Marvel Movies of the Future!

Marvel Movies of the Future!

A list of the 15 Marvel properties that studios wish to release in the near future.

By multipurposeponi - Sep 19, 2009 03:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

IGN Movies has compiled a very detailed synopsis of the Marvel based properties that are currently in development. Kudos to Phil Pirrello and Jesse Schedeen of IGN for taking the time to compile this great read!



Release Date: 2012
Development Status: Ant-Man and his sometimes wife The Wasp are two of the original five Avengers, and Marvel Studios have been trying for years to get an Ant-Man film off the ground. Currently, Shaun of the Dead director Edgar Wright is attached to direct the film, which he says will be an action-oriented movie with some humorous elements. Last year Wright reconfirmed his role and briefly discussed the state of the script.

Reportedly, the currently script focuses both on original Ant-Man Hank Pym and his successor Scot Lang. A shifting timeline will follow both heroes in their primes and reflect the comic book stylings of the Silver Age and Modern Age of comics.

Production on Ant-Man is currently stalled, and at this point it seems unlikely the film will arrive in theaters ahead of the Avengers movie. Recently Pixar has expressed an interest in distributing Ant-Man, leading many to wonder if the film will now be computer-animated instead of live-action.

The Avengers

Avengers Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: May 4, 2012
Development Status: Eagle-eyed fans will already know that the current Marvel Studios films are quietly paving the way for a full-scale Avengers adventure. Nick Fury is gathering together a small group of heroes. Tony Stark appears to have Captain America's shield on his workbench. Cap himself can be glimpsed frozen in ice in Incredible Hulk.

In 2012, after Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, and Cap have all been established in their respective film franchises, the heroes will be brought together in The Avengers. Iron Man director Jon Favreau is slated to direct the movie, which is currently in an early stage of pre-production. The script is said to draw inspiration from Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch's comic The Ultimates, which could even finger Hulk as one of the film's primary villains.

Iron Man 2 stars Robert Downey Jr. and Don Cheadle have already signed on to reprise their roles as Tony Stark and Jim Rhodes, respectively. In turn, the recently-cast Chris Hemsworth will return as Thor. Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury will also take on a much more prominent role.

It's expected that the actor cast as Captain America will return in The Avengers. What is less certain is Edward Norton's involvement. With such a heavy slate of A-List actors, the filmmakers may wish to recast certain parts in order to save money. We've even heard reports that Hulk will not revert to Bruce Banner in the film. Whether this is actually true remains to be seen. Norton's most recent comments on the subject have been noncommittal.

Blade Reboot

Blade Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: TBD
Development Status: The best thing about Blade: Trinity is that you can't do much worse than that, making the Daywalker's return to better fare that much easier. While nothing is official from Marvel's camp regarding Blade's return, one can expect that reboot fever will soon touch one of Marvel's earliest success stories.

That return may come in the form of Deacon Frost prequel, however. In July 2009, IGN reported that director Stephen Norrington is working on a prequel trilogy based in the same universe, and centered around Blade's main villain, played in the first film by Stephen Dorff. No word yet on how exactly the idea, which Dorff came up with, will dovetail into the first three films, or what Blade's roll will be, if any. Also, Norrington is not officially attached to this project, at least not on Marvel's dance card. So at this point, it sounds like some dumb muthaf@#!er's trying to ice skate uphill…whatever that means. This is rumor at best and direct-to-DVD at worst. The last story headlining Blade can't be that which Spike TV canceled after one season. So dust off the sunglasses, Wesley.


Deadpool Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: 2011
Development Status: It's not quite on the fast track, but it's getting there. Ryan Reynolds will sport Hal Jordan's ring before he will reprise his role as the Merc with the Mouth in this X-Men Origins: Wolverine spin-off. Recently, long-time X-Men producer Lauren Shuler-Donner revealed that the character's depiction in Wolverine will get – all together now – the reboot treatment, seeing as how the last time we saw Deadpool his head was spiraling away from his body in free fall, while firing Cyclops' optic blasts.

