E! Online Spoilers for "Smallville" Season 9 & New Videoes! Plus LEEE777 Fan Casts The "Green Arrow" Spin Off Show!

E! Online Spoilers for "Smallville" Season 9 & New Videoes! Plus LEEE777 Fan Casts The "Green Arrow" Spin Off Show!

UPDATED: Okay we all know about lot's of things concerning Smallville now, like a new female Speedy, The Wonder Twins, JSA etc, but i have found more Kryptonite spoilers! So come on in and also check out a spoiler free Green Arrow casting for a spin off television show done by yours truly, enjoy and also a exclusive look at ZOD in a video clip! ...

By LEEE777 - Sep 23, 2009 08:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Other
Source: E! Online & Superman Homepage

E! Online's "Spoiler Chat" has some detailed SPOILERS regarding the Season 9 premiere of "Smallville".

We watched the season premiere and must say a couple things: First of all, Team Smallville isn't messing around with the special effects. It looks like they pulled out all the stops (and the budget) on this sweet, first episode. Also, all of you Lois lovers will be happy to know Erica Durance (Lois Lane) is interwoven throughout many storylines and is front and center during most of the show. Set three weeks after the events of the finale, Clark (Tom Welling) is training to be Superman and is struggling with leaving his humanity behind. He's frustrated with his inability to fly, but is told by trainer Jor-El it's because, "You still see yourself as a human." Meanwhile Clark's relationship with Chloe (Allison Mack) is downright rocky, while he remains obsessed with Lois. Lois doesn't have a clue where she was for the last three weeks, but when she returns it's in the company of a freaky Kryptonic-ninja lady from the future who's out to get Clark. And watch out for Lois' scary dream sequence at the end of the episode: there's sex, sweat, blood and death.

LEEE777 - Hmm, a freaky Kryptonic-ninja lady who could that be and sex, sweat and death? To find out more check out the first episode of Season 9 of "Smallville" on the CW Network, episode one's titled "Savior", it airs in less than two, yes two days, this Friday (September 25th) at 8.00pm, watch it.

Brand new clips of season 9:

And wait fot it = ZOD!!

Bonus: Up Close and personal with an exclusive interview alongside Lois Lane and The Green Arrow (Oliver Queen), aka Justin Hartley & Erica Durance. Interview explaining what to expect from the upcoming season 9:

Okay i think it's fantastic news CW has pulled out all the stops for "Smallville", i personally cant wait now and if this is the last season, im hoping we get a couple of DC spin off shows out of it, like maybe "Legion Of Superheroes", "Super Girl", "Martian The Manhunter", "JSA" or even our very own "Green Arrow" television series set up in Star City with the feel of "CSI" and "NYPD Blue", in other words a little bit more real with no Red & Blue Blur around, though still a very much a comic book feel to it all.

So this is the casting of such a show CBM fanboys and fangirls i give you: Green Arrow: Star City =

Titles optional lol and remember, this is a CW television show so i have not used any big major movie actors for this cast and also used a few CW Network good actors themselves with other mainstream talented actors, anyway enjoy.

Justin Hartley as Green Arrow

Dressed like Robin Hood, Green Arrow is an archer, who invents trick arrows with various special functions, such as a glue arrow, a net arrow, explosive arrow, time bomb arrow, grappling arrow, fire extinguishing arrow, flash arrow, tear gas arrow, cryonic arrow, a boxing-glove arrow, and even a kryptonite arrow.

Justin Hartley portrays Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, the CEO of Queen Industries and leader of a small group of superheroes in "Smallville". Hartley was a recurring guest in the sixth and seventh seasons but becomes a series regular in season eight. Hartley was the producers first choice to play Oliver Queen; he was designed to shake up the lives of both Clark and Lois in season six, as well as provide Clark with an alternate view of how to fight crime. I reckon it's a no brainer why i have picked Justin, he is TV's Green Arrow!

Alaina Huffman as Black Canary

Black Canary's costume consists of a blond wig, fishnet stockings, pirate boots, bustier, and an unbuttoned jacket. Initially, she also wore a domino mask, though this was soon jettisoned.

Black Canary possesses a "Canary Cry" – a high-pitched, sonic scream which she can deploy to shatter objects and incapacitate her opponents. Analyzing her capabilities, Dr. Mid-Nite found that she can reach ultrasonic frequencies outside the audible spectrum which render human beings unconscious. However, the cry has been shown to be completely useless when Dinah's mouth is covered with a gag, piece of tape, or any other means of forcing her mouth closed. Anyway Alaina Huffan from "Smallville" is so good at playing her i say why change what ain't broke. She's a great Canary!

