STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING May Be The Title Of Rey-Focused Movie After All

STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING May Be The Title Of Rey-Focused Movie After All STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING May Be The Title Of Rey-Focused Movie After All

Despite reports to the contrary, it seems Lucasfilm's Rey-focused movie starring Daisy Ridley may be titled Star Wars: Episode X - A New Beginning after all...

By MarkCassidy - Jun 13, 2024 07:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
Source: Via SFF Gazette

A rumor did the rounds last year (see below) that Lucasfilm's planned Rey-focused Star Wars movie was going to be titled "A New Beginning." This appeared to be debunked shortly after, and the project has been referred to as "New Jedi Order" ever since.

However, it seems the initial report may have been accurate after all.

According to Production List (via The DisInsider) the movie is set to begin filming at Pinewood Studios in London this September, and is currently listed as Star Wars: Episode X – A New Beginning.

"The production of A New Beginning is set to be a monumental effort, aiming to capture the expansive universe that fans have come to love. Filming is scheduled to begin later this year, with pre-production activities already underway. The production will span multiple locations worldwide, utilizing a mix of real-world settings and advanced studio environments to bring the galaxy far, far away to life. Cutting-edge technology, including the latest in CGI and practical effects, will be employed to maintain the high visual standards of the franchise."

There is always a chance this is another working or temporary title, but with shooting scheduled to commence just a few months from now, we wouldn't be at all surprised if this turned out to be the final title.

Plot details are still under wraps, but we know that the film will be set a whole fifteen years after the events of The Rise of Skywalker, and that that Rey will be a "powerful Jedi master" running her own training academy when we catch up with her.

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is on board to direct.

Star Daisy Ridley addressed her return as the powerful Force-wielder for the first time since Celebration during a 2023 interview with Collider.

"I was shitting myself before I went on stage, because no one knew I was going to that," she said of her surprise appearance at the Celebration panel. "No one knew I was going to Celebration, bar like Kathy [Kennedy] and there were a couple of people. I was so nervous. Oh my God. It was such a wonderful reception. I'm very excited. The story is really cool. I'm waiting to read a script because, obviously, I don't have any other updates. It's not what I expected, but I'm very excited."

Ridley remained tight-lipped about the story, but she did appear to confirm that the movie will be the next big-screen Star Wars project to enter production.

"I know the storyline for one film. That's not to say that that's all it is, but that's what I was told about. And I imagine it will be the next film, I think. I mean, again, I don't know, post strikes and everything, how quickly everything will start up again. But yes, so far, I know the story of one film and I think people will be very excited."

Are you looking forward to Rey's return? What do you make of the rumored title? Drop us a comment down below.

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grouch - 6/13/2024, 7:32 AM
kathleen kennedy is my idol
HashTagSwagg - 6/13/2024, 9:25 AM
@grouch - Absolutely, kathleen kennedy saved the Star Wars, Rey Skinwalker is my favourite Avenger.
User Comment Image
SauronthePower - 6/13/2024, 9:59 AM
@HashTagSwagg - how perfectly ironic that THIS very hand gesture is what got Fassbender offed in IG
harryba11zack - 6/13/2024, 7:33 AM
User Comment Image
mountainman - 6/13/2024, 7:33 AM
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy seems about as likable in interviews as Leslie Hedland. I bet this will do well and be incredibly popular with the fan base.
FireandBlood - 6/13/2024, 7:46 AM
@mountainman - It will never not be weird how “fans” are more triggered by the women behind Star Wars than interested in Star Wars itself
mountainman - 6/13/2024, 7:55 AM
@FireandBlood - My comment was positive my bro. Better watch out calling me names. The sheriff is gonna get you!
FireandBlood - 6/13/2024, 7:59 AM
@mountainman - Calling you names? What names? Why don’t you tag the sheriff. Here, I’ll do it for you @TwoByFour. See what he thinks.
mountainman - 6/13/2024, 8:02 AM
@FireandBlood - You seriously think I’m ratting you out to the sheriff brother? Oh man. Never stop being you!
FireandBlood - 6/13/2024, 8:23 AM
@mountainman - You’re bringing him up for a reason, so go ahead. It’s not me worrying about what I can and can’t say anymore, trust me.
JackBurton1 - 6/13/2024, 8:48 AM
@mountainman - One turd after'll just be another Disney Wars bomb.Only Disney has the talent to kill off Star Wars and heading that way with Marvel....that's some special type of talent Disney has running things there.
mountainman - 6/13/2024, 8:50 AM
@FireandBlood - You’ve called me triggered (in this thread), a bigot, racist, a homophobe, a transphobe, and a misogynist on this platform in the past. I have never called you any names.

