Just Jared Reports:
In case you’ve missed the whole story, Shia plagiarized his new short film HowardCantour.com, which was a direct adaptation of a comic written by Daniel. Shia posted the entirety of the cease and desist letter for his fans to read, and even made the image his Twitter cover pic, where he blacked all all of the lettering except “he must stop all efforts to create."
It seems that retirement from public life was the only remaining option for Shia LaBeouf as Daniel Clowes' lawyer has presented a very strong case of copyright infringement and plagiarism by the former Transformers star. The Lawyer asks LaBeouf to "stop all efforts to create."
Read the documents for yourself, did LaBeouf make the right decision? Did he have a choice? Will he still be in retirement in 3 months? Sound off in the comments below.