Hello CBMers!!!
"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying."
-Michael Jordan
Finally the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer has arrived, and I think we can all agree that it is awesome. Right? Ri....?? Ok, it seems hard to pin the reception to this trailer down. I've read plentiful of praise, but a lot of that praise with what seems like...what's the word...nitpicking. Some are skewering every frame in search of that which can be decried as obvious flaws. Why is that? I think it might have to do with Marvel Studios success as of late. Like any studio operating they are due for that flop, and many fans are eagerly trying to identify that film. I suppose that it must happen, I see Marvel Studios as comparable to that of Pixar however. They have a style and expectation down, with a large fan base due to quality made films. Even when Pixar films began to dip in quality, the fans and reputation they had assembled saved some of their films from being down right flops. I think Marvel Studios may see a similar outcome. Or maybe not. But which film will it be? Which will be identified as a box office "bomb"? Well what's coming up...
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Odds to fail: Very low.
Great trailer. Post Avengers film, with probably the most significant connection to the Avengers sequel. Looks to be a big hit, plus a lot of confidence shown toward the film by the big guys of Marvel Studios. Although I thought the first to be the weakest of the Avengers lead in films, the sequel looks prime to be even bigger. The precedent is set, post Avengers films are coming up big, exceeding on the box office of their previous installments.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Odds to fail: Medium.
If for some reason Captain America is disappointing, this film will suffer the most because of that. Marvel fans will most likely forgive Captain America first, and retain their caution for this film. A new, little known property that will likely feature no Avengers, it's a tough climb to make. I think this film rides that line of risk/reward, it could obviously be either a big hit or miss. I enjoyed the trailer and I think the cast will make this film. I got a kind of Chronicles of Riddick vibe, but unlike that film the cast here seems better suited for a not too serious tone.
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Odds to fail: Practically non existent.
Yeah right. Move along.
Odds to fail: Medium to High.
If there is to be a burnout with Marvel films, this is where it will most likely be most apparent. New property, and kicking of a new phase, another tall order. It will probably have little connection to Avengers, decreasing some hype it could have. And Antman is an odd superhero, unlike the other Avengers. Plus the film seems rather eclectic, it will more than likely jump around in time in narrative, giving us a peek into the MCU pre Iron Man. Bold new idea to try, but we'll just have to wait and see how this will be received.
What do you guys think? Will Marvel have that "bomb"? Never? If they do, what film do you think it could be?
Thanks for reading and take care.