Hello CBMers!!!
Casting is perhaps the most crucial feature in creating a successful comic book movie. It os often hit or miss. And certainly, lately comic book movies have done an incredible job as of late in this department, definitely in the MCU. Everyone often praises the casting of actors in great performances. What about when it doesn't work out? Is the movie ruined? Depends on the size of the role really, but in any regards it is assuredly detrimental to the film overall. That's why casting choices are so popular, because they are so crucial. One bad choice can either raise the film to the highest of levels, or relegate it to middling mediocrity. So it's understandable the reaction casting choices garner, because like these listed here, you don't want them to be bad. This is a Top Fours article of disappointing comic book movie performances.
Mickey Rourke - Ivan Vanko - Iron Man 2
I realize that the character was essentially created for this film, combining aspects of Iron Man villains such as the Crimson Dynamo and Whiplash. But did they essentially have to create such a terrible role? Rourke must of heard about it being a combination of two bad guys and thought, "interesting I can do that!" But he ends up
combining a James Bond villain with an Austin Powers bad guy. What the heck was the deal with that bird? That accent? Those teeth? The hair? Just an oddball performance, as they obviously wanted a blend of menacing and humor. But they got bizarre. Utterly bizarre. What's odd as well, you know he can do well in a comic book movie performance, as exhibited by his role in Sin City.
Halle Berry - Storm - X-Men franchise
How Halle Berry got that Oscar confuses me to this day. Maybe they asked the wrong question on the ballot that year. Something like,
"who would you want to spend the night with?" of course next to actresses like Dame Judi Dench, it's really a no brainer. Her acting has often come off as corny and very feint, not particularly powerful. Which is one of the reasons she was terrible as Storm. Why not choose her role as Catwoman? That was awful for reasons well beyond her performance, my goodness they had her acting like an actual cat! The animal!
A freaking housecat!! WTF??!!? Exactly. But the Storm performance is largely on her shoulder She's inconsistent and sort of pathetic. At one point, she has an accent, but I guess Storm was seeing a voice coach at the time. She didn't want be hindered at all during her American Idol audition. She drifts in and of said accent even in the film she was supposed to maintain it in. She was passive and like most Berry performances, corny.
Tommy Lee Jones - Two-Face - Batman Forever
I think Jones was told to watch the '60s Batman TV show as research for the role. It's obviously the vision of Batman that director Joel Schumacher wanted to adapt. Perhaps Jones came back and said, but Joel " Two-Face isn't even on this show?" To which Joel probably replied, "Oh, just watch that Joker guy, it's all the same." And he probably told the same thing to Jim Carrey for his portrayal of Riddler. In fact, if Joel had his way,
his Batman film would feature four Jokers as the villains! It doesn't help that Jones was especially hammy in his performance, chewing scenery like it was going out of fashion. Overly outrageous in certain parts, and then super serious in some areas. Talk about an uneven performance, plus he was constantly trying to show up Jim Carrey in zaniness.
The same actor who used to talk out of his butt!
Kate Bosworth - Lois Lane - Superman Returns
Granted this movie has a whole textbook of problems, but one of the most glaring? Bosworth's casting as Lois Lane. She was easily to nubile and young for such a character.
A seasoned Pulitzer Prize winning journalist? Oh yeah film, I question this. Her big story was most likely about the bake sale at school. The producers must of crossed wires when casting the role,
confusing Lois Lane for Harriet the Spy. Plus, she didn't seem like a chain smoking mother of Superman's child. More like that kid's big sister. And Clark's weird, immature younger sister. "Please guys, I want to play reporter too!"
Alright, that's the end. Thank you, everyone that read. Hopefully you got a chuckle. Be sure to hit that red glove. Thanks guys.