I think content moderators more often than not create problems (see the hell hole that is Reddit as an easy example) but it’s not my site and they are free to institute whatever policies they want. I just am not a rat. I don’t tell on people like a sniveling child.

It was a joke. Kind of like my initial post in this thread that ruffled your jimmies so much.

But by the letter of their rules, you have violated those (in this thread even) more often than I have.

It’s sad that you don’t understand nuance and context and needed all that spelled out for you.
Itwasme - 6/13/2024, 8:55 AM
@mountainman & FirseandBlood -

Can both of you please just take a breather? New day today, let's start fresh.

Now shake and let's move on.
grouch - 6/13/2024, 9:16 AM
@FireandBlood - bro i don't even care about star wars and the most recent shit especially is embarrasing, stop being some beta virtue signaller.
TheyDont - 6/13/2024, 9:19 AM
@mountainman - People like him are not good at nuance.
CorndogBurglar - 6/13/2024, 9:20 AM
@FireandBlood - It's not just a "women" problem. People hated what Ryan Johnson did. People hated what JJ Abrams did. Hell, people hate what Kevin Feige is currently doing with Marvel. All white dudes. Then we've got Bryce Dallas Howard who directed two of fans' most favorite episodes of Mandalorian.

It's not a female thing. If a man was in Kathleen Kennedy's position and making all the same decisions as her, he would be hated also. The product this entire group of people is putting out just happens to not be likeable for a lot of people. Not everything has to be racism or bigotry.
FireandBlood - 6/13/2024, 9:32 AM
@mountainman - I didn’t call you triggered. You referred to the “fans”, yet you’ve spent the better part of the last week reiterating how you’re not a Star Wars fan anymore, so why all of a sudden would you take my comment as a direct dig at you?

No, what you wanted was a reason to bring up @TwoByFour because clearly, the idea that someone’s going to be monitoring what you now say is triggering for you. And you’ve taken this opportunity to bring up what I’ve said to you in the past, most dishonestly I might add, but sure. Let’s air it.

I’ve called you a racist, sexist and a homophobe because you, on a many of occasions, have exhibited such behaviour indicative of a racist, sexist and homophobe, and consistently defended the actions of users that have also exhibited the same behaviour who TwoByFour has already warned. Not only that, but you’ve been called out for it by many more users than just myself on, again, many of occasions. As I said, I’m not the one worried about “censorship” or being monitored. I’m not the one worrying how far I can still push my bigotry without being warned by TwoByFour. And I’m not the one even bringing him up for no reason whatsoever. You are.

I made a clear point that it will never not be weird how fans are more triggered about the women behind Star Wars than they are interested in Star Wars themselves. Nobody called you any names. At least wait until someone does before you want invoke TwoByFour’s name.

And since you want to talk about nuance and context, I understand fully which is why I want you to know, I wasn’t coming at you like that because if I was, what I would’ve done is pointed out your blatant attempt at trying to incite the same type of rhetoric that’s been directed at Leslie Hedland for Rey’s director Sharmeen, but I didn’t. Make no mistake though, I understood fully what you meant when you said “I bet this will do well and be incredibly popular with the fan base” within the context of how the “fans” have responded to Leslie, and so did you.
supermanrex - 6/13/2024, 9:32 AM
@FireandBlood - dude dont give in. stay vigilant against their bullshit. just because they are protected because they go about it with innuendos and clever comments doesn't make them anything else than what they are. they are protected because sites and content creators bank off their anger and hate. its like you said their comments are rarely filled with any actual "star wars" displeasure other than demographic of the talent in the shows. if the rey movie was instead a movie about cal kestis, kyle katarn, star killer etc (dont get me wrong i want those movies too) they would be all hyped and ready to go. star wars is back!! blah blah blah
FireandBlood - 6/13/2024, 9:34 AM
@CorndogBurglar - And yet it was only women mentioned in his comment, hence why I said women. But what we’re not going is gas light the situation and act as if there isn’t a sexism problem within the Star Wars fandom.
CorndogBurglar - 6/13/2024, 9:47 AM
@supermanrex - Val Kestis, Kyle Katarn, and Star Killer are all fan favorite characters lol. Of course people would love them to be in a movie.

But Rey is not a liked character. By a LOT of people. And the reasons why have been discussed in detail since Episode 7 came out.

