Why Movie Critics are complete Garbage

Why Movie Critics are complete Garbage

Why are critics even around anyway? No point in paying these people.

Editorial Opinion
By sonofsamadams - Jul 13, 2011 03:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

I bet your first thought when you read the title to this article was, 'Oh boy another DC fan whining about the critic grades of Green Lantern'. Let's get one thing straight-I am not a DC fanboy. Nor am I a Marvel Fanboy. But I'm a deep movie geek. Yeah I liked GL, was disappointed to see it get bad ratings, but I really didn't take their 'ratings' into consideration.

The point is...why do we even have to take a critic grade on a movie into consideration?

Admit it-many cases we do side with the critics, but that's after we see a movie. But before a movie...what's the point? Here's a little food for thought-if Green Lantern and Thor's release dates were switched around, I can guarantee that 27% on rotten tomatoes would be increased to a 40-60%. The bar for CBMs this year were set too high. Critics (usually) are too picky and biased.

Let me put it this way. Let's say Iron Man, directed the same way, with the same look and feel to it but it wasn't directed by Jon Faveru. It was directed by Michael Bay. Now that 94% on Rotten Tomatoes would be dropped to 54% because critics HATE Michael Bay. Grant it the guy isn't good for much, and if he ever did a rom-com it would fail drastically, but this new Transformers movie got attacked because of his name was attached to it. The first Transformers didn't really feel like a Michael Bay movie at all. There was an actual plot, characters that meant something, and it closed very well. It felt more like a Spielberg flick in my opinion. If the movie had been Directed by Spielberg, there would have been a lot more critics that would've given it positive ratings. But no. Yes, Revenge was Garbage and so was Armageddon and Pearl Harbor, and Bay does recycle movie clips (but you have to pay close attention to the movie to spot those clips btw), but once in a while he comes up with a good movie. from 2003-2007 Bay's movies were actually worth the ticket. But they got rotten ratings on RT. Because of Bay.

The same way goes with GL in my opinion. I think a lot of critics (while not admitting it flat out) disliked it because of Ryan Reynolds. Grant it he did show some of his Rom-com attitude in this flick, but GL was vastly better than anything in his resume. But everything in his filmography before GL didn't fair too well with Critics.

It is no doubt that when a lot of 'top critics' see one little thing they don't like in a movie they instantly find excuses to hate on the entire film. Ever read a critic's review and think to yourself, 'did we see the same movie?!' Happens to me all the time.

Roger Ebert (the most popular critic out there) is THE PERFECT example.

The Movie Hook (1991, directed by Steven Spielberg) got bashed by the famous movie critic, receiving a 2/4 rating. He called it 'embarrassing' and 'sad'. Really? With precision direction by Spielberg and a wonderful score by John Williams, this movie charmed the socks off of millions of people and kids loved it.

Ebert did again with Lost World Jurassic Park and Event Horizon. He didn't do it with Event, but Ebert said (in the late 90s) that he was too harsh on JP2 and Hook and said he would give them a 2.5/4 or higher if he would re-write his review. WTF? Event Horizon is one of the most underrated films in my opinion, and Ebert was far too critical on it. He spent most of his review bashing trying to argue that the movie was 'a rip off of Alien'. First off, if you have seen Event and Alien you could see the only comparison between the two is that they are listed in the Sci-fi/horror genre. That's all. Two completely different stories, different settings and so on. Ebert's gettin' too old.

He did this year with both Battle: LA and Thor. First off, I think he fell asleep with both of those films because he's growing too old for the newer movies. In his Thor review, he stated that the Destroyer was killed by a spear. Uhh okay Rog, way to pay attention bud. And with Battle LA, he kept saying there was way too much action for one movie. Well what do you expect with a title like 'Battle LA'??

Peter Travers is another critic that can be too harsh.

Ebert is a little more laid back than this guy however. Traver rarely gives Four Star Ratings. RARELY. The movies he really enjoys end up getting 3.5/4 ratings. Although I must say when he bashes a movie it is very funny. Like Revenge of the Fallen (no stars) Bad Boys 2 (no stars) and Dark of the Moon (No stars) All Michael Bay movies...hmmm...yet he gave all the twilight 2 stars. Okay Pete. I honestly have never seen a positive rating from this guy on a movie with Michael Bay's name attached to it (Or Reynolds). He is a hard critic to please. But then again, aren't all critics?