Evan Ellingson as Speedy

The original Speedy's real name was Roy Harper, Jr.. He was identified as the orphaned son of Roy Harper, Sr., a forest ranger who had died saving a Navajo medicine chief named "Brave Bow" from a fire. Brave Bow raised the younger Roy himself, training him at archery. Roy Jr. took to this training eagerly, and idolized the archer superhero, Green Arrow. As a teenager, Roy is given the opportunity to perform at an archery competition judged by Green Arrow, where he assists the hero at foiling an attempted burglary, even proving himself to be a faster shot than the hero. Following the death of Brave Bow, Green Arrow asked Roy to serve as his sidekick, an offer Roy jumped at, taking the name Speedy. Harper became the ward of Green Arrow's alter ego, millionaire Oliver Queen.

Evan Ellingson, best know for his role as Kyle Harmon, Lieutenant Horatio Caine's son in "CSI: Miami". What can i say, he looks the part and he's a good little (well big now) actor a perfect Speedy and yes i think the series should have the original Speedy as well as the female one, talking of which is next.

Autumn Reeser as Speedy II

Mia Dearden was a teenaged girl who ran from her home after being abused by her father and fell into child prostitution. Mia was rescued from one of her clients by Oliver Queen, who had just recently returned from the dead. Mia continued to try and convince Oliver, who was busy trying to reconstruct his own life, and began to secretly train with Connor Hawke in archery and combat. Mia continually petitioned Green Arrow to allow her to serve as his sidekick, but Oliver continually demurred, not wanting to put another youngster at risk. After discovering she is HIV positive, Mia redoubled her efforts and Green Arrow finally allowed her to become the new Speedy.

Autumn Reeser, a great actress who had a stint on "The OC" and since starred in "Drag Me To Hell" will do a damn fine job as Speedy II, oh and see's not to bad on the eyes either.

Cheech Martin as Brian Nudocerdo

Brian Nudocerdo is the chief of police of Star City. He is completely corrupt and has crossed swords with the city's mayor, Oliver Queen, on a number of occasions. Nudocerdo arranged for Deathstroke and Constantine Drakon to escape from prison at Alcatraz Island. Recently, he exposed Oliver Queen for financing the Outsiders, a team that has been conducting questionable and oftentimes mercenary actions as of late. The revelation incited a city-wide scandal, and Nudocerdo demanded a recall election in an effort to indict Queen. He is currently campaigning to replace him.

What can i say, Cheech is a legend and could play this part blindfolded.

Bruce Payne as Merlyn

Years before Oliver Queen would become Green Arrow, he was inspired to take up archery by the amazing archer, Merlyn "the Magician." Once Green Arrow began to become famous, the two met again, as Merlyn challenged the hero to a public archery contest and defeated him. With that victory under his belt, Merlyn vanished for years, only to resurface as a member of the League of Assassins. Merlyn and Green Arrow faced again as Merlyn tried to fulfill a contract to assassinate Batman. Green Arrow was able to deflect one of Merlyn's arrows with an arrow of his own, saving Batman's life. Merlyn admitted that Green Arrow had become the better archer, but escaped before he could be captured. Unable to return to the League of Assassins, he became a freelance assassin. Bruce Payne is the man for this part, easy!

Billy Zane as Contantine Drakon

Although his exact height has not been given, the Greek assassin Constantine Drakon is a short individual. As a child he was teased for this by other children. Once he started killing people at the age of ten, however, he found he was no longer sensitive about his stature. He claims that he had nothing strange or traumatic in his upbringing to turn him to murder, he was simply curious to see what he could do. Discovering that he was a prodigy at killing, Constantine proceeded to make a living out of it. He considers what he does not just a job but a vocation, and takes pride out of the businesslike manner in which he operates. Billy Zane great actor and has the look plus he's a short arse, great for Drakon.

James Lafferty as Slingshot

Slingshot, is a mystery man, not much is known about him though he is a thorn in Green Arrow's side and is handy with the weapons.

James Lafferty from "One Tree Hill", I don't hold that agains't him, he's a good actor and would make a great Slingshot.

Dj Qualls as Pied Piper

Hartley Rathaway was born deaf, but was eventually cured thanks to research funded by his wealthy father (later it was revealed that he was cured by Dr. Will Magnus)[1]. He became obsessed with sound, and pursued little else in life; experimenting with sonic technology, Rathaway eventually invented a technique of hypnotism through music. Growing bored of his lifestyle, he turned to crime as the Pied Piper.

DJ Qualls, what can i say, just watch any of the movies his been in, he screams tv's Pied Piper.

Tim DeKay as Onomatopoeia

No personal characteristics are known about Onomatopoeia, including his real name or facial features. When his face was once partially uncovered it was seen that he is a caucasian male but that is the extent of the knowledge of him. He also apparently has a secret identity, as revealed in the three part Batman miniseries Cacophony. Its here we discover he has a wife and two children who are unaware of his dual life.