But you know what people WOULD love to see? A Mara Jade movie. A movie focusing on Asaj Ventress. If they do Knights of the Old Republic Bastila would be loved if done faithfully. Cara Dune was a fan favorite. People WANTED Captain Phasma to be cool except they did nothing with her of any importance. People were excited for Ahsoka when she showed up in Mandalorian. People were also excited for her own show.

But yeah, star wars fans are sexist.
TwoByFour - 6/13/2024, 10:05 AM
@FireandBlood - @mountainman - Here's what I think. I think both you gents have valid points and I think the community as a whole enters into the comments with the safety off. Unfortunately, this is the result of a hostile political climate. We all have our outlooks and when someone leans one way and someone else leans another, we lose sight of center.

Nothing either of you said is worth throwing strikes around. But it is worth dialogue.

Now, what I will say is, I've seen a small sample of both of your comments in the past few days (along with many others). What I can surmise about Mountainman is that he leans right but usually articulates himself in a mature and intellectual way. Especially compared to some of the other users here who talk like absolute children.

What I can surmise about FireandBlood as that he leans left, doesn't appreciate disparaging remarks, and also engages in conversation / debate with more logic than emotion. But it seems, although I think he's right often, people jump to conclusions about his logic rather than inquiring why he thinks what he does. He also may have jumped the gun a little on this one.

I'll stop here for a moment to ask if you both feel I'm accurate so far.

Once we establish that, we can navigate through how we understand each other's perspectives better.
DarthAlgar - 6/13/2024, 10:11 AM
@mountainman - This.
WakandanQueen - 6/13/2024, 10:12 AM
@mountainman - Why do creatives have to be likeable and what does that have to do with the response to their art??
mountainman - 6/13/2024, 10:21 AM
@TwoByFour - I appreciate that. I was joking about calling the sheriff in and wasn’t the one who tagged you in.

I feel like I get along with most users on this site, even when we disagree. It seems that FireandBlood certainly doesn’t like me, but I do my best to not call him names. But I do have some opinions he disagrees with and he’s always happy to share that with me.

My initial post was obviously sarcasm. I don’t like modern Star Wars and have checked out, but I’m not on here like some users just complaining about it all the time. I do like to poke fun at it though, like my OP in this thread was.

That all being said, maybe I can be better about not falling for his responses to me. I own that. But it’s a two way street. I wouldn’t have come back into this article at all after my initial post had he not replied to me in an adversarial way. And it feels like that happens a lot on this site. Most users who disagree with me engage in respectful dialog and I enjoy having conversations like that with them. But there is a small number that feel the need to police my opinions. I could choose to not respond to them. But they could also choose to not respond to me.

I honestly appreciate your attempts at moderating the conversations here.
TwoByFour - 6/13/2024, 10:22 AM
@grouch - Now see this...nah, we're not doing that. You either figure out how to talk to someone like a grown man or you don't say anything at all. Calling someone some weird shit like this is weak.

Disagree all you want. Share your opinion all you want. But before you start acting like your personal outlook is the only outlook, start with inquiry. Be curious about why someone has a different outlook. Jumping straight to insults won't fly.

I'll spare the strike for now and leave it at a warning.
mountainman - 6/13/2024, 10:23 AM
@WakandanQueen - Nobody has to be anything but there is a high correlation between unlikable, activist creatives and bad products.
TwoByFour - 6/13/2024, 10:45 AM
@mountainman - Of course, man! And maybe what he says about you is true. Or maybe he's got you all wrong. That I do not know. But what I do know is that both of you speak with a high level of intellect that's fractured by being a little emotionally charged.

So let's unpack this and get down to business.

@FireandBlood - if you think he may have an anti-female disposition, what makes you think that?

Mountainman - have you given FireandBlood a reason to think you may be prejudice to a degree in this regard?

No matter what your answers are, if you're able to share your perspectives in a way that you can both understand, you both win. And we don't lose two men to this stupid [frick]ing political puppetry.
Patient2670 - 6/13/2024, 10:57 AM
@jst5 - Actually, only we have the talent to kill it off. As long as people keep paying for them, they'll keep making them.
Patient2670 - 6/13/2024, 11:19 AM
@WakandanQueen - Honestly? The way we as audiences consume information about our favorite shows, movies, comics, etc. The way we relate to or percieve the creatives behind it is quite important. Even if it's subconsciously, it has an effect on whether or not people will get excited. That's why we read stories about who is directing, starring in or writing a project to begin with. And again, as we're being riminded of this here, in the very thread we're reading Different people like different creatives. And I would bet that if there was nothing for them to relate to or admire about them, they wouldn't engage. That's actually why all the studios have the clauses about how employees represent their companies publicly.
mountainman - 6/13/2024, 11:19 AM
@TwoByFour @FireandBlood

I’m really working on not typing out a story here.

