This guy is apparently a workaholic. That or his eyes are too big for his stomach... Or both!!! I've personally never heard of this comic, but since it is a comic book being converted to a movie--and it is Mr. Rodriguez!!!--I figured some of you might just be as interested as I am.
"So we've got Machete, Predators, The Jetsons, Red Sonja, Nervewrackers, and now reports are coming in of an Insiders project, to star Jessica Alba.
The Insiders is a French comic book action spy series that currently runs to seven volumes and sells in the tens of thousands (France has a vast homegrown comic book industry that barely registers in Britain and the US). An eighth book is on the way in October.
Alba has reportedly acquired the rights in tandem with Rodriguez, although there are no details yet of proposed start-dates, further casting, or whether Rodriguez will direct or just produce." --Empire
Either way, I think as long as Rodriguez has his hands in it it's going to be something worth keeping an eye on.