidey 3 is still likely for July 2021.
ElvenKingSlayer - 7/21/2019, 10:37 PM
@JDL - not if you see to hours of material and how many different franschise are involved
JDL - 7/21/2019, 11:35 PM
@ElvenKingSlayer - Only if the Disney+ stuff has the same weight and connections as the movies. That may well be but I still have problems with it.
ElvenKingSlayer - 7/22/2019, 1:09 AM
@JDL - Yeah, Feige keeps saying so.. Six movies and five shows(four if you don't wanna include the cartoon). Phase One had six movies..
JDL - 7/22/2019, 2:39 AM
@ElvenKingSlayer - These TV shows aren't going to be easily available outside of N.A.. That makes them VERY problematical as having the same weight as the movies for the rest of the world. You know those folks who make these movies possible ? So sorry, I have a problem with them. Of course as always YMMV.

ElvenKingSlayer - 7/22/2019, 3:12 AM
@JDL - I saw a chart for the release of disney+ around the world. Yes it will take some time but so will the shows.
ElvenKingSlayer - 7/22/2019, 3:14 AM
@JDL - Oh, and it seems it's only five movies. Black Panther will be in phase 5 it seems..
JDL - 7/22/2019, 12:13 PM
@ElvenKingSlayer - Really ! Was there any indication of the format ? PPV, Broadcast, Streaming Sub, etc., etc..
JDL - 7/22/2019, 12:16 PM
@ElvenKingSlayer - Some folks think of SM3 in that regard. It is theoretically MCU but otoh it's not Disney. Whether or not it should be counted depends on your pov.
ElvenKingSlayer - 7/22/2019, 10:15 PM
@JDL - no, not that I know of
ElvenKingSlayer - 7/22/2019, 10:15 PM
@JDL - please, elaborate.
JDL - 7/23/2019, 2:03 AM
@ElvenKingSlayer -
"Some folks think of SM3 in that regard. It is theoretically MCU but otoh it's not Disney. Whether or not it should be counted depends on your pov."

'JDL - please, elaborate.'

Not sure what puzzles you. The 2 most recent Sony Spiderman films are MCU, buy they aren't Disney. When people make lists that throws some of them.
ElvenKingSlayer - 7/23/2019, 5:03 AM
@JDL - Aha; I thought you meant Spider-man 3 by Sam Raimi when U wrote SM3 ;)
JDL - 7/23/2019, 12:47 PM
@ElvenKingSlayer - Ah ! IC. Yeah the first two MCU films have subtitles (HC,FFH) that the 3rd doesn't have yet.
bkmeijer2 - 7/21/2019, 2:19 PM
This is really the weirdest list article so far
TheUnworthyThor - 7/21/2019, 2:19 PM
I don’t think any of these are particularly likely besides the Guardians in Thor which is probably just a short cameo.
Robby - 7/21/2019, 2:20 PM
Only makes sense that Doctor Strange gets one before BP, Captain Marvel and GOTG. Imagine being a Doc Strange fan and having to wait 5 years for the sequel.
Subtlespammer24 - 7/21/2019, 5:13 PM
@Robby - imagine Doc Strange showing up in Thor 3, and being a huge player and one of the best parts of Infinity War... and then showing up in Endgame too as in, what are you complaining about? Doc Strange has been as visible as an Avenger can be
inkniron - 7/21/2019, 8:22 PM
@Robby - It's not as bad as being a Supes fan and never getting MOS2
Robby - 7/22/2019, 12:58 AM
@Subtlespammer you don't understand
Robby - 7/22/2019, 12:58 AM
@inkniron - oh man I pray for their hearts :'(
NightBoyWonder - 7/21/2019, 2:21 PM
Or how about, hear me out on this.... they’re own films?
NightBoyWonder - 7/21/2019, 2:21 PM
*their. stupid typo
Comicbookart - 7/21/2019, 2:21 PM
Feige is on record calling new Marvel Disney+ tv shows specifically, Wandavision as a "mega event".

We live in a truly glorious and unprecedented time for comic book media.

I wonder how many episodes each series will be?

Kumkani - 7/21/2019, 2:23 PM
@Comicbookart - I have a feeling they'll be miniseries but I can't be sure.
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