We already wiped the Deadpool-as-Weapon-11 bitter taste from our fanboy pallets, and we're glad to see Fox getting on the ball. The long-time studio home to Xavier's mutants will also release Deadpool's first solo mission. Outside of Reynolds and Donner, no other names have been officially reported to write or direct the story. So what is the story shaping up to be? Reynolds revealed that Cable is most likely not in the first movie, but we may see Ajax and Black Tom appear as villains. Also, expect that mouth of his to get a serious workout, with the character breaking the fourth wall on occasion.

Reynolds recently assured fans that he is mulling over story ideas with writers (but which ones?) and will serve as "authentication police" over the character's treatment – and yes, we will learn how he got those scars.

Fantastic Four Reboot

Fantastic Four 3 Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: TBD
Development Status: The first salvo to come in the wake of Disney-Marvel came from 20th Century Fox, as the studio confirmed rumors from earlier this year that Marvel's First Family will get exposed to hopefully beneficial reboot rays. Who will spearhead the project? It appears Oscar-winning scribe and Fringe writer and executive producer Akiva Goldsman. You might remember him from such nipplefests as Batman Forever and Batman & Robin.

Variety reports that Fox has also set Heroes and Green Lantern scribe Michael Green to pen the screenplay. The trade adds that since the reboot deals are just getting under way, it's too early to tell if any cast members from the first two films - Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Michael Chiklis, Chris Evans and Julian McMahon - will reprise their respective roles for the reboot. This contradicts reports from last March that claimed Fox wanted to completely retool and recast the franchise and replace director Tim Story. Look - if what came before was working it wouldn't be getting the fix. We spy a baby-with-the-bath-water situation here, and hope a few of our FF casting choices get to suit up.

The First Avenger: Captain America

captain america Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: July 22, 2011
Development Status: The last major Marvel movie prior to the ensemble Avengers film will feature the first Avenger of them all. First Avenger: Captain America will focus on the early days of Steve Rogers and his transformation into Captain America. The current script appears to be set almost entirely in WWII, with Cap's final act of heroism and his subsequent freezing likely serving as the film's climax.

Originally, Marvel Studios planned to debut the Cap movie in early 2011 and have it lead directly into the Avengers film a few months later. While this movie will probably still set the stage for Avengers, the gap between them has now widened to a full year. Captain America now has a script and a director (Jurassic Park 3's Joe Johnston), but as expected, the search for an actor to portray Cap is long and difficult. At one point rumors swirled that Will Smith would don the blue chain mail, but it seems more likely at this point that the filmmakers will choose a relative unknown for the part.


Gambit Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: Unknown
Development Status: Not much is known about a potential Gambit spinoff movie other than the fact that both 20th Century Fox and actor Taylor Kitsch have expressed an interest. Before his appearance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Gambit had been planned for small roles in both X2: X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand.

Given that Gambit's origin story was alluded to in Wolverine, it seems likely that a spinoff film would shift focus to the character's later years. Kitsch has voiced his desire for the film to be darker in tone than its predecessor and to explore Gambit's back story.

Iron Man 2

Iron Man vs. War Machine Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: May 7, 2010
Development Status: Tony Stark's flight path to a sequel to his hit first movie started off bumpy: "Favreau's not coming back – gasp!?" "The Downey may not return – double gasp?!" "Howard's out, Cheadle's In as Rhodey – more with the gasping?!" But cooler heads and deep pockets prevailed, and the other fire drill that panned out to be true was actor Terrance Howard departing the role of Rhodes. Which kind of sucks for Howard, as Cheadle inhabits the role as Rhodes picks up the War Machine mantle. Face-melting footage from Comic-Con proved that.

IGN's Iron Man 2 set visit , we learned the following about the story: Two personal crises hit Tony hard: Tony's lingering father issues and an energy crisis of some sort. The shadow of Tony's celebrated, brilliant father, Howard - a man who helped America win World War II and stay armed during the Cold War - looms over the entire film. Howard's past somehow holds the key to Tony's future. (Tony isn't the only character with daddy issues; Mickey Rourke's villain, Ivan "Whiplash" Vanko also has them.) Black Widow weaves her way through the story, infiltrating Stark Industries and the CEO himself. All of this turmoil wears down Stark's relationship with Pepper and Rhodey, and most likely impacts Nick Fury's attempts to lure Stark to S.H.I.E.L.D. Expect Sam Rockwell's Justin Hammer to get into the fun as well.

