These days, there are a few comic book based movies every year. And even the ones that bomb get remade soon afterward or make way for prequels and spin-offs that Hollywood hopes will do better. We've seen the X-Men, Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor. We've also seen lower tier comic book characters like Ghost Rider and John Constantine. Even Blade, who was almost always a supporting cast character rather than a star, wound up getting a full blown trilogy of films.

So where are the superhero movies featuring the powerful women of comics? I don't mean Storm and Rogue, they've been seen already in X-Men films. And I don't mean characters like the Invisible Woman who don't seem right unless they're accompanied by their whole team. I mean the ladies who can hold their own film franchise if given a chance. We had the Supergirl movie 27 years ago. The abysmal Catwoman film was in 2004 and the lackluster Elektra film was in 2005 and since then... what? What have we had? Black Widow helping Iron Man? That's not enough!
So here are 10 films that need to happen. Please note, there are obviously other female heroes that also deserve their own movies, such as Mockingbird and Batwoman. This isn't the ultimate/definitive top 10 list. These are just 10 picks and why they would be fun to see!