X-MEN Franchise Producer And DARK PHOENIX Director Simon Kinberg Boards Upcoming STAR TREK Prequel Movie

X-MEN Franchise Producer And DARK PHOENIX Director Simon Kinberg Boards Upcoming STAR TREK Prequel Movie

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LOGAN Star Dafne Keen Sets The Record Straight On Possible X-23 Return In DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE

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Invictor - 2/16/2013, 9:16 AM
Sadly this has to be his final role as Spock, he wore Nimoy's shoes very well.
Invictor - 2/16/2013, 9:17 AM
I expect him to go out with a bang on this film and I wonder who's going to replace him.
TheFascinatingMan - 2/16/2013, 10:15 AM
Wait he's leaving?
skidz - 2/16/2013, 10:15 AM
@Marauder: You're assuming he won't come back. They aren't rehashing the Wrath of Khan and (while we can guess) we can't say he's flat out going to die.
Kamdan - 2/16/2013, 10:19 AM
I wish he'd get rid of that condensation that he has when he delivers his lines. It's not Spock.
pintoman - 2/16/2013, 10:46 AM
Yes, he's not Spock and Abram's Trek is not really Trek. He didn't revitalize Star Trek. He tore it apart and put the Trek name on it.
pintoman - 2/16/2013, 10:47 AM
Namor prefers women I'm sure. Quinto doesn't come across on screen as a character that prefers women.
Egg - 2/16/2013, 10:51 AM
@Kamdan..So when he delivers his lines he does so changing the physical state of matter from a gaseous phase into liquid phase?
cmax - 2/16/2013, 10:54 AM
I thought Quinto said sometime ago he wasn't going to play Spock anymore after this.
themcdougalbugle - 2/16/2013, 11:09 AM
Brad Bird should direct Star Trek 3.
CaptainPresley - 2/16/2013, 11:41 AM
Quinto has commented that he wasn't sure if he would do a third Star Trek, but since they all signed a three picture deal its not like he has a choice.
SotNatt - 2/16/2013, 11:47 AM
A lot of run-on sentences, Romano. Please, do something about that.

@Egg I think what Kamdan meant to say is that Quinto's Spock is condescending, where Nimoy's Spock was not, which is completely untrue.

If anything, due to the sheer volume and scope of TOS episodes, we see more of the snarky, condescending Spock that you don't see within the span of the films.

Nimoy's Spock was a very condescending character, but he delivered his shade in such a dry and analytic manner that it usually took Kirk or Bones, people who knew him well enough, to sauce out the mean-spirited intent of his words or behavior.

@pintoman...you're an idiot, as per usual.

Abram's Star trek is a glossy-eyed mess most of the time, true, one that doesn't really say as much as the TOS series did in terms of social issues and politics, but, as far as popcorn flicks go, I wouldn't be disinclined to watching it.

Sure, the spirit of TOS isn't there, and the execution is mediocre, but...what do you know? I forgot what point I was trying to make.

Not that it matters. I just don't like you.

Quinto, you do what you gotta do. It's your career, not ours. Although, now that's it in my head, I can totally see him as Namor.
QuinlanVos - 2/16/2013, 12:24 PM

Don't bash the dude because of his sexual preference I'm straight but whatever he wants to go home too that's his choice it's 2013 now GET OVER IT! And your wrong he hooked up with 3 different chicks in heroes so he would rock as Namor.

And Sylar rules arguably one of the best villains of any universe tv, movie or even comics!
pintoman - 2/16/2013, 12:41 PM
"Quinto doesn't come across on screen as a character that prefers women."
pintoman - 2/16/2013, 12:51 PM
The only reason anyone could see him as Namor is because Namor's hair and eyebrows are like Spock's. Outside of his Spock makeup, he wouldn't be a better Namor than anyone else.
Boogie138 - 2/16/2013, 1:33 PM
@pintoman: what the fcuk are you trying to say? i not sure if your gaybashing, or really looking for a womanizing spock...
pintoman - 2/16/2013, 1:48 PM
lol...It's not gaybashing...and it's not wanting a womanizing Spock.

It's just that despite his makeup, Qunito just doesn't make a good Spock and one of the reasons is his voice which makes this Spock come across as not straight (whether Qunito is straight or not). It's not about what Qunito is...it's about how his Spock appears which, like Abrams's Trek, sucks.
flannelmandude - 2/16/2013, 4:32 PM
The only reason Quinto was cast as the role of Spock is because of his big nose. That's it.
Kamdan - 2/16/2013, 9:03 PM
@Egg Haha, yes, exactly. Sorry, "condescension."
Maximus101 - 2/16/2013, 10:21 PM
I'm beyond excited to see this movie. The 9 minute prologue just left me wanting more lol
loki668 - 2/16/2013, 11:37 PM
Why worry about his sexual orientation? Kirk would sleep with protoplasmic ooze in the original series! He (Kirk) was trisexual: He'd [frick]ing try anything!

Lord Loki has spoken
Invictor - 2/17/2013, 6:07 AM
Wait, never mind, Quinto recently came out and denied the rumors.
CaptainPresley - 2/17/2013, 7:44 PM
I think Quinto makes a great Spock. I think he is closer to Nimoy's Spock than Pegg is to Doohan's Scotty. And let's not even talk a out Checkov.
Carl - 2/18/2013, 1:29 AM
hey girl, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
mikefont - 2/18/2013, 6:00 AM
@ yingyangpalms
You forgot Jolene Blalock! Best LOOKING Vulcan for sure!
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