All of this will be revealed next May, and maybe in 3-D. Paramount will distribute the sequel, but rights for releasing the third film will most likely fall under Disney, as IM3 is not part of Paramount's distribution deal with Marvel.


Magneto Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: Possibly 2011
Development Status: Magneto has long been expected to be the second X-Men character to receive a spinoff movie after Wolverine. Reports have consistently indicated that the film would be set long before the other X-Men films and focus on a younger Magneto and his troubled friendship with Charles Xavier. It's expected that at least some of the movie will be set during Magneto's time as a concentration camp prisoner, a period that was briefly shown in the first X-Men movie.

Other than benign reports of confirmation that the project is still underway at 20th Century Fox, not much has been revealed about a Magneto movie lately. The most promising sign this year came from screenwriter David Goyer, who believes Magneto will begin filming at some point within the next year.

No casting choices have been announced. Some have theorized that the same CG techniques used to portray a younger Magneto and Xavier in X-Men: The Last Stand will be reused, meaning Ian McKellan could conceivably reprise his role for a fourth time. However, it seems more likely that a younger actor will be brought in to keep effects costs to a minimum.

Magneto will likely happen sooner or later, but as to whether it becomes the next X-Men film out of the gate, we're beginning to have our doubts.


GN Marvel Runaways Vol1 Smaller Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: Unknown
Development Status: Marvel's troubled teen heroes are expected to be the next big franchise to hit the screen after the Avengers movie in 2012. In 2008, Marvel Studios revealed their intentions to adapt the series to film. Creator Brian K. Vaughan has already been brought in to produce a script, though at this point it's unclear whether his script will be green-lit for production.

Little news has trickled out since then, though we have no reason to believe the project isn't still moving forward. Just don't expect a release until after the Avengers movie hits in 2012, after which Marvel Studios will finally have room to focus on other, newer properties.

Silver Surfer

silver surfer Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: Unknown
Development Status: A Silver Surfer movie has been rumored for years, even predating the recent Fantastic Four films. With Surfer now established in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, 20th Century Fox have indicated they would like to go forward with a spinoff a la X-Men Origins: Wolverine. For a while, it appeared that the Surfer movie would take precedence over a third FF film. J. Michael Straczynski was brought in to write a script, and Doug Jones' contract allowed for two more appearances as Silver Surfer.

However, it was more recently announced that 20th Century Fox hope to reboot the FF franchise. Will the company still be interested in a Silver Surfer spinoff at the same time? It's hard to tell, but the fact that we haven't heard any recent news about a Silver Surfer movie suggests fans shouldn't get their hopes up just yet.

Spider-Man 4-6

Sinister Six Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Dates: May 6, 2011 (Spider-Man 4)
Development Status: After a brief, chaotic period where fans were uncertain whether the cast and crew of the Spider-Man films would return for a fourth outing, things seem to have gotten back on track. Spider-Man 4 is now set for release in May 2011. Sam Raimi will once again direct, and Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst will return to play Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson.

There is no early word on the villains in the fourth film, though the previous three movies certainly set the stage for an appearance by the Lizard. Michael Papajohn, who played the criminal who apparently-but-not-really shot Uncle Ben in the first film, has revealed that he'll be reprising his role, most likely in the form of a flashback sequence. Bruce Campbell, who cameoed in all three Spidey films, has also hinted that he may be taking on a larger role this time.

Early rumors suggest Sony would film Spider-Man 4 and 5 back to back, but Raimi has denied this possibility. However, work has already begun on the fifth and sixth movies. It appears that the two will be closely connected and may indeed be filmed concurrently. Unfortunately, Spider-Man 4 is starting to sound be the last outing for Raimi, Maguire, and Dunst, leaving many to wonder if the fifth and sixth films will actually be reboots.


thor Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: May 20, 2011
Development Status: The God of Thunder has pulled in Kenneth "Shakespeare" Brannagh to direct and Oscar-nominee Natalie Portman to play Jane Foster. A promising line-up of talent for your first movie.

