No Ordinary Family family superhero show centers on the Powells, a typical American family living in Pacific Bay, California, who gain special powers after their plane crashes in Brazil. The story arc is supposed to be that the Powells will realize they are not alone as they will meet others with superpowers, some who use them for evil, others who use theirs for good as do the family.
ABC description:
“No Ordinary Friends” – After Jim saves Dave Cotten’s (Ricky Schroder) life, he and Stephanie become fast friends with Dave, his wife, Michelle (Annie Wersching, “24″) and their kids. But Jim begins to suspect that the Cottens may be leading their own secret lives. Meanwhile, Daphne throws her hat into the high school ring for student council president, and Katie reveals a secret to Stephanie about her relationship with Joshua – aka The Watcher — on “No Ordinary Family,”
Airs: Tuesday, Jan 4 (8-9 pm) on the ABC.
On Tuesday, Jan 11:
“No Ordinary Brother” – Jim’s wayward brother, Mike, makes a surprise visit to the Powell household and discovers the family has powers. But in an attempt to make some quick cash, he tries to convince JJ to using his abilities to win big by betting on the horses. Meanwhile, in a surprise twist, Katie is given a promotion at Global Tech by Human Resources VP Victoria Morrow (Rebecca Mader, “Lost”), who may be hiding a secret agenda, and Daphne is placed on the school’s peer disciplinary committee and believes a student may have been wrongly accused of possessing drugs, on “No Ordinary Family.”
Also some exciting news from
TV Guide. Anthony Michael Hall (The Dead Zone) is going to be playing someone called Brat Packer, who crosses paths with Jim Powell (Michael Chiklis) on the superhero show in a February sweeps episode. No details just yet about the character, but producers did tell TV Guide,
“He’s a force to be reckoned with.”
LEEE777 - Well I'm more than excited to hear Anthony Michael Hall will soon be appearing, I cannot recommend his sci-fi show
The Dead Zone enough, oh and Merry Christmas!