Onomatopoeia is a serial killer who targets non-powered, vigilante superheroes. He earned his name because he imitates noises around him, such as dripping taps, gunshots etc. Well Tim Dekay is this unknown stranger.

Nathaniel Arcand as Big Game

All that is known about Big Game is his name and he's a Native American very strong Supervillain trained in many combat skills and cross swords many times will Green Arrow.

A up and coming actor been in many things including the not so good "Lone Ranger" Tv Pilot. Good actor though and perfect for Big Game.

Jim Beaver as Bobby Stanley Dover (The Star City Slayer)

The Star City Slayer was a name coined by the press in relation to the actions of the elderly Stanley Dover. An amateur occultist, Dover hunted young boys and girls, savagely murdering them and using their blood as a means of baiting a demonic entity known as the Beast With No Name.

If you have seen Jim Beaver in "Supernatural" you know just how good of an avctor he actually is and should play a dark character like Slayer.

Chris Pratt as Vengeance

History of character is unknown, but the name says it all, something dark in Oliver's past. Chris from "OC & Jennifer's Body" can play this guy, i reckon he'd make a good villain.

Jeremy Schwab as Duke Of Oil

The Duke of Oil (Earl J. Dukeston) is a cyborg supervillain who has fought both the Outsiders and Green Arrow.

His first incident involving the Outsiders happens when Dukeston Oil wants to examine Station Markovia, an automated ocean research station off the coast of Los Angeles. Schwab being Texan himself is a great fit for old Duke.

Chad Lindberg as Death Dealer

He deals death. Chad whose been in "CSI", "Supernatural" also and many other shows could make a great Death Dealer, yep there is no info about Death Dealer, not a clue lol.

Timothy Olyphant as Deathstroke

Imbued with enhanced physical prowess by secret army experiments attempting to create metahuman soldiers for the U.S. military, Deathstroke the Terminator became a mercenary soon after the experiment when he defied orders and rescued his friend Wintergreen, who had been sent on a suicide mission by a commanding officer with a grudge. However, he kept this career secret from his family, even though his wife was an expert military combat instructor - indeed, she had been responsible for a significant portion of his early training - until a criminal named the Jackal kidnapped his younger son, Joseph, as a hostage to force Slade to divulge the name of a client who had hired him as an assassin. Slade refused to do so, claiming that it was against his personal honor code, and attacked and killed the kidnappers at the rendezvous. Unfortunately, Joseph's throat was slashed by one of the criminals before Slade could prevent it, destroying his vocal cords and rendering him mute.

Olyphant is a great actor and could own the part of Deathstroke, of course you have got to remember this is early in Green Arrow's career so the guy would be a lot younger, though he would have to have the classic grey haired look still, close your eyes and think about it.

Last but not lease:

Yunjin Kim as Shado

Shado is the daughter of a Yakuza agent sent to America with a large cache of gold, prior to World War II, in order to establish Yakuza operations in America. Being Japanese, Shado's father was placed in an internment camp when the war broke out. A group of American soldiers came to suspect his Yakuza ties but were unable to torture him into revealing the location of any money. Years after the war, the retired soldiers decided to try again. This was after Shado had been born, so the retired soldiers were able to threaten her and her mother. Not wishing to see his family harmed, Shado's father turned over the gold. Shado's mother died from wounds the soldiers had given her, and her father committed seppuku to atone for failing the Yakuza. His disgrace then fell upon his infant daughter, Shado, who was raised specifically to kill the Americans who had dishonored her Yakuza family. To that end she was extensively trained in martial arts and Kyūdō, the Japanese art of archery.

Yunjin Kim an amazing actress, who stars in "Lost" not only looks the part, but she can beat guys up too, a talent that would go well with the character Shado, plus it doesn't hurt she was born for the part!

Heck, because you love her so much, here is another picture, ain't i a sweetie?

LEEE777 - Whew that took way too long lol, and remember most villain's would only star in like one or two episodes in the whole of season one.

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it and watch out Green Arrow's about! ; )
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LEEE777 - 9/23/2009, 8:29 PM
Oh and i'll just put this here too =

lc @ ; )
longbowhunter - 9/23/2009, 8:35 PM
Really like the picks for Drakon and Pied Piper. I think we need a real tough guy for Deathstroke though!
LEEE777 - 9/23/2009, 8:40 PM
Longbow @ Thanx, hey he is a tough guy, havn't you seen the HITMAN movie, he puts The PUNISHER to shame lol! ; D

Glad you like it bud, damn near killed me doing it, just hope in doesn't get stuck in fan fic as its got brand new SMALLVILLE news as the header, cant wait for that by the way, less that 2 days time! ; )

Thanx again man, and as you know id pick different actors for GREEN ARROW movies.
supermarioworldE - 9/23/2009, 8:51 PM
Half News, and Half Fancast, Nice LEE!

btw, i still think this show is as dead as hip hop
LEEE777 - 9/23/2009, 8:55 PM
Heres some pics i didn't use, like DVD extras lol!

