Last Chance to vote for the Best of CBM 2010

Last Chance to vote for the Best of CBM 2010 Last Chance to vote for the Best of CBM 2010

This is the last week to vote on the Best of CBM 2010! Voting ends this saturday!

Feature Opinion
By ecksmanfan - Jan 11, 2011 02:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

This is your chance to vote for the Best of CBM 2010; the biggest news stories, the Best Editorials....the best of it all! Make sure you get your votes in by this Saturday, as the polls will be closing at that time!

This article will keep things short and sweet, with descriptions included only when needed. For more in-depth information on the news, stories, films and srticles, read my original article by CLICKING HERE

On to the polls!

Best Editorial of 2010

"Why Do Fanboys Turn to Bigots When it Comes to CBM's?" by canadianturd

"Why Can't Hollywood Understand Frank Castle?" by Nero

"Is DC Ready to tackle Their Red Speed Demon, The Flash?" by Shaman

"It was the Best of Times..." by TheDarqueOne

"The Case for the R Rated Superhero" by TheDarqueOne

"Joss? Are You Paying Attention?" by MikesPants

"5 Things I Realized While Reading This Week" by LuckyKid90

"Why I Feel 'Avatar' has Surpassed 'Star Wars'" by TheDurkinKnight

"Age of the Remake (Reflections of a Heirophant)" by ReflectingHeirophant

Best Fan-Fic

The Human Spider Trilogy by UserFlak

Mortal Kombat: Destiny by Robert Garlen

The Batman by BatmanKnight

Deadpool- Merc With a Mouth by Anil Rickly (aka earzmundo)

Punisher Max: In the Dark Woods by Nero

Metawar: Beginnings by TheDarqueOne

The Incredible Hulk Returns 2.0 by Anil Rickly (aka earzmundo)

X-Men: The Sinister Truth by THEHAWK

Deadpool and Domino's Gratuitous Story by THEHAWK

X-Men 5: The Day of Futures Past by THEHAWK

I believe that I can speak for all the editors, volunteers and CBM staff in saying THANK YOU for making the best site on the net. The community we have here is top notch and unlike any other you will find. We had an incredible year of news and growth this year and you can be sure that new and exciting things will be headed your way, both here on the site, as well as in the world of comic books and comic book movies. I should have results up by early next week!

The polls will remain open until January 15th, so be sure to get your votes in!

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luffycapri - 1/11/2011, 2:40 PM
Iron man 2 then Kick ass
vanillabear - 1/11/2011, 2:48 PM
scott pilgrim or kick ass
ecksmanfan - 1/11/2011, 2:50 PM
Be sure to vote on all the other polls too, especially the Editorial and Fan-fic. There are some fantastic writers on this site!
marvel72 - 1/11/2011, 2:50 PM
-darren aronofsky tackles the wolverine (should be thor comic con)

-kick ass

-why do fanboys turn to bigots when it comes to cbm's?

-deadpool merc with a mouth

-captain america trailer
YourMomNaked - 1/11/2011, 4:44 PM
I can't believe my editorial did make it to the poll ;p
THEPHOENIX - 1/11/2011, 6:04 PM
Wow, hardly anyone has voted for fan fic, kinda disapointing really
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