Marvel is keeping Thor close to the vest, as the project is a tougher sell to mainstream audiences than Spidey or Shellhead. Middle Earth and Hogwarts are box office gold, sure, but Norse Gods who hide in mortal shells and live in Asgard is unproven. Packaging the film with A-list talent, and casting Captain Kirk's dad from the new Star Trek movie as the titular hero, are steps in the right direction. Jessica Biel is currently orbiting the project as well, which doesn't hurt Thor's box office chances either. The story will pit Thor opposite Tom Hiddleston as Loki , and promises to be a movie worthy of the character's epic origins. The risk on this project not hitting with summer-friendly audiences is higher than Marvel may like, but that will change whenever Marvel decides to roll out our first look of the Thor costume and a teaser.

X-Men: First Class

Original X-Men Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: 2011
Development Status: 20th Century Fox clearly still has big plans for the X-Men franchise, though none of them seem to include X-Men 4 at the moment. Instead, the focus will continue to fall on the earlier years of the mutant heroes. The next ensemble X-Men film will be titled X-Men: First Class. Like the comic of the same name, this movie will flash back to the earliest incarnation of the team as they struggle to cope with their powers. Assuming First Class is still set within the established film continuity and not a reboot, the character lineup will include Professor Xavier, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, and Storm. That's right, Fox are actually planning an X-Men movie without Wolverine.

Initial development on this project appeared to be slow, with Fox waiting to gauge the success of their Magneto movie before moving ahead with further spinoffs. However, actor Tim Pocock, who portrayed a young Cyclops in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, reported on his Twitter feed that he'll be reprising the role when First Class begins production in 2010. Now it seems Magneto may be the one sitting on the bench.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2

Logan in Japan Pictures, Images and Photos

Release Date: 2011
Development Status: Fast-tracked. A lot of people saw Wolverine, but not many of them talked about how good it was. Too many mutant cameos distracted from focusing on the titular character, which is something the filmmakers plan to remedy. Oscar-winner Christopher McQuarrie, who scripted The Usual Suspects and did work on the first X-Men movie, will help tell of Logan's journey to Japan, where he fell in love and learned the ways of the samurai.

McQuarrie's involvement leads to speculation that his frequent collaborator Bryan Singer will return to the X-Men franchise, as it seems like Origins' director Gavin Hood is out . No news yet on who the villain will be, but word 'round the campfire suggests that the demon swordsmith Muramasa will appear, and that Omega Red or Silver Fox are potential candidates. The Japan storyline could work out to be as good as X2, if not better. As long as it doesn't have memory-wiping bullets or a boxing match with Blob, it's already better than the first Wolverine movie.

Thanks again to Phil and Jesse at IGN Movies for taking the time to put this article together! I've been waiting for the day when this many comic movies are realistically waiting to be made.

P.S. Also, thanks to Paul S. for letting me have all those comic images! You have the largest collection I've seen by far!

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flames809 - 9/19/2009, 3:14 PM
wow a lot of comic book movie coming out well then i got to see all of them
Rumblebeast - 9/19/2009, 3:33 PM
I second that, flames
ClintEastwood - 9/19/2009, 3:43 PM
Good article
CaptainAmerica - 9/19/2009, 3:47 PM
Dont care what anyone says, ive seen every single Marvel film in theaters(starting from Blade 1) and i sure as hell wouldnt miss any of the future films. Oh and ive enjoyed sitting in the theater during every single one of those films :)
jusme6 - 9/19/2009, 3:58 PM
it breaks my heart that Fox will pretty much always own the Fantastic Four. With all the crossovers going on with the Marvel Studios Avengers characters it's really a shame they can't add the Fantastic Four to the mix. Instead, Fox will continue to re-butcher *ahem* re-boot the franchise indefinitely.

I mean the FF make the whole Marvel universe a lot bigger. They introduce things like the negative zone, the Kree, the Skrull, Glactus, the Silver Surfer, Namor, Atlantis, Dr. Doom, Thanos, the Inhumans (maybe/maybe not), and the Watcher just to name a few.

