As everyone here knows Superman is the 1st superhero to have appeared back in 1938 and is basically the one that started it all. Although I have always been more of a Batman fan, Superman has always been my 2nd favorite and to finally get to see a Superman film where his abilities can be displayed more accurately is a dream come true for me and for fans everywhere. Also I believe had it not been for Superman we would not be here in 2013 celebrating not only 75 years of Superman, but also of the many Superheroes that have been created since then. I for one am grateful because to me these superheroes aren't only for entertainment value but they are also and important part of my life. They are important in the fact that they have helped me do the right thing from time to time and have kept me away from negative influences in my life.

My first introduction to superheroes was with Batman TAS & the Keaton Batman films and I can remember sitting down quietly in front of the T.V. tuning in to Fox and watching new episodes of Batman or my VHS tape of the films and being amazed at what appeared on screen. Of course back then I was a dumb little kid who didn't even know what the hell was going on, the only thing I knew is that I liked Batman and how he punched the hell out of people who did bad things. But overtime I kept re-watching and reading the comic book based on TAS and enjoying them each time more and more. Until I was 10 when some kids on the playground tried convince me that superheroes were for little kids and that what I should be doing is listening to boy band shit & watching WWF since it was popular back then. What was worse was that I actually let peer pressure get to me and make me leave what I truly enjoyed for 2 years just to try to fit in by doing things I did not even enjoy. But nevertheless I came back to it and saw that the shows I watched as a kid actually had strong stories and messages they were trying to convey to the viewer.

Once I got out of that phase of wanting to fit in with the rest of the people at school and went back to what I enjoyed I saw that the stories in movie, animated, and comic book form were all stories about self sacrifice and having to do the right thing even though sometimes it might be the hardest thing the hero has to do. Out of all the characters out there I believe these four heroes represent those virtues very well and have inspired me to always try to do the right thing. Also without these heroes I probably would have taken up some bad habits due to peer pressure and not grown up to one day want be a positive example to the community in which I reside and want to inspire others the way these heroes inspired me. Which is why it is sad that most of the youth today would rather aspire to be things that don't really bring about any positive change but rather bring about more negative ones. An example is that a lot of the youth were I grew up in would rather want to aspire to be gang affiliated, selling/do drugs, or waste their youth raising a child when they themselves are not even old enough to get a job.

Even though there seems to be more and more bad things going on in the world and more crazy people coming out of the shadows I still believe that there is still a chance that the generation of old, now, and new can still be inspired by these superheroes. I believe we can be inspired to take charge like these heroes and bring about a way for a better world and aspire to be people that do good rather then ill towards other people. A world in which we see the people helping their community while still having a good time with friends and family rather then seeing candlelight's lighting up a part of the street in remembrance of a life taken away just because they were affiliated with a rival gang, drug overdose, or because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Which is why I hope Man Of Steel and future superhero movies can send a positive message and influence the general public that they can become something more then what society had intended, that they can overcome their difficulties and come out a better people for having triumphed. It really is my belief that we can conquer anything if we follow the positive examples these heroes have shown us over the years and have a future with more heroes rather then more villains. In conclusion I hope you enjoyed this article and hope to hear your thoughts on this subject and what you think CBM's and Superheroes mean to you and how they have helped you over the years.
P.S. I have another article about why we should be a united community rather then a separated one especially since there is a lot of arguing going on around here lately if you would like to read here is the link: