Hello CBMers!!! Marvel Studios without a doubt has their house in shape. In very good shape at that, much success that seems to be heading into nothing but further success. They have assembled a terrific game plan, and thus far have executed it to near flawless levels. The tracks are set and this train is running at full speed. Yet those types of journeys tend to become boring and stagnant, you can only look out the window at the similar passing scenery for only so long. Already Marvel Studios and their films have been labeled formulaic. Villains are becoming stale, and end credit scenes seem to garner a bigger buzz than the film itself. However Marvel can still add a few exhilarating twists to its gold laced tracks. A new coat of paint to the train, to help combat complacency and stagnation. Listed are some things Marvel Studios should consider moving forward to help avoid doldrums town.
1. Diversify
Marvel has now made over eight films, with a handful more already planned or in pre production. All these movies will share at least one thing, a white male lead. Certainly all their films feature female and minority characters in prominent supporting roles. That's just it however, supporting roles. By now Marvel should have had a feature with at least a female or minority lead. In comics Marvel was the first publisher to produce a minority led comic book in Black Panther. Granted women centered superhero films have a very low success rate, but the recent resurgence of comic book movies can practically be traced back to a black hero in Blade. Marvel has an embarrassingly rich catalogue of outstanding minority, female, and gay superheroes. There's no reason they couldn't make an excellent film featuring one.
2. Expand the genre
It's no secret that many of Marvel's movies feel the same and are distinctive to themselves. Over saturation of this will lead to audiences becoming fatigued and non excited. Perhaps because there mostly origin tales, or also because they have to tie into one another for Avengers, leading to constricted plots that require certain agendas to be met. However, Marvel does appear to be breaking pattern as it looks like Guardians of the Galaxy will be a fantasy space opera adventure. Not only that but Marvel is bevy to so many characters who can easily function in multiple genres. Black Panther could be an inspiring political adventure. With Punisher back, they could create a mature revenge thriller. Daredevil could showcase courtroom drama and superhero adventuring. Marvel, like with Guardians of the Galaxy, could look into their lesser known properties. Runaways could of been that coming of age tale, with superpowers.
3. Villain Makeover
Marvel has had some good villains, but for the most part their villains just fall short. Iron Man 2 featured two bland bad guys, and Iron Man 3 drastically changed comic book favorite Mandarin. Thor was menaced by a rather uninspired antagonist in his second film. Marvel needs to better construct their villains, as to make them much more engaging. Loki is popular for a reason, his character was correctly fleshed out. Loki, despite being the bad guy, had heart, was passionate, and properly motivated. Audiences could at least empathize with Loki because his story was fully formulated. Perhaps Marvel should look across the street at Sony and make a villain centric film. This could satisfy all my gripes in one shot, diverse lead, different genre, and an engrossing villain.
Really just some minor qualms, because I really do not want Marvel films to become stale and pattern-like. Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think of this article, thumbs up appreciated. Thanks again.