With all the recent news and rumors surrounding the soon-to-be-stillborn Fantastic Four reboot from Fox, and with the hype surrounding the new Captain America film, we thought it appropriate to show off some great cosplay pictures of two of Marvel's top female characters.
All pictures are of Callie Cosplay (Leah Burroughs), one of the top professional cosplayers around. Check out
Callie Cosplay's website.
In the Fantastic Four mythology, Susan Storm Richards is the linchpin that keeps the ever-squabbling men of the team in line. As wife to genius Reed Richards, Sue keeps Mr. Fantastic grounded in reality. As sister to the hot-headed Johnny Storm, she keeps the Human Torch from losing all control, while also refereeing the frequent pranks and outright brotherly-type battles between her brother and their pal Ben Grimm, who is constantly bummed out about being a large (but strong) pile of orange rocks.

As this picture of Callie Cosplay portraying the Invisible Woman shows, the traditional view of this character is one of feminine beauty combined with incredible power. The Invisible Woman can make herself and others invisible, and she can create force-fields at will. In many ways, she is the most powerful and most deadly of the FF team. In multiple battles with the Incredible Hulk, Susan merely has to create a force field around Hulk's head to deprive him of oxygen, and he passes out. End of story.
Let us hope that Fox, if as the rumors are true, is really re-casting the movie roles, they find someone as beautiful as Callie to play Susan's role.
And, in upcoming movie news, Scarlett Johansson reprises her role as the Black Widow in the new Captain America: Winter Soldier film due out April 4, 2014. As cosplayers go, Callie could stand in for Scarlett Johansson in a heartbeat. With rumors of a possible Black Widow stand-alone film out there, we look forward to more news of this beautiful but deadly assassin.