It's a shame that the cornerstone of the marvel universe, the Fantastic Four, will forever be trapped in the purgatory known as 20th Century Fox.

Is there any info on the movies about Luke Cage, Black Panther, Dr. Strange, and Nova or Darkhawk (one of the two)
BlackCat1 - 9/19/2009, 4:13 PM
you forgot about the Daredevil reboot
CaptainCanada - 9/19/2009, 4:39 PM
You cant help but have a smile on your face when you read about the development of that many comic book movies
LEEE777 - 9/19/2009, 6:03 PM
CaptainAmerica @ Me too dude!!! ; )

GRIF @ News to me too!

MULTI @ You forgot the VENOM spin off!

Great article dude! ; )
LEEE777 - 9/19/2009, 6:06 PM
P.s. SIMON PEGG for the DISNEY ANT-MAN comedy! SCOTT LANG!!! ; D
LEEE777 - 9/19/2009, 6:52 PM
Oh lol! Well ya should've put the DD and VENOM one in lol!

Heh heh, exciting article though dude, lets just hope they all get made!!! ; )

P.s. I'd rather a BLADE 4 than a stupid reboot though lol. Same goes with the friggin' FF reboot too, an DD for that matter! ; D

Mileena16 - 9/19/2009, 7:00 PM
the wolverine movie was pretty good but they screwed up deadpool, so what would be the point in making a movie? i have a small hope that they will say somthing like they cloned deadpool in the wolverine movie
tazmaniak - 9/19/2009, 7:33 PM
They could make a really slick Gambit movie.They could use the Thieves and Assassins Guild, Candra, Mr. Sinister and the Marauders.Hell, they could even throw a few Morlocks in at the end.

Did anyone else notice alot of those films are scheduled for 2011?

The First Avenger: Captain America
Spider-Man 4
X-Men: First Class
X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2
droopy1317 - 9/19/2009, 7:44 PM
Great article! very exciting
Roscoe182 - 9/19/2009, 8:17 PM
ace sum good films comin our way then although i dnt really think blade needs a reboot i though thay were pretty dam gud trinity wasnt as good as 1 or 2 ..

on another note i just finished watchin fanboys after seein leeeee i think it was ask about it well funny film defo worth a watch if you aint seen it
48and2 - 9/19/2009, 8:57 PM
Great article yes, giving me a nerdgasm.

Gotta throw Venom and DD on that list as LEE suggested. But ten's a good even number.

I will see all of 'em, even the bad ones. Can't wait... would like to see Gambit and Silver Surfer get a little more attention. I'm all for a Magneto movie, but seriously what about Prof. X - they oughtta tie Prof. X and Magneto together. And come on guys Cable, Cable Cable!

Throw Venom, DD, Prof. X, Cable, and one more on that list and you got fifteen. Juggernaught done well could be a hell of a movie.
dancingmonkey08 - 9/19/2009, 9:31 PM
Nice article, MultiPurposePoni and nice pics included in it

Im really looking forward to most of these movies especially Iron Man 2, Cap America, Runaways and Ant-Man which will all will probably be good as they are made by Marvel

Fox are annoying pricks so until I see them actually hire a good director who has passion for the source material and they stop interfering in the movies, future X-Men movies might be good but theres not much chance of that! Wolverine 2 will decide the future of the franchise. In my opinion, Gambit is a stupid idea for a movie. He is an awesome character but only when he is either with or against the X-men, not on his own. I hope this movie doesnt get made. Cable deserves his own movie better.

