Everyone is still speculating on which character Benedict Cumberbatch will play in the Star Trek sequel. We thought - or rather several news outlets thought - that it was a sure thing that he would play the classic villain Khan, but this has been denied by a few different sources, most recently by Simon Pegg who was very adamant that it wasn't the genetically engineered bad guy that would be giving the crew of The Enterprise headaches. So who is it? Well on AICN's radio show "Ask Mr. KERN" they managed to squeeze a few bits of info out of writer-producer Robert Orci, who confirms that the following characters will not appear in the sequel in any capacity. Now obviously the first one was never gonna be Cumberbatch anyway, but we can also rule out Alice Eve as Miss Rand..
1) Janice Rand
2) Gary Mitchell
3) Charlie X
4) Ruk
You will notice that he didn't say Khan! He may just be enjoying messing with us but my guess is that Khan IS in the movie, he's just not played by Cumberbatch and in all likelihood will only have a small role. Orci also said that
5) The Borg won't appear, and that there is only a 75% chance that the words "Star Trek" will even appear in the movie's title. He also confirmed plans for a
Star Trek animated series with CBS.