About CROSSOVER BATTLES: These CB's are a series of weekly articles in which I take two different comic book characters from two different companies and have them fight while you vote on the winner. I remain neutral on all polls unless a certain amount of days pass and one character has no votes. The results will be posted in the following CB. A CB is posted every weekend.
LAST WEEKS RESULTS: The Purple Man VS Hector Hammond
Winner: The Purple Man
Hector Hammond (DC Universe)
The Purple Man (Marvel Comics)
General Zod (DC Universe) Bio:
Real name: Dru-Zod
Villain of: Superman
Once general of Krypton's army, Dru-Zod was sentenced to life in the Phantom Zone with much of his soldiers including his top commanders Faora and Ursa. He eventually escaped and made his way to Earth, where he discovered he was practically indestructible. He has all of the abilities that Superman does and is much more skilled in combat than Superman is, though Superman has a lot more experience using his powers. Zod's weaknesses are magic and Kryptonite. Obsessed with power, Zod has attempted to take over Earth on many occasions but is stopped each time by DC's pantheon of heroes.
Dr. Doom (Marvel) Bio:
Real name: Victor Van Damme
Villain of: the general Marvel Universe
The ruler of the fictitious Marvel nation of Latveria, Victor Van Damme (AKA Victor Von Doom) came to a United States University (before his rise to power) for his education. There he met Reed Richards, his eventual arch enemy. While the genius Doom was building a machine, he ignored a small flaw that Richards had attempted to point out to him. The machine backfired, highly damaging his body. Rescued, he created a suit of protective armour for himself. As it turns out, Ben Grimm had tampered with his machine. Doom came to hate the Fantastic Four and soon became enemies with many heroes. Doom is a genius and master schemer/planner. Is a skilled combatant and his armour gives him abilities such as super strength, invulnerability and laser beams. Doom is extremely skilled in magic, a major weakness of Zod. He is such a skilled magician that the Blade enemy, Lord Dracula (who is actually his ancestor in the Ultimate Universe, which also means he's related to Morbius The Living Vampire in this universe), is actually scared of him.

Sorry. Voting has ended!