Blade is a [frick]ing mistake. Its been done. I know the third one wasnt the best but that franchise has done everything it can. They should concentrate on actual new characters that will be interesting. So replace Blade with Thor (who is surprisingly not there) on the list and it is perfect

Im not so sure about Fantastic Four. I liked the two movies but they didnt excite me like The Dark Knight and Iron Man. But do any of you guys think the Fantastic Four doesnt translate well to the big screen? I love their villains but I never saw the point of the Fantastic Four. Other superheroes have reasons for existing (Spidey fights crime after losing his uncle, Cap fights to protect his country, Iron Man fights terrorists, Thor is god who uses his powers to protect his adopted home, the Avengers fight the worst villains, Batman fights to reclaim his home from criminals, Superman was sent to Earth to protect it etc) but I never understood what the Fantastic Four exist for. But maybe that is just me. Maybe the Silver Surfer movie could restart the franchise of Fantastic Four. It would be a new, unique way to start a franchise by starting it with a future villain of the team and go from there
jallanr - 9/19/2009, 9:33 PM
I noticed that as well, kenny lol. All these movies makes me wanna drool. And NO to all those who want a daredevil reboot. why not just a sequel. I luved the first one, especially colin farells performance

woo hoo!
RaMan - 9/19/2009, 11:11 PM
the listings are great!! I still hope they make a Hulk 2 movie at least after the Avengers movie. I like Norton to reprise his role as Banner in the Avengers. He is such a good actor. the other re-boots I hope to see are:
-Dare Devil (Jason Stratham)
-Ghost Rider (keep Nicolas Cage)

other Marvel movies should as follow in the future:
-Dr Strange
-Sub Mariner
-X-Men Origins: Xavier
akthunder - 9/19/2009, 11:22 PM
So many movies. If only DC had as many movies lined up. Marvel is really doing well. Heck Iron Man wasnt a household name last year before the movie.
Pym - 9/19/2009, 11:43 PM
Last I heard, the focus of the revised antman script was different and to be more pym centered. That and I thought the pixar thing was confirmed to be a rumor. Too many different stories here.
McSqueeze - 9/19/2009, 11:46 PM
How are you going to make an X Men First Class?
Is Bobby Drake going to be 9 years old?
When they mess with continuity it drives me insane. I love how Iron man, Hulk, Thor, Cap are all using it wisely. Why can't these other idiots get their shit together.
And it should be Disney's responsibility as new owners of Marvel to show their support by dishing out any amount of $$$ to buy back the rights for FF and Surfer from the morons at Fox. It's an slap in the face every time I see the words FF or Silver Surfer followed by owned by Fox. PUKE!
Fox is the retarded water boy that sports teams always have around on the bench. He thinks he can play with the big boys and is doing something of value but in reality is only laughed at and mocked behind closed doors and does nothing but get in the way.
rkeyes - 9/19/2009, 11:48 PM
dancingmonkey08 ,

This post is ENTIRELY copy and pasted (plaguerized?) from IGN
CaptainAmerica - 9/19/2009, 11:54 PM
if you read the article you would have seen him give a shoutout to IGN for putting up the original post.
LEEE777 - 9/20/2009, 12:32 AM
MULTI @ Yeah i would've liked that too man!! ; )

Roscoe182 @ Yeah it was me lol, cheers dude, i will deff watch it now, thanx!!!

48and2 @ IGN forgot the BLACK PANTHER movie too!
LEEE777 - 9/20/2009, 12:37 AM
Lol @ MULTI! ; )
JoshWilding - 9/20/2009, 5:15 AM
Great news about Ant-Man! I've always said that a solo film should focus on Scott Lang! (who definitely should not be played by Simon Pegg LEE!)

Multi: I did an article a little while back with a rumour going around on a few news sites that there would be a Captain Britain movie starring Gerard Butler! Looks like that wont be for a while with all these movies on the way though!

Im still a little worried that they've picked the director of Jurrasic Park 3 to direct Captain America but I guess to be fair, all Favreau had directed before Iron Man was 'Elf'!
PlaidRocker - 9/20/2009, 6:53 AM
When it comes to the next Spider-man movie, I think a film about the Lizard and Kraven the Hunter would be brilliant. The idea being that Spider-man begins his first few encounters with the Lizard. Then at some point, Kraven jumps in to hunt the Lizard. Spider-man obviously can't let that happen since it's Dr. Connors, so now not only does he have to keep Kraven from killing Dr. Connors, but at the same time trying to keep the Lizard from tearing him apart.

It would definitely make for a compelling story as well as challenging Peter in a new way which Sam Raimi always seems to be looking for.
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