CBR: When you found out you were playing Shrapnel, did you turn to the DC comics to get a better understanding of the character?
Sean Maher: I worked with ["Arrow" Producer] Andrew Kreisberg years ago on a pilot called "Halley's Comet," and we've just remained dear friends. I flew up and I was in the studio doing costume fittings and I bumped into him. He's like, "We're so thrilled you're here," and I'm like, "I'm so thrilled, too!" He's like, "You know you're Shrapnel." I was like, "What?"
I truly didn't understand who Shrapnel or the Suicide Squad were. That was all news to me. I had very limited knowledge of Shrapnel, but Andrew was amazing and forthcoming with a ton of information and pictures and the comics and all that stuff. He was the one who enlightened me.
CBR: What was your sense of who Shrapnel was from the script?
Sean Maher: What I loved about him, and what I connected to most, is he believes what he is doing is right. He's a hardcore patriot and he believes he is doing what he is doing for the good of his country. When I go to the empathy, especially with the villains -- there's a reason why he does what he does. He's not just mean to be mean. There's something about him that is incredibly righteous in his ways. He truly believes he is doing what he is doing for the greater good.
CBR: Obviously, this Shrapnel is not going to be a metallic menace like in the comic books, but does he sport a colorful costume?
Sean Maher: There wasn't so much of a shift in costume, but it is in line with the whole tone of the show. I didn't really have a huge transformation in terms of getting into superhuman mode. They did some stuff with my makeup that gave me a more maniacal feel in contrast to when I'm just Mark. Mark is seemingly sweet and gentle and bookish and owns a souvenir shop. Then, when you see Shrapnel, it's not a transformation in terms of wardrobe as much as a little bit of makeup.
CBR: Since Arrow doesn't kill anymore, Shrapnel stands a good chance of surviving his time in Starling City. How would you like to see Shrapnel return?
Sean Maher: Gosh, I don't know. That's the beauty of the show; they leave it so open-ended. I'd like to return with a vengeance and a distinct plan in mind. He's incredibly calculating, and -- pun intended -- I think he's going to return with a big bang.
CBR: What was it like working with Stephen Amell?
Sean Maher: Stephen is fantastic. [He's the ] sweetest guy in the world and a new dad. I'm a father of two children, and I met him when his kid was 10 days old. When I found he had a baby, I was like, "Oh, my gosh. How are you sleeping? How's he doing? Is he pooping? Is he eating? What's he doing?"
He's an amazing guy and has an extremely strong physical presence, but he's one of the sweetest guys I've ever worked with. I really enjoyed the whole set-up there. It's a wonderfully warm environment. That's always the energy set forth by the #1 on the call sheet, which is Stephen. He's very excited about the craft and about the storytelling.
CBR: Having been a "hero" on "Warehouse 13" and a villain on "Arrow," can you imagine a place for yourself in one of the DC or Marvel movies?
Sean Maher: I would love any of them, really. Yeah, I've been finding my place in the DC Universe. I'm doing DC animated features. I've been doing the voice of Dick Grayson. It's funny, because I'm like, "Here I am in the DC comic book world and my dear friend [Joss Whedon], who I love so much, is the king of the Marvel world."
I love the comic book and sci-fi genre. For me, as an actor, they allow you to step into the world of imagination because it supersedes reality. It's so much fun. I'm just going to say goodbye to reality, right, and step into this world where things don't actually exist in my everyday life. To just play in the world of imagination is so much fun. Anytime I can do that, I'm grateful.
To see the full interview hit the source below.
ARROW HUNTS DOWN SHRAPNEL — Oliver must tackle a new threat to the city when bombs start to go off in Starling City. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) discovers the person setting them off is Mark Sheffner (guest star Sean Maher), a man who goes by the nickname Shrapnel. Arrow discovers Shrapnel’s next target is Sebastian Blood’s (guest star Kevin Alejandro) “Unity Rally” and tries to talk the alderman out of hosting it, but he refuses. Arrow sets off to stop the bombing, but Shrapnel tricks him and traps him in a bomb-laced antique store where he is unable to move without setting off the device. While Felicity helps Oliver, Diggle (David Ramsey) races to the plaza to find the bomb before it goes off. Meanwhile, Roy (Colton Haynes) continues to hide his new strength from Thea (Willa Holland) but, after she witnesses his super strength in action at the rally, she demands answers. Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) suspicions about Sebastian grow stronger once she learns that he grew up with Cyrus Gold, the man who killed Lance’s (Paul Blackthorne) partner. After Donner (guest Star Dylan Bruce) refuses to help her investigate, she turns to Arrow (Stephen Amell) for help. Rob Hardy directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Keto Shimizu.