Spider-Man 2 Merchandising & New Promo Image! Source: Frenzy Saturday, November 15, 2003
'Frenzy' sent in this interesting update from the U.K. It appears the scooper is working on merchandise for Spider-Man 2...
Finally after months of having the Spidey 2 style guide my company have given me the go ahead to start the Spider-Man 2 movie range we'll be producing.
We do clothing down here in deepest darkest England & I'm going to be in charge of all the S-M 2 designs that are going to be produced. Not really movie gossip but at least you know things are starting to get very exciting regarding film merchandising. Cool eh?
Sony pictures haven't released any more images of Doc Ock yet though so we're kind of struggling to do the packaging. It's not right without the bad guy.
Here's a 'mock' DVD cover I've done especially for you guys just to show you there are lots more exciting images to come. Oh yes indeed.