STREET SHARKS: a fanfiction inspired by real events
Dr. Robert Bolton woke up one fine morning and gazed out his window and saw something glorious, a new dawn, a new awakening if you was not to last...for there would be...a sharkening!!
46 years occured that would cause irreperable damage...this is the story of how it all happened.
Chapter One: The Sharkening Begins
Mantaman woke up next to his loving wife who was was pretty interesting in all honesty...not that you would belieber me. But that's not important, this story is really about the badass mofo known around the world as Shrimp Louie, now Shrimp Louie was the kind of man that nobody screwed around with, hell if they even thought about screwing around with him he'd blast them cold dead with his big blaster guns and then he would totally walk to McDonald's and order a goddamn Big Mac and a large fries so he could eat it and get fat lollerbate, anywho before we get sidetracked on the delivery of this masterpiece we should get back on track before we get derailed any further, ikr. You know what i want. We should like, propose to each other or something, idk could happen, ikr. Maximillian Grecko asked me on a date once, it was pretty awkward...Zeus and Apollo were there. This is the way stuff happens when you're not arriving at the train station on time, i guess not, if its not my life then it must by my sensational vacational desperation that's a new creation.
end of chapter one
chapter two will be posted in the near future, thanks for reading ^_^