"With great power comes great responsibility” The great uncle Ben stated this to Peter Parker in the Spider-Man movie , making so that Uncle Ben came up with this phase .. Not true this was actually in just a caption box at the end of Amazing Fantasy #15, any comic purest can tell you this.
The Comic Book world has always been misintterupted on the Multimedia scale. We as comic fans have come to an understanding that it is very rare to see a clear presentation of the Heroes that we grew up with. The Multimedia has created hits and misses with the characters we so love and cherish. The problem today is the movie making industry sees DC and Marvel more as money signs and not what they are two huge companies that have produced modern pop history. Ask any 5th grader who they want to be when they grow up and you will hear Batman, Superman, Spider-Man and Ironman more then President or even an astronaut like I wanted to be growing up.
These being my starting view point these heroes are more to us then just fiction cartoons like Mickey Mouse or SpongeBob. These are men, and ideas we look up to. Whose principals are burned into our head from the tender ages of when we first picked up that first comic book? I can remember the first comic book that meant anything to me like anyone else could out there reading this. (Just so you know A Death in the Family) We make these people real to our minds, because they are real to us.
Metropolis exists in our mind. Somewhere in Hell’s Kitchen, Daredevil is watching. Gotham City is there with the Dark Knight flying high. The company’s doing these shows, movies and cartoons need to realize that these things are our lives. We the comic fans don’t wave them off as children books. Some of us have studied, read, and know more about these Superheroes then we know about actual breathing human beings. So, when recreating these characters they must follow the guidelines of already existing histories.
Over these many years I have watched different Medias try to make a quick buck off of our fantasies. Destroying our favorite heroes. With recent reboots and technology it seems they are actually trying to get closer to actually storylines we all know and love. After years of major mistakes this is a fresh breath of air.
New movies coming out are trying to create a back-story, before going into the bigger story lines. This is the best thing since Mountain Dew in our world. This is exactly what we want. Getting creative with characters or creating a storyline that makes no sense for the hero is just like a slap in the face to all of us the comic fans. We want back-story we want the history, present and past to be shown on the silver screen. Let’s be honest there is still plenty of stories that we are looking forward to in the future.
In conclusion, I just ask the Big Money Machines to take a step back and make the movies we want with some dignity and respect. Please be kind to us these are the people we love and respect. Without us the fans these heroes would not exist. So please no more mouth less Deadpools, Halle Barry Catwomen, and please please no superhero needs nipples. Thank you and looking forward to the future.