Excuse me if i have grammar or spelling mistakes, i do not live in an English-Speaking country.
After the enormous casting of extras that was made in Valencia where thousands of women participated with hope of meeting the most handsome man in the world, George Clooney and the rest of the actors will begin to film there in a very special place: La ciudad de las artes y las ciencias, which means "The city of the arts and the sciences". The filming will begin this afternoon in Spain. Here you have a short gallery so you can see what it is:
The place will be crowded with fans and in the upcoming days we will get to see some pictures of the set and the characters.
I feel very good thinking that famous people like Clooney are coming to my city and certainly, this place is very beautiful and worthy of this. Just for you to know that this place is real and it is not CGI.
The film will star Judy Greer, George Clooney and Kathryn Hahn and it will come out on May 22, 2015. Fun fact: The women who overpassed size 42 (European size scale) could not participate in the casting.