Travers Transformers Reviews:


I am a firm believer that audiences take critic grades too seriously. That's why the negative ratings for GL scared many people away. I fear that if this happens to Captain America then the same thing might happen. The only time when people don't listen to a critics rating is when a popular movie hits the big screen-Transformers, Harry Potter, Indy, Star Wars, etc. I can only imagine the bad ratings that Captain America would rack up. If Cap is rotten on Rotten Tomatoes (which I hope to god it isn't), then here are the grades we would see:

'silly movie'
'souless. Johnston has proven to be a director without vision'
'insult to the name America'

only a thought. But really, why take a critic grade seriously? GL got bashed and I still went. I wasn't expecting much out of DOTM and it got bashed, yet I went to that as well. The thing is, if you are a filmmaker in Hollywood and you don't establish a positive response with Critics early on in your career, they will hate and bash on your movies for a while (or the rest of your career *cough*Bay*cough*), regardless if it makes a billion $$$. But if you establish something real positive, then their expectations will be too high and if you make a solid movie, they'll either bash it or give mixed ratings. Happens a lot. (Hence, Spielberg's Hook. Though it was wonderful and the audience loved the movie, it wasn't Steven's best, and the critics hated it)

However t is nice to see a movie you wish to experience or one you already have getting real good ratings. Hell, Potter is 96% fresh on RT but I could give a damn. But its also good to see a movie you don't want to see get bashed. But I still don't understand how Twilight got 50%. It's beyond me. Even though Thor was certified, it dropped from 94% to 77%.

If you want to listen to critics, don't use Rotten Tomatoes. They don't really assess the reviews. They instantly think a 2.5/4 rating is rotten. Not true. If you want to listen to them, use Yahoo. Yahoo converts a critic's published rating into a letter grade. I do believe letter grades are far more crisp and clear than stars. Their people actually assess reviews that give 2.5/4 ratings, and those come out to generally be B-'s. (Which are Positive. C+ is where it gets negative) I mean seriously, Clash of the Titans (remake) received a 29% on RT, but after Yahoo assessed 13 reviews, it came out to a C+. Okay let me establish this-one guy gives a C+, he doesn't like it. If a group of people's grades come out to a C+, is positive.

In conclusion, critics are biased, picky, and overpaid thugs that have way too high expectations on movies. I hope Captain America gets positive ratings (A B- from the critic Box at the least), but if it doesn't, and we read reviews calling it 'silly' and 'insulting' proves my point. As CBM's famous GRIF once said,

'[frick] Critics. The only opinion that should matter is yours.'

I second that Grif.

Let me know!

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OptimusPrime114 - 7/13/2011, 3:19 PM
Finally! Someone who shares my opinion!
sonofsamadams - 7/13/2011, 3:39 PM

I respect your opinion dude. But I think we can agree that when we read a review where the critic pretty much acts like he hasn't seen the movie, it's kinda lame.

*cough*Thor*cough*Roger Ebert*cough*

Damn. I got a bad cough tonight :)

I'm stunned you didn't put up boobs yet.
golden123 - 7/13/2011, 3:55 PM
It's these kind of narrow minded editorials that make me want to give up coming to this site. I don't even know where to begin in my argument although arguing would be pointless since I won't achieve much. I think I'm going to let this guy learn to think things through on his on. I think that was a comment worth typing up. Have a good day!
Coloso - 7/13/2011, 4:53 PM
Why do you continue to beat your head against the wall? Fact is no one is to blame other than WB/DC for putting together such an inferior product. Critics, movie going audience, and fanboys all universally panned this film. The critic's are just one part of that equation. And lest you forget, many on this site and others were panning this film from that god awful trailer that was released. We were calling it long before the critic's got to see it and they agreed with us.
sonofsamadams - 7/13/2011, 5:19 PM
That just made this article sparkle with glory. Hopefully RUndtc doesn't report it

And I love how most if you are attacking me for Green Lantern where thats a minor point of this editorial.
CorndogBurglar - 7/13/2011, 5:45 PM
You're right in the sens that if you want to see a movie, then go see it. regardless of what critics think.

however, me and tea have talked about this before. It seems like people are perfectly fine with critics when the critics agree with their opinions. but the second a critic gives a bad review that people like, all of a sudden they hate critics all together.

i remember a while back, Ebert gave Iron Man 2 a bad review, and people lambasted him and said he wouldn't know a good comic movie if it slapped him in his ass. Well those people were wrong, because Ebert has actually given a ton of CBM's great reviews. People are just dumb, thats all.

