There’s obviously some heavy auditioning going on for a certain female antihero that most believe to be Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat. It has been rumored that Sam Raimi has met with both Rachael McAdams and Romola Garai for the role. But is this information viable?
According to a credible source, it seems without a doubt we will see the feline cat burglar in Spider-Man 4. According to, we might have a possible plot outline revealed:
"I’ve verified with Hey U Guys that their sources are 100% legit, and am pleased to confirm that they’ve passed the sniff test easily. This is still just a rumour, sure - but it’s a very nice smelling one. Have a quote:
Their report goes on to tell us that the big screen Felicia Hardy is not the daughter of a cat burglar, as per the original, but that her old man is, for some of the film at least, the new man in charge of the Daily Bugle. This is presumably how she first meets Peter Parker, who she then goes on to fall in love with and discover the secret identity of - which will, as was inevitable, put both of them in danger. Jeez, Pete - can’t you just keep it in your pants mask?
Hardy’s father is not only a newsman but also reportedly a villain in some sense, though possibly not a costumed one. On the other hand, Hey U Guys tell us that their source were calling this chap a “viper”, over and over. It doesn’t really add up that they’ve confused “lizard” and “viper” but how about “vulture” and “viper”? There’s also an outside chance that the word was “venom” and there’s some cross-over between Spider-Man 4 and the touted Venom spin-off on the cards. Vulture seems most likely to me… or Hardy senior might just be a ticked off news man with no animal alias."
But wait, True Believers, there's more:
"The Hey U Guys story suggests that it’s the death of Felicia’s pop that provides the catalyst for her change of heart. Does Mr. Hardy die because an out-of-costume Peter feels he can’t act to save him? Again, that seems to be the strong implication but only time will tell. I definitely see the comments Raimi has made about needing a villain and a dilemma specific to Peter’s new circumstances marrying up very nicely with a plot line about Spider-Man’s need for a secret identity."
If this source is indeed reliable, the hope of seeing either the Lizard or Kraven in the fourth Spider-Man movie is dead in the water. Unless, of course, four villains is just what Raimi has in mind. What do you think?

Information courtesy of SlashFilm