I have tried listing examples of female or minority characters and projects that I have liked. I feel like that should establish that I am not bigoted and it’s the quality of projects that I dislike.

And Fire is right, when creatives say stupid stuff in interviews, it does turn me off. That would be true if a straight white male said something stupid. For example, I think Stephen King is a moron and he’s a straight white male.

But if it doesn’t affect the writing and project, I can look past stupid comments. I can enjoy a project for what it is. I even gave The Marvels a chance on D+ late last year. And guess what, I thought it was better than Ant Man 3! Still wasn’t a huge fan for multiple reasons but I did check it out.

Either way, it sounds like we are both good with each other as people we just have some disagreements. I have tried self regulating my behavior on this site because I truly don’t enjoy fighting with people. If you can go back to my comments from 2 years ago vs today, you will likely see a stark difference.

I won’t stop sharing my opinions, but what I can commit to is 1) being conscious of how I word things and 2) being careful about getting caught into a response war.

I’d rather have civil conversations with those I disagree with than getting into endless arguments. Those really aren’t fun.
FireandBlood - 6/13/2024, 11:20 AM
@TwoByFour - It’s the pattern he’s established. He’s always taking issue with female creators, yet it’s rarely to do with their actual work. Leslie Hedland, Nia DaCosta, now Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy. It’s in his comment above, the correlation he’s making between their political views and their work, yet he’s repeatedly gone on record to state how he hasn’t watched The Acolyte, so how exactly- or why exactly are you making that correlation? Do you get what I’m saying? And that’s just this instance.

Despite that, I wasn’t digging at him directly today, despite having what I believe a clear understanding of the type of rhetoric he was trying to incite. I also don’t dislike him. In fact, I tried engage with him just yesterday about Star Wars non-related to the behind the scenes politics of its creators, but the actual fictional content. He wasn’t interested, in his words, as he no longer cares about Star Wars. Just about the creators behind it, I guess.
TwoByFour - 6/13/2024, 12:52 PM
@FireandBlood - @mountainman - Both perspectives make sense to me. You guys just gotta wipe the slate clean. Don't let politics get in the way. And if either of you see something you disagree with, whether blatant or indirectly, remember both you dudes have some sense about you and can easily level with each other.

Meanwhile, there are some other users here that I just can't be certain ever developed a reading level past 3rd grade. Those are the guys you have to worry about. It's like no matter how much stimuli you offer, nothing sticks and they just point and grunt.

But I digress. I appreciate you gentlemen taking some time with me this morning.
Odekahn - 6/13/2024, 1:37 PM
@CorndogBurglar - I agree completely. Love Ahsoka, Cara Dune,Fennec Shand, Leia, Padme, Bo Kotan, and was really annoyed when Captain Phasma was lame af.

Not a fan of Rey and not excited about this movie. How am I supposed to be excited about the continuation of a character I never liked from a trilogy of poor movies?
McMurdo - 6/13/2024, 2:03 PM
@FireandBlood - did you like EP 3?
McMurdo - 6/13/2024, 2:05 PM
@CorndogBurglar - such a great point on Bryce Dallas Howard. She is SW royalty now.
McMurdo - 6/13/2024, 2:08 PM
@supermanrex - why because Kyle Katarn is a fan favorite and everyone despises Rey as a "character"? Real shocker there..
FireandBlood - 6/13/2024, 2:09 PM
@McMurdo - Acolyte? Yeah. Interested in seeing what really happened between the coven and Jedi in later episodes, and if there’s a third party already in the mix by that point.
McMurdo - 6/13/2024, 2:09 PM
@FireandBlood - there isn't a sexism problem in the SW community. How many men had problems with Padme and Leia?

FireandBlood - 6/13/2024, 2:12 PM
@McMurdo - Padme and Leia were damsels, the exact type of role these type of men prefer women in. Why would they have an issue with them? They were apart of the male power fantasy, always having to be saved every movie. C’mon.
McMurdo - 6/13/2024, 2:17 PM
@FireandBlood - Leia was the opposite of a damsel. She has to rescue the boys when they get to the Death Star. She grabs the gun and says into the garbage shoot. She comes to Hans rescue in Jedi. She saves Luke at Bespin. Its like you didn't ever watch the original trilogy.
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