Hello CBMers!!! Benjamin West here, and I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and blessed fortune to all throughout 2014. I've been reading many intriguing, well written editorials on CBM.com covering a vast spectrum of topics and musings that are important to CBM fans. Inspired and restless I have taken to the board of keys to weigh in with some of my thoughts. Accordingly in alignment with my other articles I have four topics of discussion. Part three of my Top Fours West series, and as always without further adieu:
1) Character Race Issue
Oh boy, hot topic like none other. As always the issue of race is utterly polarizing and divisive. In example here, changing a comic book character's race when they are adapted to the big screen. I find myself falling somewhere in the middle on this issue. There are times when this has been successfully achieved through secondary characters in multiple CBMs. Seemingly more people have come to champion this approach, with people on the other side being decried as insensitive or flat out racist. Is it racist to want to adhere to the source material? I don't think so, comics are above all else, an extremely visual and established medium. You can claim that a certain character's personality can be portrayed by someone of any race, but the simple fact is that personality was created in hand with a certain visual. It's already a fully established character. For example, Peter Parker is introverted, shy, nerdy, and intelligent which could be a person of any race. But it's not, it's Peter Parker, who is his own fully formed creation; personality and look. I don't know, perhaps I infer it incorrectly myself. I just wanted to try an attempt to shed some light on the issue from a different perspective. I'm a fan of the comic book character first and foremost, and I respect that these characters have such rich and compelling histories. I don't mind if a creator wanted to perhaps change a character's race, but it then becomes its own unique character. A great example of this can be found in Marvel's Supreme series. Supreme was basically a facsimile for DC Comics characters, and this series featured what is essentially a black Batman. I say essentially, because although he has much in common with Batman, this character is still greatly interesting and different. He was his own great character in Nighthawk.
2) Man of Steel, is it any good?
Absolutely!!! I have come to view this movie with such personal delight. Personal for one scene alone. Not to get to heavy, but I hope anyone who has tragically lost their mother, flat out enjoys that one scene. It just gets to me to see Supes go to town on Zod's face after he threatened his mother. This scene always, no matter what mood I am in, gives me such joy and delight.
3) Batman vs Superman, overcrowded?
Not yet. I don't think so, I really like the approach DC is taking. Marvel did it their way, and I think DC can be successful with an alternate approach. By just introducing characters, DC can gauge fan reaction and determine their next step. Face it, these CBMs are expensive and rather then succumb to another Green Lantern event; DC can evaluate their choices without investing to much money. Another brilliant move; making Batman older. DC knows Batman will do well, and introducing an older, veteran vigilante allows the DCCU to circumvent a problem the MCU now faces. Now those epic Batman stories can be told about this Batman's past without people wondering why Superman didn't lend a hand.
4) What's going to be the CBM of 2014
Its always great to look ahead and this year is bloated with great CBMs scheduled for release. I am most looking forward to TASM 2. Yes, I am a proud member of the "Garfield is an outstanding Spiderman" club. Cannot wait to see how this tale continues and where it will lead. DOFP scares me, because so much money has been invested and Singer is highly hit or miss. Would rather of liked to see, XFC's director continue that story in a more traditional sequel. Most worried for CA:TWS, the first one was highly up and down for me. I enjoyed Tucci and Jones a great deal, but then the whole Hydra and laser weapons in WWII took me right out. Now everyone seems to think this one could be politically charged and realistic. I don't think so, the trailer's multiple crashing of flying battleships and a man flying with metal wings tells me otherwise. I don't know, I just hate Hellacarriers.
Thanks for reading and Happy New Year everyone!! Go BRONCOS!!!!