FEATURE: The Top 10 Best And Worst Comic Book Movies Of 2016 - Part 2
"I finally have them... the best of the best." It's that time of the year again, so after the jump you'll find what I consider to be the 5 best films we covered here on ComicBookMovie.com in 2016. Take a look..
I shared my worst of 2016 list with you guys last week, and as new year's eve looms, here are the comic book flicks I consider to be the very best of the past 12 months.
The general consensus seems to be that 2016 wasn't really a great year for movies - CBMs in particular - and while we definitely had our share of disappointments, there were a few gems in there too. Plus, while I had to draft in a few films we covered that didn't really qualify as actual comic book-based movies (Ghostbusters, Warcraft etc) for the worst of list, this list is comprised of honest-to-goodness comic book adaptations... with one notable exception!
So have a read through, let us know what you think, and be sure to share your own top 5 lists in the comments.
5. X-Men: Apocalypse
This will probably end up being the most controversial movie on the list, but I enjoyed the hell out of Bryan Singer's X-Men: Apocalypse. This is definitely the most action-heavy installment in the franchise so far, and while some would argue that comes at the cost of character development, I believe Singer struck a pretty good balance.
True, Apocalypse lacks the depth of Days of Future Past, but it more than makes up for it with some incredibly exciting set pieces, and the introduction of a younger core team of heroes that will no doubt be fleshed out in future films. Oscar Isaac also impresses as the titular villain, though it is fair to say En Sabah Nur wasn't quite the formidable for we'd hoped to see. Still, the sight of the X-Men using their combined powers to defeat him had to make comic fans (well, maybe not the purists) happy.
Not among the very best in the series, but still one of the most underrated comic book films of the year in my opinion.
4. Doctor Strange

You've got to hand it to Marvel Studios - while most of their movies stick to a tried and tested formula, they are nothing if not entertaining. Doctor Strange continues this trend with a visually stunning big-screen debut for the Sorcerer Supreme.
Doctor Strange may not be quite as unique or... well, strange as it really should have been, but it's still a top-notch addition to Marvel's Phase 3 which boasts a terrific lead performance from Benedict Cumberbatch, and strong support from the likes of Benedict Wong, Tilda Swinton and Chiwetel Ejiofor. Unfortunately, Rachel McAdams is underused (she's literally in 3 scenes), and while Mads Mikkeslson has a few terrific moments as the baddie, he's simply not sketched out enough to really be memorable. No, Kaecilius isn't the one that breaks the Marvel villain curse.
That aside, Doctor Strange is as successful an introduction for this character one could have hoped for, and it's going to be very interesting to see how Cumberbatch's Sorcerer Supreme - and all of the magic and mysticism he brings with him - are integrated into the MCU going forward.
3. Deadpool
Though most of us never thought we'd see the day, Ryan Reynolds actually got to reprise the role of Wade Wilson for a solo Deadpool movie, and it was everything fans of the character could have wanted it to be.
It was all there: breaking the fourth wall, a comic-faithful costume complete with expressive mask, insanely violent, quips galore, more pop culture references than you can shake a chimichanga at. Deadpool simply knew what its audience wanted and it delivered - and then some. Granted, of you weren't sure what to expect and weren't prepared for the endless onslaught of gross-out gags, gratuitous nudity and at times quite sickening gore, it might have been a bit much. I was, though, and I loved it.
Sure, the movie is a tad obnoxious at times and it definitely goes out of its way to offend at every given opportunity - but there's one crucial factor that makes it all work where similarly juvenile fare will always fail: it's really bloody funny.
2. Captain America: Civil War
Marvel's earlier 2016 release also makes this list, and actually would have topped it before I was so thoroughly blown away by my #1 pick. Captain America: Civil War arrived with high expectations, and managed to exceed them all.
On paper this sounded like it could have wound up being a bit of a clusterf*ck, with not only a full roster of warring Avengers to deal with, but the introduction of Black Panther and Spider-Man to boot. It's a testament to the Russo Brothers, then, that they managed to produce such an excellent movie.
It's been said Civil War's denouement lacks the courage of its convictions, but you might argue that it manages to pack an emotional punch without resorting to killing anyone off! However you choose to look at it, there's no doubt that it sets the scene for some intriguing developments down the line.
1. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
The last big release of the year takes the top spot on my best of 2016 list, and with good reason. I'll admit that it was a close contest between Rogue One and Civil War, but ultimately Gareth Edwards' Star Wars prequel clinched it simply because I felt it worked better as a standalone story, with higher stakes and real consequences.
Rogue One is not perfect (what is?), but if you can overlook a slightly messy first act and a couple of underdeveloped (and overly-CG'd) characters, you'll be treated to over 2 hours of intense action, laughs, excitement and heartbreak, that really is up there with Empire as one of the best Star Wars movies yet.
So there you have it. Whether you agree or disagree with my picks and their placing, please let me know in the usual place, and have a very happy new year!