Which Comic Character is The Funniest?

Which Comic Character is The Funniest? Which Comic Character is The Funniest?

Which Comic Character is The Funniest?Every comic has at least one funny/comical character usually but who is the funniest.....

Feature Opinion
By Armageddon26 - Dec 26, 2010 12:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Other

As I asked before who do you think is the most comical character in comics,I asked some people in the chat room and based the choices off their answers.

First off is DEADPOOL!!!

Why he is funny: He is an insane lunatic who breaks the 4th wall all the time and is so unpredictable with what he is about to say.I mean I could say so much about this guy,he is hilarious.

Next is the web head himself Spider-Man

Why he is funny:It is just his quick wise crackin humor,but others say he is just a smart ass.

Hawkeye is the next competitor

Why he is funny:At times more humorous than Spidey but i have to say pretty much the same thing that is said in Spider Mans little section.

Now it is time for the Joker himself!!

Why he is funny:Another 4th wall breaker,and his sick twisted pranks and schemes just wanna make you crack up and run in fear at the same time.

Now it is The Clown from Spawn

Why he is funny:I am not to up on this character but people wanted him.

Now Walley West,The FLASH!!!

Why he is funny:I am not to up on this character but people wanted him.

For the poll,if you vote other would you mind posting who the other character is in my comment section:D

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Checkmate - 12/25/2010, 9:08 PM
My most hilarious comic characters include Booster Gold and Kick-Ass.
InSpace - 12/25/2010, 9:56 PM
ambush bug ftw !
Denn1s - 12/26/2010, 7:17 AM
deff deadpool
OmegaBlack13 - 12/26/2010, 12:12 PM
From that list I'd say Deadpool, but Kick-Ass is mos def the funniest I'd say!

Where did you get that Wally West pic?? Brett Booth right? Is it for the new ongoing "Speed Force" book or something else??
marvel72 - 12/26/2010, 3:00 PM
deadpool comes out with some funny shit.

like the time he wanted his money back from a ship he brought that had sunk,he didn't relize he had purchased a sub-marine.

superwolverine - 12/26/2010, 8:32 PM
deadpool is funny hands down. plus his comicbook is pretty cool too.
Armageddon26 - 12/30/2010, 1:16 PM
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