Take a critic's review with a grain of salt, just like you would anyone else, because when it comes down to it, its just their opinion, just like we all have ours. :)
sonofsamadams - 7/13/2011, 6:11 PM

I agree too, thats somewhat goes with my point where people like it when they see a movie that grabs their attention get good ratings. I mean, Superman returns got good ratings, and the fans hated it. So I don't know really.
I read critic reviews to see what B.S. they try to throw at us. But when Peter Travers bashes a movie, its [frick]in' hilarious stuff to read or watch. If there's a movie I've marked on the calender, I'm going to see it regardless of the reviews.
TheShadow - 7/13/2011, 9:26 PM
Thank You!!!!

Critics do not know how to judge. If something isn't their genre or doesn't meet expectations, they blast it. They never look ate the film itself. Mind me this doesn't stand for ALL critics...
urbanskum - 7/13/2011, 10:19 PM
While I agree that critics tend to be subjective and film criticism isn't an exact science, I really don't agree with your praise of Green Lantern. I went to watch the movie with a lot of expectations (I'm more of a DC fan than a Marvel one), the movie was very very disappointing. Parts of it were cliched and the editing was bad. It was almost like watching a movie where the director and the writer had gone through a checklist provided by the studio and shot the movie accordingly. The scenes on Earth especially felt like they had been shot on a scaled down budget on one or two small sets.
However, it was still cool to finally to see GL on the big screen.
Superheromoviefan - 7/14/2011, 2:22 AM
we need critics because sometimes they bring good point
Ethic - 7/14/2011, 3:18 AM
Green Lantern was an awful film in a lot of peoples eyes.
You can try to rationalize it by throwing around different biases but it's rather immature to be honest.
Most people (as in the general consensus of the public) thought GL was between
"Meh.. wasnt that bad" and "Crap"

I love the character of Green Lantern, I was excited for the film, I loved the casting.
But first and foremost I'm a film fanatic and I found it thoroughly disappointing.
It was a terribly made movie.

But onto critics..
The only difference between you and a critic is that they get payed to write up their opinion.
I don't mean to come across spiteful at all by the way.
But, if you were hired as a critic, would your opinion automatically be bullshit?
Or does that only apply to people of differing opinions?
Orphix - 7/14/2011, 4:02 AM
We need them because they watch the crap we don't have to.

Also I can't see the problem with wanting more from a good film. Action, great set pieces and special effects are not mutually exclusive from a good story with some depth well told.

I wanted more from my GL film - alot more. The critics were right. The exact same can be applied to Transformers: DOTM.
Orphix - 7/14/2011, 4:05 AM

Good point about critics. And you could also add that a critics opinion (a good critic that is)has more validity because they know about, analyse and investigate the 'language' of film.
marvel72 - 7/14/2011, 7:18 AM
critic's are complete garbage if they talk bad about a film that you want to believe is amazing.

are critic's complete garbage if they say what you want to hear ? no i didn't think so.

it all comes down to personal taste,if you like a film don't worry about anyone else.

i think the dark knight is overrated but still a good film,but to some of the users on this site think i'm an idiot for not think its the best cbm of all time.
Stumblin - 7/14/2011, 9:03 AM
Marvel72, I'm right there with ya.
Coldblood6 - 7/14/2011, 9:23 AM
I was just chatting with a co-worker (noncomicbook person) who couldn't stop going on and on about how bad GL was. He gave TEN thumbs down.

Get over it critics destroyed GL because it was garbage.

People didn't go to see it because it looked like garbage.

People who made the mistake of watching it told other people it was garbage preventing them from making the same mistake.

sonofsamadams - 7/14/2011, 10:14 AM
bahahahahhahhaha! Once again...getting attacked by my comment on GL when it was a minor point of this Article. HA!
Ethic - 7/14/2011, 10:20 AM
And no reply to those who questioned the critics part?
sonofsamadams - 7/14/2011, 11:05 AM
Oh I wanted you to question the critic part. That's the point if an editorial together people's reviews and opinions off of the main point of the aticle. Having said that GL was a minor subject to this. But I knew a lot of people were going to comment on that because it was inevitable.
superwolverine - 7/15/2011, 3:35 PM
It doesn't matter to me what the critics say, if i am interested in the film i'm going to see it. Rotten tomatoes gave piranha 3D a good rating, they lost my respect, that movie was god-awful.
Kevindean - 4/14/2013, 7:55 PM
I agree 100% that critics write nothing but unfair and biased content towards all the films that deserve praise. Avengers for example. It got mostly great reviews but I bet good ol Roger thought that Captain America got killed by a harpoon in this one. Cause what he says means the world right? Here's the thing about critics they're idiots bottom line. Go with your opinions and call a movie fairly. Look at the good and bad parts of a film not one or the other.
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