The Alien franchise has been through the wringer these past few years, with Ridley Scott's prequels confusing fans and plans for a fifth instalment ultimately abandoned by Fox. Filmmaker Neill Blomkamp was attached to that prohect, and planned to make a direct sequel to Aliens (ignoring David Fincher's Alien 3 and Jean-Pierre Jeanut's Alien: Resurrection).
Blomkamp's film was going to bring Sigourney Weaver back as Ripley, but it seems that's not the only idea to be thrown around featuring another adventure for the female action star.
Weaver revealed that longtime Alien producer Walter Hill recently sent her a 50-page story treatment for an Alien 5 he penned after Blomkamp parted ways with Fox, but the actress isn't convinced it will ever really happen. "I don’t know. Ridley has gone in a different direction. Maybe Ripley has done her bit. She deserves a rest."
Scott has made it clear he hopes to continue with his Alien prequels, but the franchise is in Disney's hands now, and a full-blown reboot seems like the safest bet. The series has become muddled and confusing, and as great as it would be to see more of Ripley, her story has been told.
Perhaps we could get a reboot with a new badass female lead and a fresh creative team?
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