And remember this is casting for the tv series not either GREEN ARROW movie projects!

; )
defunny - 9/23/2009, 8:56 PM
Nice job. Looks like you did some research.
LEEE777 - 9/23/2009, 9:01 PM
Mario @ Ta dude, i try! ; D

Defunny @ Thanx man, and you wouldn't believe, i thought i'd never finish it lol!

It's even twice as hard when i keep losing internet connection.

: D
thesteve13 - 9/23/2009, 9:13 PM
I never knew much about green arrow until i read the JUSTICE graphic novel series and FINAL CONFLICT. he is badass. his own show would rock.
LEEE777 - 9/23/2009, 9:27 PM
Yeah @ Steve!! Hey if you really want an amazing GREEN ARROW read, check out GREEN: ARROW YEAR ONE and GREEN ARROW: LONGBOW HUNTERS! Top reads!! An cheers for ya comment!
TheBumblingIdiot - 9/24/2009, 2:01 AM
you did it again LEEE good job
TheBumblingIdiot - 9/24/2009, 2:09 AM
what if fox desided to do a x-men tv show that had good action like in Angel and Buffy and was written good like supernatrula but with out all the ghost and demons just good storys and well written carharacters and great diologe
LEEE777 - 9/24/2009, 3:58 AM
darkknight @ Thanx dude!! ; )

And if that type X-MEN show excisted it would be the biggest FANTASY/SCI-FI show on television!!!

FOX has no idea what they really have with the X-franchise!! A NEW MUTANTS or best still FIRST CLASS (With original X-men) could work sooo well on TV!! Good call @ Knight!!
LEEE777 - 9/24/2009, 4:29 AM
Damn should've finished this Sunday. : D
CRITIC17 - 9/24/2009, 4:29 AM
I'm BACK!!!!! from outer space!!! So what'd I miss while I was hiding under a rock guys....???

Great casting @LEEE!!!! A Green Arrow show would kick major a$$!!!!!
LEEE777 - 9/24/2009, 4:33 AM
CRITIC @ welcome back dude!!!!!!!

Ya aint mizzed a lot lol, thanx man, it would show up most of the SCI-FI/FANTASY which is on TV now, especially if they kept it with the real factor about it, meaning no JUSTICE, not till a long time anyway lol.

Again cheers man, hey you've lost your head lol!
LastSon1027 - 9/24/2009, 5:28 AM
Nice Man I love it.
LEEE777 - 9/24/2009, 6:22 AM
Cheers @ LastSon, means a lot coming from a die-hard smallville like yourself, thanks dude!! ; )
LEEE777 - 9/24/2009, 8:20 AM
SirPrize @ LMao!!! : D

TEA @ heh heh!

FFS ive got friggin' big news and im half way down [frick]ing NEWS!

Maybe i should just put up a new pic of something instead lol.
TheBumblingIdiot - 9/24/2009, 10:49 AM
i want a batman tv show alla the batman 90s cartoon that would kick ass
LEEE777 - 9/24/2009, 11:00 AM
That so would @ KNIGHT!

Like that GOTHAM CENTRAL, pity it wont happen though while the NOLAN movies are about! It friggin' should though! ; )
TheBumblingIdiot - 9/25/2009, 12:05 AM
we should writte wb and tell them we want a batman live action tv show or will burn then down lol
LEEE777 - 9/25/2009, 8:38 AM
lc - 9/26/2009, 3:21 PM
its alrite lee but ffs whats with the women did i say am a Pu$$y licker no i didnt and whAT ONE OR TWO PIC OF GREEN ARROW GRRRRRRRRR!!
LEEE777 - 3/30/2010, 7:16 AM
Lol II! : D
SHHH - 4/17/2010, 4:49 PM
Thumbs up..here
Great Fan cast and article...
LEEE777 - 4/17/2010, 6:39 PM
Lol, ppl clicked the link!! : P

SHH @ ANIL @ Kudos guys, hey you know i did this like half a year ago or something! : P

Surprised you two had never seen it, glad ya did, thanx guys, really appreciate it!!
CaptMarvelfan - 4/20/2010, 10:31 PM
no Alaina Huffman honestly I could see either Professional Wrestler Angelina Love/Angel Williams, Lauren Williams or Nikki Roxx/Roxxi Levaux, Nicole Razynski as Black Canary http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelina_Love

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