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As the SmashHoles usualy do, We spoke about our love for all things comics. Frisbie and Justin Sat down to give two VERY different top 10 list for Comic Book Movies
Lets Start with Frisbie's list.
At number one we have the Incredible Hulk. Comparing to to "Beauty and the Beast", the love story is what Draws her in to this more then anything. A love for Betty and Bruce's love together, plus enjoying watching Bruce SMASH!!!

Next up is the Avengers. Such a pretty movie only thing that stopped it from being her number one, was(yes seriously) the lack of Betty, or even a mention of where she is. Seeing everybody from the past 6 years of movies team up, and work together was too much for this Nerd to pass up
Number 3 is Kick Ass. A Movie she though would be a fun and lighthearted movie, so much so, that She took her own MOTHER to see it. As we know, this movie was nothing of the sort, yet the pair of them enjoyed it none the less.
Number 4 is V For Vendetta. What person didn't love this movie? The elegant words of Allen Moore said from the voice of Hugo Weaving. A beautiful story told, and a great cast.
Number 5 is Iron Man 3. This movie was either loved, or hated. WIth a Twist with the Mandarin, a short amount of time in the iron man armor, and a ending the leaves us not knowing how Tony will fit with the Avengers, many people did not like it. But there was a dark emotional tale to be told, and watching Tony Stark finally get to be happy was a great ending.
6 is yet another love story told in the form of Captain America. "A Man out of time" was more filler to get us to Avengers, but still managed to tell a great story. And knowing that not only is this building to Avengers, but seeing Bucky fall gave us hope that he would come back soon.
Number 7 is Iron Man. What more needs to be said for the First of the MCU. It give us a taste at a truly great origin story. A character most people didn't think would do too well, proved everyone wrong with style.
Number 8 is X-men First Class. Emily loves origin stories, and watching Professor X and Magneto, as Young Friends is something that is too hard to pass up.
Number 9 is X3 The Last Stand. Hard to Understand why people hate this so much. A Huge roster of X-Men, Plus Kelsey Grammer as Beast was well worth seeing this movie. The end fight was awesome too.
Number 10 is so going on Facebook, it's Thor. Mew-Mew. What else needs to be said.
Now up for Pusheen, or Justin as his Mom calls him
Number one is Avengers, everything a movie should be and more. We can complain about the little things, or just enjoy a great movie
Iron Man 3 takes number 2 slot. A great story, and "A Million" Suits fighting at the end.
How can We not have number 3 be The Dark Knight. In his opinion, Batman has yet to be done right, but Dark Knight came HELLA Close. Dark, Creepy, and full of great Joker Moments.
Swinging in at number 4(See what we did there?)is Spider-Man 2. Doc Oct was pulled right out of the pages of the comics, and Mary Jane was slightly less annoying then usual.
Number 5 is Iron Man. Hearing about the "Avengers Initiative" was all that needed to be said
X2 is number 6. When it comes to X-men Movies, this one got it right. More Well rounded then normal, plus the Phoenix tease at the end was perfect.
Number 7 is V for Vendetta, it's all been said why it's awesome
Number 8 is 300. When a movie is booked for a full month straight at the movie theaters, you know it's something special. Violent, yet very moving. The debate on it's historical accuracy has no baring on the enjoyment factor.
Number 9 is Punishes. Thomas Jane brought this character to life, John Travolta did what he does best, and the rest is movie history. It's a shame the writers of Punsher War Zone never saw this movie.
And last up is number 10, Kick Ass, A very refreshing movie, with Nick Cage only chewing up the scenery a little at the end
Want to hear Why Watchman, Man Of Steel, didn't make this list? And Why Justin thinks X3 is a waist of a movie, and TON more?
Just go to for all of our collection of podcasts, including a Bonus pod where Justin talks with Singer and Bassist from Dead Mans Ramsey, Pete all about comics and movies.
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