After what seems like an eternity of roaming the universe in search of new history, new lifeforms and new inspiration, I have fought my way back through countless ups and downs, twists and turns, good and bad decisions and I have found a new sense of purpose and as Dorothy put it so eloquently "There is no place like home."
I know it will take some time to get back into the swing of things and in two years there are copious amounts of news and fan-fic and fansites that I need to explore. Tons of new people I need to get to know, and hopefully, some folks that have been around since the beginning of these sites and are still here. But, ti will all be worth it, as it was all worth it then. This will usher in a new chapter for Fansites. A new era of AWESOMENESS!
Coming soon, a whole new era of my weekly "Spotlight" which, if you don't already know, covers the history and one specific Green Lantern throughout the history of DC. If you are one who has not had chance to read it, there is a link to the very first "Spotlight" detailing Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern at the bottom (in real chronology, not comic history)
I hope to see you all here on a regular basis. Until then, I bid you Adieu!
"In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night, no Evil shall my sight. Let those who worship Evil's might, beware my power...GREEN LANTERNS LIGHT!"